Brisanter Bericht – Nächster ARD-Skandal? BR-Direktorin hat zwei Chauffeure
Ist das der nächste Skandal beim öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk? Laut einem Bericht hat die Technik-Direktorin des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Birgit Spanner-Ulmer, zwei persönliche Fahrer – und dazu zwei Dienstfahrzeuge.
Deutsche Staatsanwälte dürfen EU-Haftbefehl nicht mehr ausstellen
Anders als in anderen EU-Ländern sind Staatsanwaltschaften in Deutschland nicht befugt, Europäische Haftbefehle auszustellen. Das entschied nun der Europäische Gerichtshof.
27.05.2019 Deutsche Staatsanwaltschaften dürfen einem Urteil des höchsten EU-Gerichts zufolge keine ………………………..
The Lockdowns and Mandates Emboldened the Ruling Class and Led to the Raid on Mar-a-Lago
By Steve McCann
The entire panoply of the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic countermeasures, from lockdowns to vaccine mandates, has been a once in a century fiasco and among the biggest blunders in American history. This chapter is also the catalyst that emboldened an already despotic ruling ……………………..
Belgium’s Prisoner Swap Treaty with Iran: „A Deal with the Devil“
by Soeren Kern August 12, 2022 A Belgian court has temporarily prohibited the Belgian government from exchanging an Iranian diplomat convicted of terrorism for a Belgian citizen being held in Iran on dubious charges of espionage.
American Kleptocracy
„Nations do not escape from their past merely by making a revolution.“
Raheem Kassam Aug 8
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) commissioner Charles P. Rettig told Congress his agency wouldn’t increase audits on households earning less than $400,000 after being handed circa ……………………
Gerhard Schröder verklagt Bundestag
Der frühere Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder fordert seine Privilegien zurück. Weil ihm im Frühjahr sein Büro und Mitarbeiter genommen wurden, reicht er beim Berliner Verwaltungsgericht Klage ein. Seine Anwälte sprechen von einem „absolutistischen Fürstenstaat“.
Sleepwalking into Our Own Demise
I was there on the staff of _____________ when you were on Capitol Hill. It was Dick Army who told you he could not support Bill Archer’s retail sales tax because when the Democrats gained power we would have a retail sales tax and an income tax. I found your piece on …………………
IRS Seeking Agents Willing to “Use Deadly Force”
The enhanced police state is turning tax accountants into the Gestapo. The IRS was forced to remove its job description after creating a buzz across the internet.
Monkeypox is Not the Next Pandemic
The Biden Administration declared a public health emergency over monkeypox. This is not an airborne virus, and it is fairly difficult to catch as skin-to-skin contact is the primary ………………………..
Emboldened IRS demands new hires be willing to KILL AMERICANS … see IRS rifle team training photos and more
Thursday, August 11, 2022 by: Mike Adams
Col. Douglas Macgregor – Russia Ukraine latest
The last American aristocrat
Phil Klay is an American novelist. He is the author of Missionaries and Redeployment, which won the 2014 National Book Award for Fiction. George Kennan made hierarchy seem seductive. August 12, 2022
The Attempt to Prosecute Donald Trump Is Unleashing More Than Our Political System Can Handle
08/10/2022 William L. Anderson
With the recent FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Florida home, the Democrats and the Biden administration have raised the political stakes to a level from which this country as we have ……………………..
Panik in der ARD – Der unreformierbare öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Fr, 12. August 2022
Bisher haben die Öffentlich-Rechtlichen im Verbund mit Politikern noch jeden Reformversuch zu verhindern gewusst. Wenn die ARD von Reformen spricht, meint sie nur ………………….
Antisemitismus-Beauftragter Blume verbreitet antisemitische Karikatur
Die Causa des Antisemitismusbeauftragten von Baden-Württemberg, Dr. Michael Blume, hat am Montag, den 8. August 2022, eine weitere Wendung genommen.
Hafermilch und Zahlenbrei: Wie Moralpolitik, Medien und Twitter die Fähigkeit zu rationalem Streit ruinieren
Von Alexander Wendt Fr, 12. August 2022
Steuerreform? Niemals, nutzt nur den Reichen! Armut? Ist klimafreundlich! Und mehr Windräder liefern mehr Strom. Stimmt alles so nicht. Beherrscht die Debatte trotzdem. Das ………………….
The Mystic Ukrainian Kherson Offensive Did Not And Will Not Happen At All
There has been much talk in ‚western‘ media about a Ukrainian offensive in the southern Kherson region. However most of the claims made about it seem to be divorced from the ……………………
Landesvertretung gibt gegenüber Broder und Steinhöfel Unterlassungserklärungen ab
Die Absage einer für den 31.08.2022 vorgesehenen Veranstaltung des „Transatlantischen Forums“ hat für die Landesvertretung Baden-Württemberg jetzt rechtliche Konsequenzen.
Lebenslügen der Energiewender, vom ZDF zerrupft (2)
Da waren ein paar Leute beim Staatsfernsehen ziemlich mutig, die Hohepriester der Energiewende dermaßen in die Enge zu treiben! Eine ungewöhnlich kritische Doku zeigt anschaulich, wie absurd blauäugig und verlogen diese zum Scheitern verurteilte Politik ist. ………………
„The Doomsday Forum“: Senior Military, Nuclear Weapons Officials Convene…
America’s “$1 Trillion Nuclear Weapons Plan”. Take out Russia, Iran and North Korea?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research August 12, 2022
Natural Law and the Meaning Crisis….
By Bionic Mosquito August 12, 2022
…or, as an alternative title: Must I Set Myself on Fire in a Public Display of Indignation….
You are 25X more likely to be injured and 20X more likely to die if you get the COVID shot
When you combine this result with negative vaccine efficacy, the COVID shots are completely nonsensical. Nobody should take them. We couldn’t find a single supportive anecdote!
Steve Kirsch, Aug 10 2022
FBI: Feds Behaving Incorrigibly
In Politics August 10, 2022 Michelle Malkin
The FBI’s raid on former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate—ever so conveniently timed as the White House occupant’s approval numbers sink, the Swamp prepares to shovel a ………………………..
“The Decline And Fall Of The Western Empire”
By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live August 12, 2022
Almost everyone sees it, and almost no one wants to discuss it: America and Western Europe are spiraling out of control. And the speed of the descent is crescendoing rapidly.
The Origin of the Income Tax
08/09/2022 Adam Young
„The freedoms won by Americans in 1776 were lost in the revolution of 1913,“ wrote Frank Chodorov. Indeed, a man’s home used to be his castle. The income tax, however, gave the ………………………
„Mister Corona“ wurde zu „Professor Wirrwarr“
FOCUS-online-Autor Hugo Müller-Vogg, 11.8.22
Karl Lauterbach liefert nicht was die Menschen von ihm erwartet haben: Eine klare Strategie und klare Ansagen fehlen dem Gesundheitsminister. Mit seiner fehlenden Kommunikation hat …………………
Iran: Systematic Persecution of Baha’is
by Mohshin Habib August 11, 2022 Samin Ehsani had been running educational courses for Afghan children living in Iran, but who did not have access to education in the country. During the trial, her activities were presented as an example of the charges against her.
America’s tribes are ready for war
After Mar-a-Lago, the middle ground has been plundered .
It’s possible the FBI’s director has become a puppet for the sick neo-Stalinists running the Biden ………………………
How Ukraine Lost Its Riches
On February 24, the day Russian troops crossed the borders to Ukraine, I wrote about the ………………………