Orbán: Ukraine-Krieg wird westliche Übermacht beenden
Do, 18. August 2022
Die EU wird nach Einschätzung von Viktor Orbán nach dem Ukraine-Krieg schwächer dastehen als zuvor, während andere Länder und Regionen profitieren werden. Leicht möglich sei, dass dieser Krieg auf demonstrative Weise der westlichen Übermacht ein Ende bereitet, …………….
8,5 Milliarden Euro GEZ reichen den Funk-Bonzen von ARD und ZDF immer noch nicht
Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 17. August 2022
Der Skandal um die gescheiterte ARD-Vorsitzende Patricia Schlesinger hat den Blick auf die Krise der Öffentlich-Rechtlichen freigelegt. Diese besteht aus vielen ineinandergreifenden Elementen. Eines davon ist der Umgang mit Geld.
Why Do Democrats Create More Laws That Harm Society?
Shakespeare’s famous line was: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” To put that in its proper context, only the king had an attorney, so they were prosecutors. When we look ………………….
Trump Says Cheney’s Defeat a ‘Complete Rebuke’ of Jan. 6 Committee
By Frank Fang August 17, 2022
Former President Donald Trump suggested that the Jan. 6 committee should be dissolved, following the defeat of Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) in a GOP primary on Aug. 16, calling the ………………..
Can We See the End of the World from Here? Will We Still Feel Fine?
08/15/2022 Doug French
For those of us who see the world’s glass as half empty, a book entitled The End of the World Is Just the Beginning makes the pulse race in anticipation. The author, Peter Zelhan, doesn’t ………………..
How will Web3 impact the future of work?
In the decentralized web, Web3, decentralized autonomous organization (DAOs) present us ……………..
Spotlight on Keynesian Economics
08/13/2022 Murray N. Rothbard
Its Significance
Fifty years ago, an exuberant American people knew little and cared less about economics. They understood, however, the virtues of economic freedom, and this understanding was ………………..
If Mauritius Is a Tax H(e)aven, Other African Countries Must Be Tax Hells
08/13/2022 Manuel Tacanho
It is common for commentator to point to corruption, incompetence, malicious Western meddling, and other factors as the source of Africa’s continued economic woes. One seldom ………………..
Bericht zur Corona-Lage: Der Bundestagsvizepräsident fragt
… nach Toten-Zahlen in Berichten des Robert-Koch-Instituts (RKI), die nicht zueinander passen, und das Gesundheitsministerium antwortet. Das Antwortschreiben zeigt unfreiwillig, auf wie viel Unwissen die deutsche Corona-Politik aufbaut.
Democrats are the Enemy of the Middle Class
Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act this Tuesday, wasting $437 billion of taxpayers’ dollars.
Canada to Launch Digital Identity Program
Trudeau is pushing forth the Great Reset at any cost. Canada will impose a federal “Digital Identity Program” to help the World Economic Forum develop a global ID system. Since the COVID passports failed, they are outright demanding that everyone carry proof of their …………….