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Papiergeld ermöglicht es den Politikern, die Ersparnisse der Bevölkerung durch Manipulation der Inflation und der Deflation zu konfiszieren. Wir haben Gold, weil wir den Regierungen nicht trauen können.

— Herbert Clark Hoover (1874-1964; US-Präsident 1929-1933)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Diana West – The January 6th Committee Charade and Trump FBI Raid



Pelosi – Taiwan – China

With the bank runs in China, do you still think China will surpass the US economy? What about Pelosi’s trip? China’s response was more shock and see than anyone expected.




Biden Administration and Iran Empowering Rushdie’s Attackers

by Khaled Abu Toameh August 18, 2022 „Whenever they (Islamists) disagree with a woman, they accuse her of treason, threaten her with rape and torture, and bully her family.“ — Ghada Oueiss, Lebanese journalist, to Lebanese television presenter Dima Sadek’s 1.1 million ………………………..



Biden Revives Biggest Offshore Oil, Gas Lease Sale in US History

By Tom Ozimek August 18, 2022

When President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law on Aug. 16, his signature opened the door to reinstating the largest oil and gas lease sale in U.S. history, …………………….



How Long Will This Recession Last?

08/16/2022 Peter St. Onge

The most important question for asset prices right now, from stocks to houses to Bitcoin, is whether we’re due for a recession. Last week we got confirmation that according to the traditional definition of a recession – 2 quarters of negative growth – we are already in a …………………….



Der Konstruktivismus – die gesellschaftsdominierende Variante des Neomarxismus

Von Tomas Spahn Mi, 17. August 2022

Für die neomarxistischen Konstruktivisten steht das Modell einer elitär gesteuerten Welteinheitsgesellschaft als unvermeidliches Dogma fest – so wie einst die „klassenlose Gesellschaft“ für Karl Marx.




The Philosophy of the Pseudoprogressives

08/15/2022 Ludwig von Mises

1. The Two Lines of Marxian Thought and Policies

In all countries which have not openly adopted a policy of outright and all-around socialization the conduct of government affairs has been for many decades in the hands of statesmen and parties who style themselves „progressives“ and scorn their opponents as …………………



Militärregime für alle Fälle: Bundeswehr-Aufrüstung zur Aufstandsbekämpfung im Inneren

  1. August 2022 von Susan Bonath

Steigende Preise, wachsende Not: Der Frust in Deutschland nimmt zu. Für immer mehr Menschen dürfte die autoritäre Coronagängelei, darunter Maskenfetisch und Impferpressung, …………………..



Healthcare workers subjected to vaccine mandate will get $10M in legal settlement

By  Kaelan Deese, Supreme Court Reporter

August 15, 2022

A group of nearly 500 healthcare workers is slated to receive a $10 million payout in a first-…………………..



Sorge um schwangere Verlobte

Brisante neue Details: Führten Telegram-Beiträge zu Janich-Verhaftung?

Am gestrigen Mittwochmorgen wurde der Aufdecker-Journalist Oliver Janich in seinem Haus auf den Philippinen festgenommen – offenbar auf Geheiß der deutschen Justiz! Dies geschah nur wenige Minuten vor einem geplanten, brisanten AUF1-Interview über deutsche ……………………….



Putins Werk und Bidens Beitrag

Hätte es auch mit Trump einen Ukraine-Krieg gegeben? Der Publizist David Goldman sagte einmal, Putin spiele Schach und die USA Monopoly. Das hat sich nach der Wahl Bidens geändert: Putin spielte zwar immer noch Schach, aber die Biden-Regierung Blinde Kuh.




Bericht zur Corona-Lage: Der Bundestagsvizepräsident fragt

…nach Toten-Zahlen in Berichten des Robert-Koch-Instituts (RKI), die nicht zueinander passen, und das Gesundheitsministerium antwortet. Das Antwortschreiben zeigt unfreiwillig, auf wie viel Unwissen die deutsche Corona-Politik aufbaut.




Spart euch die Entschuldigungen

Warum reagierte Olaf Scholz auf die Hetzrede von Mahmud Abbas nur mit Schweigen? Vielleicht ein Reflex des Stamokap-Jungsozialisten von einst. Für die galt der palästinensische Terror als „Befreiungskampf”.




Trump and the Department of Justice

By Andrew P. Napolitano August 18, 2022

Former President Donald Trump will soon be indicted by a federal grand jury.

He is the victim of a federal government that knows no bounds and has assumed powers ……………………….



„Cheney for President“

Current events and election news , Robert W. Malone Aug 17 2022

„The great and original champion of our party, Abraham Lincoln, was defeated in elections for the Senate and the House before he won the most important election of all,“ she said. ……………….



White Liberal Self-Loathing is Destabilizing America

By John Kline August 18, 2022

A recent report about how anti-white rhetoric in schools is pushing white kids to go “trans” is about as alarming as it gets and should have all Americans seriously concerned. In interviews …………………….



Scholz und der Schein-Ausschuss: Unter Freunden

Von Marco Gallina Fr, 19. August 2022

Der Hamburger Untersuchungsausschuss, der Olaf Scholz im Cum-Ex-Skandal vernehmen soll, ist ein SPD-Klassentreffen: Der Kanzler wird von Freunden befragt.




Der Ton ändert sich in der Meloni-Berichterstattung

Von Marco Gallina Fr, 19. August 2022

In Deutschland und im europäischen Ausland liest man immer seltener von der „faschistischen“ Gesinnung Giorgia Melonis. Vielleicht, weil man sich auf das ……………………



China Threatens the US Empire, Not the US Itself: Notes From the Edge of the Narrative Matrix

By Caitlin Johnstone  CaitlinJohnstone.com August 18, 2022




The infidels will not be silenced

„Don’t let fear rule your life.“ Like Salman Rushdie, I choose freedom.




Security Threat: China’s Interest in US Agriculture

by Judith Bergman August 19, 2022 The more US agricultural technology China acquires, especially through theft, in order to become dominant in the agritech field, the worse the US will fare when it comes to selling its own technology, whether to China or third countries.




Ideology, Abstractions, and Terror

By Bionic Mosquito August 17, 2022

The French Revolution had been a catastrophe for Christendom.




The Most Inflation-Resistant Money the World Has Ever Known

By Nick Giambruno  International Man August 17, 2022

Hardness is the most important characteristic of a good money.




China Is Winning the Economic Race with the US – The Consequences Will Be Profound

by Judith Bergman August 17, 2022 The [Harvard Belfer Center] report, „The Great Economic Rivalry: China Vs. the US,“ predicts that at the current rate China will overtake the ………………….



Administrative State: bad training -> bad decisions

“Forming, storming, norming and performing” consensus drives towards Groupthink, Robert W. Malone, Aug 16 2022

Those who routinely read these substack essays and our social media posts know that Jill and …………………



Now This Is What I’d Call a Civil War

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s Blog August 18, 2022

Against all Americans, regardless of political beliefs

The ‘mental health issues’ scam: a deep dive into the underlying crimes and the self-………………….



The New Green Economy Is Little More than a Keynesian Spending Scheme

08/16/2022 J.R. MacLeod

Climate change theory says that the public has to drastically reduce its consumption to save the environment, while Keynesian economics says that increasing consumption by the general …………………..



Teacher’s Union Calls to Fire White Teachers

Sometimes going woke is just blatant racism against the majority. The Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT) union proposed a deal with “educators of color protections.” …………….



10,000 people A DAY being killed by covid vaccines; worldwide fatalities likely larger than the HOLOCAUST

Thursday, August 18, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) Covid vaccines are currently killing an estimated 10,000 people a day …………………..



The UK has a Refugee Problem

Migrants are risking their lives by boarding small boats to cross the English Channel to the ……………………….



Various Points On Ukraine And Media

Let me start today’s write up out with two reading recommendations.

Lambert Strether and Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism discuss a piece on the Russian ………………………



A Multipolar Expo Shows Unipolar Wreckage

Currently the 10th Moscow Conference for International Security is taking place. Russia’s president Vladimir Putin gave a speech there during which he painted the big picture of international dynamism that is driving the war in Ukraine and elsewhere:




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