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Es gibt drei Arten von Menschen, diejenigen, die sehen, diejenigen, die sehen, was ihnen gezeigt wird und diejenigen, die nicht sehen.

— Leonardo da Vinci

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

The Solution



Coinbase Crackdown

I use Coinbase to hold some crypto. They sent me an email saying that my account that I had for years would be limited to withdrawals only if I do not give them updated government ID …………………….



The Country with the Highest Mortality Rate in Europe

The average death rate in June across the European Union was 6.2%. Portugal experienced a 23.9% uptick in deaths this June compared to the same period throughout 2016 and 2019. …………………….



Der Untergang: Anthony Fauci tritt zurück

Von Michael P Senger.

Der spektakuläre Aufstieg und Fall von „Amerikas Arzt“.

Nach mehr als fünf Jahrzehnten in der Bundesregierung hat Anthony Fauci, seit 1984 …………………..



Downfall: Anthony Fauci Resigns

The spectacular rise and fall of “America’s doctor”, Aug 22 2022

After more than five decades in the federal government, Anthony Fauci, Director of the ……………………..



Die schleichende Deindustrialisierung Deutschlands und Europas

Mi, 24. August 2022

Die Berichte über Produktionseinschränkungen, Standort-Verlagerungen, Unternehmensaufgaben mehren sich. Grund dafür ist nicht zuletzt: Die Stromversorgung ist ……………………



„Wir haben kein Stromproblem“: Warum diese Lüge von Habeck und Co. eine grüne Verschwörung ist!



Public Goods, Streetlights, and Paying Pretty Girls to Walk down the Street

08/23/2022 Charles Amos

According to many economists, the state is warranted in taxing individuals to provide public goods because a free market in these services (e.g., streetlights) would produce a suboptimal …………………….



Rethinking Climate Change: Are the Apocalyptic Models Wrong?

08/20/2022 Lipton Matthews

The passion of the green movement has captured the world’s attention with its incessant ……………………



Ukrainische Journalisten-Mörderin soll sich in Österreich aufhalten

Hinweise auf ukrainische Geheimagentin

Unbestätigten Quellen zufolge soll sich die mutmaßliche Mörderin der 29-jährigen Journalistin und Globalismuskritikerin Daria Dugina in Österreich befinden. Kurz zuvor habe ……………………….



Drastic Increase in Non-Infectious Diseases in Military Explained as Data Glitch: Whistleblower

Whistleblower faces involuntary separation from Army, By Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Philipp

August 23, 2022




World Economic Forum Recommends Humans Become Cyborgs, Implant Brain Chips: There Are ‘Solid, Rational’ Reasons For Children To Be Microchipped

By Alicia Powe  August 22, 2022

The World Economic Forum is promoting “augmentation technology” to morph humans into cyborgs and recommends children be implanted with brain chips.




Germany’s Nuclear Choice: Russian Energy Crisis Forces a Reckoning

08/23/2022 Rosanna Weber

“We are the makers of our own fate,” said Christian Lindner (FDP, Free Democratic Party), ……………………….



Incense for the Emperor

Revisiting Pat Buchanan’s culture war speech after thirty years.

Declan Leary  Aug 20, 2022

Thirty years ago this past Thursday, Patrick J. Buchanan gave a primetime address at the ……………………..



Fauci’s out and Public Health Officials are Turning on Themselves

That was long past overdue, and Purity tests are never a good idea, Robert W. Malone, 22.8.22

Happy Monday! This weekend, I was on on stage at a private event with Robert Kennedy Jr. Jill and I met with our good friend Bobby, met some grand people at the tabletop discussion …………………….



Economic Watch: Belt & Road countries advance agricultural cooperation

Editor: huaxia 2022-08-22

XI’AN, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) — In recent years, with the Belt and Road Initiative, China and the countries along the route actively carried out cooperation in the field of agriculture and …………………….



How to tell who is telling you the truth

There is a lot of misinformation out there and sometimes it can be hard to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. Here’s a handy checklist. Steve Kirsch, 22.8.22




Fading Smile of a Dying Empire

By Jim Quinn The Burning Platform August 23, 2022

“All that is human must retrograde if it does not advance.”

Edward Gibbon

“Woe, destruction, ruin, and decay; the worst is death and death will have his day.”

William Shakespeare, Richard II





The Tories are criminally blind

John Oxley is a corporate strategist and political commentator. His Substack is Joxley Writes.

August 23, 2022 Law and order no longer has much meaning

Perhaps the most shocking thing about the killing of Thomas O’Halloran was how ……………………..



Writers shouldn’t submit to Islamists

„When I write, I’m no longer a polite little girl“

Leïla Slimani is a French-Moroccan author. She won the Prix Goncourt in 2016 and her latest novel, published by Faber, is The Country of Others. We must stifle our fears about Rushdie

August 23, 2022




More Billions to Ukraine as America Falls Apart

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute August 23, 2022

There is a video clip making the rounds showing President Biden speaking at a recent NATO summit about the seven billion dollars the US government had – at that time – provided to …………………….



China Is Weaponizing Chinese Worldwide to Support the CCP

by Gordon G. Chang August 23, 2022 To make matters worse, the Chinese state has been open about its hostility to the United States. Among other things, in May 2019 People’s Daily, the Party’s self-described „mouthpiece“ and therefore most authoritative publication in China, ……………………..



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