„Tsunami Of Shutoffs“: 1 In 6 US Homes Are Behind On Power Bills
by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022 –
At least 20 million households — or about 1 in 6 American homes — are behind on their power …………….
Vera Sharav: “Unless All Of Us Resist, ‘Never Again’ Is Now!”
Posted By: Meryl Nass, MD via Substack August 23, 2022
Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, posted the full speech given by Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav. This is an epic warning to the world that if not heeded, will spell the end of the world as we have …………………….
Die Rufe nach Opferbereitschaft und der fliegende Hofstaat
Von Ferdinand Knauss Di, 23. August 2022
Während Regierungspolitiker wie Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann an die Opferbereitschaft der Bürger appellieren, demonstriert die politische Klasse eindrucksvoll, dass für sie selbst andere Regeln gelten: Zum Beispiel was die Maskenpflicht im Regierungsflieger nach Kanada angeht.
Vera Sharav “Unless All of Us Resist, Never Again is Now” – Full Speech – Nuremberg, August 20, 2022
From my close friend's keynote at today's 75th Anniversary celebration of the Nuremberg Code at Nuremberg, Germany, Aug 20, 2022
FBI Mar-a-Lago Warrant Had ‘No Legal Basis’: Constitutional Lawyers
By Jack Phillips August 24, 2022
Two constitutional lawyers who worked in the Bush and Reagan administrations say that the warrant used to search former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence had no legal …………………
The Last Two Neutral European Countries
It seems as if everyone is supplying Ukraine with money and weapons. I would not blink if I saw Russia itself had provided Ukraine with weapons as everything has become so absurd. …………………..
The World According to Schwab?
Dear Mr. Armstrong,
First, thank you for all the wonderful work you do. I have been following your blog for many years and am always amazed at your insight and historical knowledge. I had a question …………………..
Canada building INTERROGATION ROOMS with weapons armories to arrest and prosecute people for “climate crimes”
Wednesday, August 24, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) This week, we all learned how France is arming up 3,000 new “green police” ………………
„Get Trump!“ Damn the Constitution
by Alan M. Dershowitz August 24, 2022 Many of my friends on the left fear [Trumpism] as much as many on the right feared communism in the 1950s. And they may have a point. But not enough of a point to destroy a century of progress in civil liberties, free speech, due ………………………
Money Does Matter: The End of the Gold Standard Led to a Lower Standard of Living
08/24/2022 André Marques
On August 15, 1971, Richard Nixon announced that the US dollar (USD) would no longer be redeemable in gold. This was supposed to be temporary. And yet, 51 years later, here we are. …………………….
Falling Military Recruitment Is Another Sign of Waning Faith in the Regime
08/23/2022 Ryan McMaken
The US Army reports it is having some serious problems when it comes to recruiting new soldiers. Last month, according to the AP: “Army officials … said the service will fall about …………………….
Chinese Protestors Escape Facial Recognition with Lasers
Welcome to the new world. Protestors in China have cleverly found a way to avoid police facial recognition software by pointing an array of lasers at the police. China has perhaps the ………………………
Ukraine – Wrong Assumptions, Wrong Conclusions – And A Lot Of Dead Soldiers
As the war in Ukraine passes the half year mark lots of media produce their conclusions about the beginning of the war. But when looked at in detail these are most superficial write ups of what people assume Russia’s plans at the start of the war were and how those assumed plans ……………..
Unsere verlorenen Illusionen
Als Michail Gorbatschow 1986 auf der Weltbühne erschien, von Glasnost und Perestroika nicht nur sprach, sondern sie auch in die Tat umsetzte, als 1989 die Mauer fiel und 1990 die deutsche Einheit folgte, als sich schließlich 1991 die Sowjetunion freiwillig selbst auflöste, schien das „Reich des Bösen“, von dem noch Ronald Reagan gesprochen hatte, plötzlich nicht ………………….
Ein Anwalt über den „Corona-Staat“
In seinem Buch „Corona-Staat“ versucht der Anwalt Alexander Christ, dem individuellen Menschen gerecht zu werden, der sich seit März 2020 unvermittelt einer Flut von …………………….
Innenminister Gérald Darmanin kündigt weitere Maßnahmen gegen Ausländerkriminalität an
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 25. August 2022
10.000 neue Polizisten und Gendarmen sollen Städte und Land sicherer machen. Einen …………………….
Die globalen Gas-Bettler kommen mit leeren Händen nach Hause
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 24. August 2022
Olaf Scholz und Robert Habeck touren durch die Welt, um irgendwo für diesen, vor allem aber für den nächsten Winter Gas für Deutschland aufzutreiben. Diesmal ging es nach Kanada ……………………..
WHO: „Die globale Durchimpfung erreichen“
Die WHO hat Ende Juli dieses Jahres ein Update ihrer globalen Covid-19-Impfstrategie von Oktober 2021 herausgegeben. Wer wissen möchte, wie es im Herbst weitergeht, sollte es …………………….
The Scope and Method of Catallactics
08/22/2022 Ludwig von Mises
- The Delimitation of Catallactic Problems
There have never been any doubts and uncertainties about the scope of economic science. Ever since people have been eager for a systematic study of economics or political economy, …………………..
Iran Prepares to Take Out Israel – Right after Iran Deal Is Signed
by Khaled Abu Toameh August 24, 2022 The mullahs appear convinced that once the Biden administration capitulates completely to their demands for reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, they will be able to step up their already significant efforts to eliminate Israel and export ………………
The Problem With Virtue
By Ira Katz August 24, 2022
When I recently wrote about being disagreeable I did not identify the aspect of the conversations that made me uncomfortable. The issue crystallized in a later conversation with an old friend of our family. He was lecturing us on the sins of cutting our grass and the virtue …………………..
Lifetime government bureaucrat resigns, following 54 year career of corruption, deceit, death and destruction
Fauci calls it quits, Jordan Schachtel, 22.8.22 So if you haven’t heard the news yet:
Letter to the German Bundestag
Kill the “New Legal Framework” in the Infection Protection Act, Roll Back All COVID-19 Legislation, & #FireKarlLauterbach While You’re at It, Margaret Anna Alice, 23.8.22
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is ………………….
Nazi Racial Science
From 1933 to 1945, Nazi Germany carried out a campaign to “cleanse” German society of individuals viewed as biological threats to the nation’s “health.” Enlisting the help of ………………….
Ex-Präsident im Fadenkreuz der Eliten
Was steckt hinter der Hass-Kampagne gegen Trump?
Ein FBI-Überfall auf den privaten Wohnsitz eines früheren Präsidenten ist einmalig in der US-Geschichte. Die Midterm-Wahlen zur Halbzeit von Bidens Präsidentschaft stehen bevor. …………………
Schädlich und ineffektiv: Professor stellt auf AUF1 schockierende Impfstudie vor
Professor Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen gehört wohl zu den wenigen Medizinern, die sich von Beginn der sogenannten „Pandemie“ an äußerst kritisch zu den Covid-Beschränkungen der ……………………
Propaganda Poster: “Jews Are Lice: They Cause Typhus”
Nazi propaganda often portrayed people persecuted by the regime as vermin, parasites, or diseases. Nazi ideology focused on the idea that Germany’s „racial purity“ was under attack ……………………..
Those Who Violated Nuremberg Code Must Be Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity
In the last two-and-a-half years, tragically, we have witnessed a global assault on the Nuremberg Code, according to Children’s Health Defense President Mary Holland. We can restore this foundation of …………………
After Wrecking the World, Fauci Resigns
By Tom Woods August 24, 2022
By now you’ve probably heard the news: Anthony Fauci will retire from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the end of this calendar year.
The FBI Raid on Trump’s Home at Mar-a-Lago is an Act of War of the Government on its Citizens
By Boyd D. Cathey My Corner August 24, 2022
Since the August 8, 2022, FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s Florida residence, the American media has literally deluged us with story after story on what certainly ………………….
Russian FSB Identifies Alleged Dugina Assassin
by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Aug 23, 2022 –
At the turn of the 20th century the delicate fabric of social order in Europe rested on a knife’s edge. As imperial powers expanded their empires, it was only a matter of time before conflict between them would shatter peace in Europe. In that era, Russia found itself against Europe’s most powerful empires, namely Austria-Hungary and Germany.