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Nimm vom Staat das Recht weg, was bleibt dann als eine große Räuberbande?

— Hl. Augustinus von Hippo (Kirchenlehrer)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ist das noch unabhängig? Grünen-Politiker kommentiert in der ARD … und freut sich in den „Tagesthemen“ über teure Energie

Detlef Flintz (64), grüner Kommunalpolitiker, bejubelte in den „tagesthemen“ den Preisschock bei Öl und Gas. „Gut so!“, sagte er

Von: Maximilian Both und Benedikt Weimer 31.08.2022 –




UK Energy Bills Expected to Rise 80% in October

The entire West will face higher energy prices due to climate initiatives and Russian sanctions. The British energy regulator Ofgem released a troubling report citing that the average household will pay $4,200 on energy over the next year, compared to the current $2,330 annual average.




CBO Confirms Inflation Reduction Act Will Target Everyone

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) conducted a study that proves claims that the middle class will not face tax increases under the Inflation Reduction Act are unfounded. This comes after the CBO said that the act would have little if no impact on inflation. Treasury Secretary ………………….



Trudeau Throws C$100 Million at Woke Agenda

As Canadians grapple with inflation, most taxpayers are eager to spend money on 2SLGBT programs and awareness. Well, at least that is what the Trudeau Administration falsely …………………..



MILLIONS of Americans to be EVICTED from their homes as economic collapse accelerates

(Natural News) The collapse is now accelerating by the day. Earlier this week, we learned that one in six US households is behind on paying their electric bills (and electricity isn’t even expensive in the states compared to all of Western Europe, where people in France are paying ……………………..



Mississippi Governor Declares State of Emergency, Tells Residents Not to Drink Water

By Jack Phillips August 30, 2022

The governor of Mississippi declared a state of emergency for Jackson, the state capital, after a water treatment plant failed, and urged residents not to drink the water.




Eine Herrschaft naiver Schwätzer ist immer Risiko einer Demokratie

  1. August 2022

Ideologiegeladene Polit-Schwätzer wie Habeck und Baerbock ersetzen nationale Politik für die Bürger durch eine internationale Umverteilungspolitik.

Von PROF. EBERHARD HAMER | Als es nach dem letzten Weltkrieg in Deutschland um …………………



Bericht zur Corona Lage: Die unbekannte Studie

Eigentlich sollte es Ergebnisse einer Immunitätsstudie geben. Die könnten zeigen, dass wir längst in einem endemischen Zustand sind, was Covid-19 betrifft. Doch die Ergebnisse sind noch unter Verschluss. Sollen sie den Beschluss des neuen Infektionsschutzgesetzes nicht ………………..



Review: Progressive Conservatism: How Republicans Will Become America’s Natural Governing Party

08/30/2022 David Gordon

Frank Buckley is always a thoughtful and provocative author, but I disagree with what he has to say in Progressive Conservatism more than with other books of his I’ve reviewed, such as ………………..



Deutschland beendet Tankrabatt – Frankreich weitet ihn aus

Do, 1. September 2022

Sofort nach Ende des „Tankrabatts“ sind die Benzinpreise wieder über zwei Euro gestiegen. Umgekehrt in Frankreich: Nach Erhöhung eines vergleichbaren staatlichen Nachlasses sinken ……………….



The Decline and Fall of Gorbachev and the Soviet State

08/30/2022 Yuri N. Maltsev

Lenin’s slogan, „Marxism is Almighty Because It Is True,“ was displayed practically everywhere in the former Soviet Union. My first encounter with Karl Marx came in the first grade of elementary school in the city of Kazan on the banks of the great Volga River. His …………………….



Do We Want Real Tax Cuts? How About Cutting Government Spending?

08/31/2022 Frank Shostak

According to many economic commentators, an effective way to generate economic growth is through the lowering of taxes. The lowering of taxes, it is held, will place more money in consumers’ pockets, thereby setting in motion an economic growth. This way of thinking is …………………..



„Bravo an die Lockdown-Skeptiker”

Rishi Sunak, einst Finanzminister Großbritanniens und Teil des engsten Entscheider-Zirkels zum Corona-Ausnahmezustand, kritisiert diese von ihm selbst mitgestaltete Politik und der „Telegraph“ feiert die Kritiker der Corona-Politik.




Chronik des Irrsinns – der August 2022

Der achte Monat des Jahres 2022 ist zu Ende gegangen, also das achte Zwölftel eines Irrsinns. Die mit dem Klammerbeutel Gepuderten erhöhen die Schlagzahl, der Chronist kommt kaum hinterher. Lesen Sie, staunen Sie!




Weaponizing the Bureaucracy: Who Will Protect Us from the Government’s Standing Army?

By John & Nisha Whitehead August 17, 2022

“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”—James Madison




The Start of the Unraveling of the Trump Mar A Lago Raid

By Larry Johnson Published August 29, 2022

Donald Trump is having a very good week, notwithstanding the flood of negative stories from the Deep State media. It started with the Judge releasing the sealed search warrant and the ……………………



Falling Apart of the Civilization

By Jayant Bhandari August 31, 2022

Some people consider Christianity or Islam to be the fastest-growing religion. As statistics are presented, that is indeed the case, but unaware of the nuances, one can be misled.

A rapidly rising insidious religion is wreaking havoc in the West and the Third World. It has …………………..



US Freedom Flyers Meeting with FAA Whistleblower

I have been asked to disseminate the following among those who may have injuries or have been discriminated due to mandates, Robert W Malone, 30.8.22

To All Freedom Flyers:




What’s Left in the CIA’s JFK Files?

A simple test of whether President Biden can enforce his December 2022 deadline for full JFK disclosure? Jefferson Morley, 29.8.22




Textbook Economics? A Review of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Economics

By Mark Thornton August 31, 2022

If people understood economics, then our problems with big government would be greatly ……………………



Biden’s World, and How it Ends

By Karen Kwiatkowski August 31, 2022

The much hullabaloo’d launch of Artemis by NASA has been in the news.  The CNN reporter on scene prior to a soon-to-be-rescheduled launch could not get over how slowly the launch ………………….



Nein, die EU muss nicht Großmacht werden

Von Boris Kálnoky Mi, 31. August 2022 Eine Illusion von Berlin und Paris

Olaf Scholz’ Grundsatzrede in Prag skizzierte eine Neugründung der EU als postnationalen Großstaat. Anlass genug für ein Gedankenspiel: Würde sie heute neu geschaffen, wie könnte ……………………



Der Kanzler scholzt: Mit Phrasen und Wünschen gegen die Energiekrise

Von Ferdinand Knauss Di, 30. August 2022

Kanzler Olaf Scholz versucht nach der Kabinettsklausur in Schloss Meseberg, die Preisexplosion mit ein paar zuversichtlich klingenden Worten aufzuhalten. Die Preise seien „übertrieben“. Wer so spricht, scheint nicht zu verstehen, dass Marktpreise selbst die ………………………



China Is Torturing Critics in Psychiatric Hospitals

by Gordon G. Chang August 31, 2022 In the ankang—“peace and health“—system, detainees are strapped onto beds, pumped full of drugs, receive electric-shock therapy, and left to lie in their own excrement.




In Defense of Alex Jones

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org August 30, 2022

Carefully indoctrinated hatred of Alex Jones is the basis for the $49 million civil trial award to an alleged parent who says he was defamed by Alex Jones’ reporting about the alleged ………………..




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