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Die Inflation ist die einzige Steuer, die nicht vom Parlament verabschiedet werden muss.

— Milton Friedman

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Falls doch großflächig der Strom ausfällt, sollten Sie diese Vorbereitungen treffen

Gut vorbereitet bei Katastrophen: Diese Dinge könnten Sie gebrauchen. Montag 12.9.22




Keine Macht für niemand

Autoritäre Tendenzen sind gerade auf dem Vormarsch. Dabei kann die Selbstermächtigung des Bürgers ……………………..



‚These Attacks Have Racist, Religious Motives‘: The Persecution of Christians, July 2022

by Raymond Ibrahim September 11, 2022 After raping a Christian woman, her Muslim employer told her and her family—both still not over the shock—to get back to work. — Pakistan.




Flughöhe Null

Holger Appel, 11.9.22

Die Preise für Elektroautos steigen und steigen: Der ID3 kostet jetzt 38.000 Euro.

Die entlastungsfreudige Regierung hat die armen Piloten vergessen. Falls die Lufthansa ………………….




Ukraine General Warns of Nuclear War

Reuters is now saying that the Ukrainian general says Russia will use tactical nukes. What do you see as the risk? PC




The Woke Plot Against Academic Freedom

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. September 12, 2022

A university requires academic freedom. Scholars must be free to investigate the truth.  Without this freedom, we are headed to totalitarianism. As Ludwig von Mises said, …………………….



Greece Rushes to Repay Debt as Rates Rise

As the European Central Bank (ECB) finally begins to raise rates, Greece is rushing to repay its outstanding debt. The failure to consolidate eurozone debt hurt the southern nation, whose debt spiked due to simple currency conversion. Greece remains the most indebted country in ……………………



Social Media Weaponized for Political Propaganda

It is no coincidence that every social media data leak seems to target conservatives. Snap (formerly Snapchat), an app known for short videos, recently admitted that they leaked ………………..



De-Energization Plans in California – Lights Out

California sent out an emergency public notification to warn residents that the power grid was under a strain. Since people are likely unwilling to turn off their power during the summer …………………..



‘Metal-Like Objects’ Found in 94 Percent of Group Who Had Symptoms After Taking mRNA Vaccines: Study

By Enrico Trigoso September 6, 2022




Shutting Women Up: Emails Between White House and Big Tech Focus on Social Media Warnings of mRNA Vaccination Damage to Menstruation. Did WH Censor Harms to Women?

My Accurate Tweet Warning of Menstrual Damage post-mRNA Vaccination Appears in …………………….



The Highest Praise for My Work

By Thomas DiLorenzo September 12, 2022

Thanks to the old commie rag “Mother Jones” magazine (named after a former national chair of the Communist Party USA) for mentioning how I have been “panned” by both the communistic, corrupt race hustlers and poverty pimps at the Soviet Poverty Lie Center ………………



9/11 After 21 Years

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org September 12, 2022

Today is the 21st anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. There has never been an official US investigation of the attack. After much pressure from ……………….



America’s War History: How Many Years Has the U.S. Been at War?

Featured, Politics By Washington’s Blog December 22, 2021




The Izium Withdrawal – A Catalyst For ‚Starting In Earnest‘

„We can say that today was the best ever, the second best ever, day for the Russians in the territory of Ukraine. Something must be changed. If you ask what the Russian should change, to tell the truth, I don’t know. But I believe, if they don’t change anything after this situation, that means there is no need to ………………….



The New World – Alternative Order

Well, the Goldbugs are out in force claiming that Putin is creating a Moscow World Standard for gold. These people will never learn that their dream of some fixed gold standard has always collapsed throughout history. They have never played in the big leagues and consequently, they do not even understand the rules of the game. It’s like standing on the …………………….



Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics

By Enrico Trigoso September 2, 2022

Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, “fibrous” and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat, and are speaking out about ………………….



For Those Who Do Not Remember 9/11

Those in college do not recall 9/11/01. College freshmen were only three or four years old at the time of the attack. They do not recall the ongoing search for Osama bin Laden or the frequent briefings from former President George W. Bush. Even young adults beyond college …………………..



Is Russia Losing?

The Ukrainian army is at least one-third larger than it was last year and some claim it has doubled in size. They have been concentrating their effort, not on the Donbas, but on Ukraine’s Kharkov region. The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed that Russia has …………………..



Our Queen’s sacrifice

Helen Thompson is Professor of Political Economy at the University of Cambridge. She knew the crown must be borne as a pilgrimage, September 10, 2022




Ukraine – Battle Of The Izium Bulge?

Here is the latest from the Izium front where a Ukrainian counterattack made a deep push into Russian held lines.

The map shows 5 Ukrainian brigades within the bulge the Ukrainian forces have formed to …………………



Iran Deal – Reportedly „Off the Table“ – Would Not Have Prevented a War

by Majid Rafizadeh September 10, 2022 In spite of the opposition from US allies in the Middle East as well as many US Congressman — both Democrats and Republicans — the Biden administration appeared determined to reward the ruling mullahs of Iran whose policies ……………………..



Sustained, as-yet unheard of excess mortality trend strikes Switzerland

Neither heat waves nor Corona mortality are sufficient to explain the excess deaths, which are concentrated in the 65+ age bracket. Eugyppius, 9.9.22

Excess deaths in Switzlerand: The grey area represents expected mortality, above which deaths are ……………………



Major LNG Supplier Issues Dire Warning to EU

RT News September 10, 2022

The biggest US exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG), Cheniere Energy, has warned that limited supplies worldwide mean this winter could be “really, really tight.”




Occult Mysteries of the Federal Reserve Bank

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV September 10, 2022

This latest video from Greg Reese suggests that, concurrently with the Communist infiltration ………………….



German’s Energy Suicide: An Autopsy

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture September 10, 2022

The EU has weaponized the supply of European energy on behalf of a financial racket, against the interests of European industry and consumers.




Interview: Christopher Leonard, Author of „The Lords of Easy Money“

The Fed has „wrenched this gap between the very rich and everybody else, which is the defining economic dysfunction of our time.“, Matt Taibbi, 7.9.22




How Liberal Elites Detest Middle America

By Patrick J. Buchanan September 10, 2022

Speaking at a San Francisco fundraiser in 2008, Barack Obama sought to explain the reluctance of working-class Pennsylvanians to rally to his cause.




NYC Mayor Breathes Life into Saudi-9/11 Connection

New York City Mayor Eric Adams can’t keep the Saudi Arabian-backed LIV Golf Tour out of the city, but he can become a big-name booster of the theory that the kingdom had something to do with 9/11.

You could be forgiven for missing it, but in the depths of the dog days of August, with most ……………………



Adults Aged 35–44 Died at Twice the Expected Rate Last Summer, Life Insurance Data Suggests

By Margaret Menge September 6, 2022

Death claims for working-age adults under group life insurance policies spiked well beyond …………………….



The fall of luciferian-dominated Western Civilization is a highly disruptive but NECESSARY step for human progress: Life, liberty and freedom hang in the balance

Friday, September 09, 2022 by: Mike Adams



Spooner: We Didn’t Consent to the Constitution

09/08/2022 Lysander Spooner

The number who actually consented to the Constitution of the United States, at the first, was very small. Considered as the act of the whole people, the adoption of the Constitution was the merest farce and imposture, binding upon nobody.




Throwing the Fed’s Machinery in Reverse: Fed Interest Rate Policies Continue to Damage the Economy

09/07/2022 Frank Shostak

According to Federal Reserve minutes from last month, Fed officials expressed a willingness to push ahead with a tight interest rate stance to eradicate the inflationary menace. For most commentators, inflation is seen as a general increase in the prices of goods and services, so ……………………….



Tucker’s View of Queen Elizabeth II

The death of Queen Elizabeth II is truly the end of an era. Unfortunately, now Charles III is influenced by none other than Kaus Schwab. Just as James Bond was killed in the last movie, …………………



Facebook Engineers: We Have No Idea Where We Keep All Your Personal Data

In a discovery hearing, two veteran Facebook engineers told the court that the company doesn’t keep track of all your personal data. Sam Biddle, 7.9.22




EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Prisoners and Families Expose Brutal Truth About Jail Lockdown

By Patricia Tolson September 8, 2022

It began without warning. A Jan. 6 prisoner had emerged from his cell without a mask. When it was all over, the jail was in lockdown and several inmates had been pepper sprayed, ………………….



By Compensating Slave Owners, Great Britain Negotiated a Peaceful End to Slavery

09/08/2022 Lipton Matthews

The 2018 announcement that the British government completed the payment of a loan that was borrowed to compensate slave owners for the abolition of slavery continues to evoke a …………………….



‚We Did That‘: Afghanistan a Year after the US Surrender

by Guy MillièreSeptember 9, 2022 Afghanistan is a Terror State, Al Qaeda Is Thriving

Other men… may prove even more harmful than Zawahiri. Before Zawahiri was chosen, for instance, Saif al-Adel, a former Egyptian Special Forces officer, was appointed its provisional ……………….



Scientists Have Recreated World’s Deadliest Flu Virus

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com September 9, 2022

Evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 being the product of gain-of-function (GoF) research. Indeed, attorney Tom Renz will soon release the results of a major legal investigation, which he claims will demonstrate — beyond a reasonable doubt — that SARS-CoV-2 was created as …………………..



The Izium ‚Counteroffensive‘ Success / Disaster

„It’s a disaster,“ says Dima of the Military Summary channel.

I agree. A disaster for the Russian Special Military Operation.




The Time of Separation of the USA is Rapidly Approaching

Marty, is Steve Bannon another pre-election ploy to put a spike in the heart of Republicans for the elections? ZB




Historiker enthüllt: So nahe stand der Jungsozialist Olaf Scholz den Machthabern in der DDR

Gastbeitrag von Hubertus Knabe, 24.9.2021

Der Kanzlerkandidat der SPD hat eine lange Parteikarriere hinter sich. Aber nur wenige …………………



Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

And so goes the nation, Robert W. Malone, 8.9.22

The old saying is that as California goes, so goes the nation, and this isn’t true for just tattoos, ………………….



An Attempt at Neutrality

By Bionic Mosquito September 9, 2022

There was one modern state in which republicanism was neither revolutionary nor inherently …………………..



Free Market Capitalism as the Highest Value (Part Two)

Returning to Ira’s question:




The Way Out and the Way To (Part Three)

This will be the concluding post in addressing the question raised by Ira last week:

Is it inherent in the nature of free market capitalism for the most wealthy individuals and/or ………………..



Virtuous Governance

Ira Katz has offered a response, continuing the dialogue that began with his initial question: Is it inherent in the nature of free market capitalism for the most wealthy individuals and/or corporations to capture government power?  He answers, “Yes, but keep capitalism.”  He also graciously acknowledges my ……………………..



One Answer to An Important Social / Political / Economic Question of Our Time

Ira Katz has written a piece entitled “An Important Social/Political/Economic Question of Our Time.”  In this, he examines some of the many criticisms of a free market, capitalist order.  He ends the piece with an ………………….



The Theft of Your Wealth and Freedom Is Accelerating

By Dr. Joseph Mercola September 8, 2022

Many people have embraced the convenience of wireless devices in their homes, but these …………………..



Inside the Command Structure of the Alliance to Save the World

By Alexandra Bruce  Forbidden Knowledge TV September 8, 2022

In light of the Mar-a-Lago raid, which made the DOJ look pathetic and corrupt, in light of Joe …………………..



Pray for Ukraine?

By Laurence M. Vance September 8, 2022

The latest empty cliché that one hears out of the mouth of Christians is “Pray for Ukraine.” But do Christians who utter this pious platitude even know what they mean when they say it?




Misgendering Tyranny

The cult of social justice is accumulating tremendous power, and for the left, with great power comes ̶g̶r̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶i̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ greater tyranny.

Is tyranny a vir, a xyr, or xis? Is it non-binary or is he a non-non-binary?




Inflation is an artificial, weaponized attack on the people, not the system

„You will own nothing and you will be happy.“ Jordan Schachtel, 8.9.22

In a free market economy, price inflation and deflation will happen naturally, and market ………………….



Deutsche Bank CEO Says a Recession is Inevitable

Yet another head of the financial system is coming out and warning that a recession is inevitable. Deutsche Bank CEO Christian Sewing echoed the words of BoE’s Governor ……………………



The Death of Queen Elizabeth II

The world’s longest-ruling monarch has passed away at the age of 96 at her Balmoral Castle home in Scotland. Queen Elizabeth II saw 15 prime ministers come and go. She ascended to the throne in the aftermath of World War II when Britain was in shambles. Her son Charles ……………………



Western Europe now facing “TOTAL FINANCIAL COLLAPSE” – experts and analysts urgently sound the alarm

Thursday, September 08, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) Western Europe is facing “total collapse” from catastrophic scarcity and price hikes surrounding food, fertilizer, energy and industry, warns David Dubyne, featured in ……………………..



Inflation, the Price Level, and Economic Growth: Everything the Elites Tell You about It Is Wrong

09/08/2022 J.R. MacLeod

Fundamentally, inflation is fraud. The central government or bank printing more money lessens the value of the money already in circulation. A truckload of sand isn’t particularly valuable in Saudi Arabia. An increased supply of money means ultimately that prices …………………..”



FDP, SPD und Grüne setzen Corona-Maßnahmen gegen die Opposition durch

Von Mario Thurnes Do, 8. September 2022

Der Bundestag hat das Infektionsschutzgesetz angenommen. Die Abstimmung zeigt: Anders als unter Kanzlerin Angela Merkel gibt es in der Corona-Politik eine scharfe Grenze zwischen ………………….



Forget about Biden, Trudeau, Macron and the rest of the WEF’s puppet politicians: It’s the system that rules us and the system that must be broken

There has been so much written about Joe Biden’s September 1 “Soul of a Nation” speech that I have resisted the urge to weigh in.




Wo zwei Laternen so viel Gas verbrauchen wie eine vierköpfige Familie

Veröffentlicht am 27.07.22

Als einzige hessische Großstadt hat Frankfurt noch tausende Gaslaternen – mit gewaltigem Gasdurst. Sollte man sie nicht abschalten? Eine Übersicht, woher die Stadt ihre Energie bezieht und wer am meisten verbraucht. Von Jan Eggers




It’s Even Later than You Thought

By James George Jatras Ron Paul Institute September 9, 2022

Delivered to the 2022 Ron Paul Scholars Seminar, Sept. 2nd 2022, Washington, DC.

Allow me to say at the outset how pleased and not a little surprised I was to be invited to …………………..



Asia’s Future Takes Shape in Vladivostok, the Russian Pacific

Sixty-eight countries gathered on Russia’s far eastern coast to listen to Moscow’s economic and political vision for the Asia-Pacific By Pepe Escobar The Cradle September 9, 2022




Fauci’s Red Guards: Lawsuit Reveals Vast Federal Censorship Army, (Michael P Senger)

“This evidence suggests we are uncovering the most serious, coordinated, and large-scale violation of First Amendment free speech rights by the federal government’s executive branch in US history.” Dr. Paul Alexander, 8.922




Patrick Bergy: Questioning the Narratives

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV September 9, 2022

Patrick Bergy is an Iraq War veteran who also worked for years as a military contractor providing IT support for the Department of Defense. He, along with Tore Maras was one of ………………………



An Asian Bretton Woods?

By Alasdair Macleod Gold Money September 9, 2022

The financial war between Russia with China’s tacit backing on one side, and America and her NATO allies on the other has escalated rapidly. It appears that President Putin was thinking several steps ahead when he launched Russia’s attack on Ukraine.




Vladimir Putin, Canadian ‘Assault’ Knives, Covid Vaccines Cover-up And Mass Anti-Government Protests In Europe

By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live September 9, 2022

It’s been a busy news week. With all of the information we all are inundated with, I’m using ………………….



The ‘Fact Checker’ Scam

By Tom Woods September 9, 2022

One of the most laughable developments of recent years has been the rise of the “fact-checker.”




Die Ingenieure über die Habeck-Kaltreserve

Man sollte in schwierigen Fragen stets die direkt Betroffenen konsultieren. Was Habeck und seine ministeriellen Energiewender nicht tun, macht die Achse.




„Pandemie“: Deutschland geht in die Verlängerung

Sie haben es wirklich getan: Auch ganz ohne Bedrohungslage ist der Entwurf für ein neues „Infektionsschutzgesetz“ vom Bundestag beschlossen worden. Antikörper, Durchseuchung, Herdenimmunität – das sind Begriffe für den Rest der Welt.




Die Queen rast nicht mehr!

Sie wurde 96 Jahre alt; sie war eine gelernte KFZ-Mechanikerin; sie zahlte erst seit 1992 Steuern; alle Delfine, Wale, Störe und Schwäne in britischen Gewässern gehörten ihr; ihre erste E-Mail schrieb sie im Jahr 1976 von einem Militärstützpunkt aus, in ihrem Leben ……………………



World’s Deadliest Virus: ‘Spanish Flu’ Reverse Engineered, Recreated

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola September 8, 2022

These Frankenstein crazed geneticists who are creating killer viruses have seemingly created a secret society amongst themselves, all agreeing to zero transparency, lies, deceit. and …………………….



Booms, Busts, and Statistics: What the Mainstream Gets Wrong

09/06/2022 Per Bylund Ryan McMaken

Per Bylund’s new book How to Think about the Economy: A Primer is now available online, ……………….




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