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Eine ehemalige FDJ-Sekretärin für Agitation und Propaganda ist heute Kanzlerin. Hätten Sie das für möglich gehalten?

— Oskar Lafontaine (2008)

Atkuelle Artikel und Videos

Sahra Wagenknecht reagiert auf Habeck bei Maischberger | Viertel nach Acht


US-Geheimpapier durchgestochen! Olaf Scholz fremdbestimmt? „Deutschland schwächen, Stärkung der USA“


Ukraine Carrying out Assassinations in Moscow

There are reports on the Russian General SVR Telegram channel, which tends to be an anti-Putin station, that is claiming there was an inside-job attempt to assassinate Putin with an attack on his motorcade. He was not harmed. They are claiming that the first car of the ………………….


Germany Could Nationalize Its Biggest Gas Importer

By Tsvetana Paraskova – Sep 14, 2022,

Uniper is in discussions with Germany about transferring an even bigger stake of the troubled utility to the government, Uniper said in a Wednesday statement.



On Mises’s Ethical Relativism

09/13/2022 Murray N. Rothbard

I think it important to delineate briefly what relativism is and what the issues are on this important topic. Let us first consider the polar opposite of relativism: absolutism. The ………………….


How the Fed Helped Create Another Calamity: The Ongoing Emerging Market Debt Crisis

09/13/2022 Joseph Solis-Mullen

When in March the Federal Reserve finally moved to belatedly embark on a series of rate hikes to slow the hottest inflation in the United States since the 1980s, it signaled impending …………………..


Powell’s Pivot to „Pain“ but No Gain: Triggering the Coming Recession

09/14/2022 Jon Wolfenbarger

Jay “The Inflation We Caused Is Transitory” Powell finally did it.

On Friday, the Fed chair finally mustered the courage to say that he is going to do the job he ……………………


China and Russia Vow ‘More Just’ International Order Ahead of Putin-Xi Meeting: Top CCP Diplomat

By Andrew Thornebrooke September 13, 2022



Smoking gun? FDA refusing to provide key covid “vaccine” safety analyses, suggesting massive coverup

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Government regulators at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) say …………………..


Food Stamps for US Soldiers

Washington acts perplexed as to why recruitment is nearing a record low. Food inflation is on the rise across the world, increasing 10.9% in the US over the last year. This marks the largest ………………


Switzerland to Imprison People for Heating Homes

Imagine going to jail for three long years for heating your home or business. ……………………


Debt Diplomacy – Is China the East IMF?

The International Monetary Fund is not the only option for countries in desperate need of ………………….


US Life Expectancy Falls Again in ‘Historic’ Decline

By Dr. Joseph Mercola September 15, 2022

According to the latest statistics reported by The New York Times1 August 31, 2022, life expectancy in the United States dropped precipitously in 2020 and 2021.



The Problem with “Conservative Nationalism”

Sep 14, 2022 by Brion McClanahan

What is “American conservatism”?


Class Warfare, ‘Eat the Rich’ Sentiment, and What Happens Next

By Doug Casey International Man September 15, 2022

International Man: Politicians looking for ways to finance their extravagant spending increasingly complain that the wealthy aren’t paying their “fair share.”



Meloni: Ein Italien der Verantwortung statt ein „Italien der Spaghetti und Mandolinen“

Von Marco Gallina Do, 15. September 2022

Beim einzigen Medienduell zwischen den Spitzenkandidaten unterstreicht Giorgia Meloni …………………


Die Zerstörungs-Schneise der Windkraft-Besessenen

New York treibt zusammen mit anderen Bundesstaaten massive Windturbinenprojekte voran. Der Vorstoß für „9.000 Megawatt Offshore-Windenergie“ hat einen hohen Preis, nicht nur für Familien, die unter teurer Energie leiden , sondern auch für Umwelt und Armutsländer. Ein ……………….


Film über einen möglichen Wahlbetrug USA 2020


Election fraud in America: the evidence

Once you open your eyes to the possibility that the systems you trust aren’t as trustable as you were led to believe, you start to see things that you could never before consider possible. Steve Kirsch, 14.9.22



EU ‘Plans’ to Threaten Hungary With Funding Cuts as Budapest Breaks Bloc’s Ranks on Russia Policies

By Svetlana Ekimenko Sputnik News September 15, 2022

The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, announced on 5 April that it would wield its new rule-of-law mechanism, agreed to by all 27 EU leaders in late 2020, to ………………..


The Kharkov Counterattack – No Big Success – No Large Defeat

The ‚western‘ media are euphoric about the ’successful‘ Ukrainian counterattack in Kharkov oblast.



Is This the End of Executive Privilege? Or Only for Trump?

by Alan M. Dershowitz September 14, 2022 [L]et’s see how this would have played out if the shoe were on the other foot.

What if Obama had been called by a congressional committee to turn over all internal …………………


CDU: Flüssiggas-Terminal im Hamburger Hafen vor dem Aus

Mi, 14. September 2022

Das mit großen Erwartungen geplante schwimmende LNG-Terminal im Hamburger Hafen steht vor großen Problemen. Aus der oppositionellen CDU kommt bereits ein Abgesang.



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