America’s Open Wound
The CIA is not your friend Edward Snowden 20.9.22
“Better that right counsels be known to enemies than that the evil secrets of tyrants should be concealed from the citizens. They who can treat secretly of the affairs of a nation have it ……………..
Transhumanism: A Religion for Postmodern Times
by Wesley J. Smith • November 29, 2018
Transhumanism has evolved from an idea in sci-fi novels into a secular religion for many.
Biden Declares ‘National Emergency’ After Creation of New DOJ Task Force to Combat Domestic Terrorism
by Kyle Becker September 20, 2022
The Biden administration has quietly perpetuated the state of ‘national emergency’ that was ………………….
Does Capitalism Itself Create Economic Instability or Is Central Banking the Culprit?
09/20/2022 Frank Shostak
Instability in financial markets has brought back the ideas of post-Keynesian school of economics (PK) economist Hyman Minsky. Minsky held that the capitalist economy ………………..
Practicing Politics as Self-Defense
09/20/2022 L.W. Blakely
The biggest uncertainty with libertarianism is not whether it is moral but whether it is achievable.
Übersterblichkeit in der EU erreicht Rekordwert Diese Eurostat-Daten werden Karl Lauterbach nicht gefallen
Die massive Übersterblichkeit im zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit dem Beginn und der Forcierung der Impfkampagne ist längst kein Geheimnis mehr. Viele Experten weisen seit …………………..
Interview WORLD FIRST: The Plot to Seize Russia, War Propaganda, and More
Listen to my latest interview with Maria from Zeee Media.
Description from Maria:
When Did Illegal Immigration Become a Republican Issue?
Securing the border was previously a bipartisan issue. National security, before the age of 9/11, focused on keeping the US borders secure and free from foreign invasion. There is a …………………
Putin is at War with the West – Not Ukraine
Vladimir Putin’s recent speech is making headlines as people falsely claim Russia is about to launch an all-out nuclear attack. Putin is sticking to his same plan and says it in his opening statement: “The subject of this address is the situation in Donbas and the course of the special …………………
EXCLUSIVE: Hospital With 1st COVID Vaccine Mandate in United States Not Requiring Updated Booster
By Emily Miller September 20, 2022
Plum Island resurfaces: Secret research programs run by the USDA, DoD and DHS are engineering agricultural bioweapons to starve nations into collapse
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) has been actively involved in …………………
Bericht zur Coronalage heute bei Bild TV
Das BILD TV Talkformat „Viertel nach Acht“ stößt konsequent und beharrlich in die Riesenlücke des kritisch medialen Meinungsstreits, welche die Platzhirsche von Will bis Lanz, von Maischberger bis Illner schon seit Jahren offenbaren. Während dort die …………………
Genossen der Zukunft
Die Schlagzeile, wonach ein Berliner SPD-Kreisverband erreichen will, dass schon Siebenjährige ihr Geschlecht selbst bestimmen, hat sicher jeder schon gelesen. Aber der Antragstext hat noch mehr Einblicke in das Weltbild dieser Genossen zu bieten.
Protest gegen „Afrikanisierung“ des ländlichen Frankreich durch Macron
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 22. September 2022
Emmanuel Macron hat ein neues Gesetz zu den Themen Asyl und Zuwanderung angekündigt. Es ist schon sein zweites und sollte im Herbst kommen. Doch in der neuen Nationalversammlung führt es zu Streit. Marine Le Pen, die konservativen Républicains und ……………..
Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach ist entzaubert
Von Mario Thurnes Do, 22. September 2022
Sandra Maischberger drängt in ihrer Talkshow Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach in die Ecke. Der muss sich mit zwei Gegnern auseinandersetzen, die stärker sind als er: Logik und ………………..
Wahlplakate nach einem Jahr: Ampelparteien sind Meister im Brechen von Versprechen
Von Olaf Opitz Mi, 21. September 2022
Was hat uns die politische Klasse vor der Bundestagswahl im Herbst 2021 alles versprochen: Wohlstand, florierende Wirtschaft, bezahlbare Energie und Wohnungen. Ein kleiner ………………
Will The United States and NATO Wake Up To What Happened at the Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?
By Larry Johnson September 19, 2022 at 7:15am
I am certain that most Americans do not have a clue what transpired this week at the meeting ………………….
The Inflation Reduction Act: Another Unfair and Unjustified State Intervention
09/21/2022 Finn Andreen
Taking advantage of their current majorities in Congress, which might not last beyond the midterms, and after eighteen months of marathon negotiations, the Democrats finally passed ……………….
Flight Into Dollar Intensifies
By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney September 22, 2022
It was a mixed week for precious metals, starting with a promising rally and a bear squeeze particularly noticeable in silver, before the dollar benefited from a renewed flight out of euros, yen and pounds. Additionally, the Chinese yuan had a torrid week. In this currency turmoil, ……………..
Goodbye Westification: The World Moves on
By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture September 22, 2022
We’re living under the fog of a World transitioning to a radically changed way of imagining itself, amid the open sluice-gates of psyops.
The International Monetary System Is on the Verge of Collapse … Here’s What Comes Next
By Nick Giambruno International Man September 22, 2022
“It’s possible to have more than one reserve currency.”
These are the recent words of Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
Marine Le Pen Condems France’s Anti-Russia Sanctions as ‘Inappropriate, Reckless’
By Rishikesh Kumar Sputnik News September 22, 2022
Paris has joined the EU’s policy of slapping increasingly harsher sanctions on Russia over its ……………….
So meistern Sie die nächsten Monate!
Der dritte Corona-Winter ist beschlossen, die Preise steigen rasant, es droht Energieknappheit. Vielen Menschen graut es vor dem kommenden halben Jahr. Hier steht, was Sie tun und was ……………..
Man sets himself on fire in apparent protest of Abe funeral
TOKYO (AP) — A man set himself on fire near the Japanese prime minister’s office in Tokyo on Wednesday in an apparent protest against the state funeral planned next week for former leader Shinzo Abe, officials and media reports said.
Fiona strengthens into Category 4 storm, heads to Bermuda
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Hurricane Fiona strengthened into a Category 4 storm Wednesday after lashing the Turks and Caicos Islands and was forecast to squeeze past Bermuda later this week.
The storm was blamed for causing at least four direct deaths in its march through the Caribbean, where it ……………….
Why the World Economic Forum’s Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved
by J.B. Shurk September 18, 2022 No matter how noble its stated intentions, the „Great Reset“ is at its heart a program for driving political power away from individual citizens and toward the controlling interests of a small international class of financial elites…. For citizens ………………
Can Europe survive the age of strongmen?
Aris Roussinos is UnHerd’s Foreign Affairs Editor, and a former war reporter.
September 21, 2022 Our leaders are too weak to enforce their will
The latest military assault by Azerbaijan’s oil-rich dictator Ilham Aliyev on tiny, democratic Armenia places the European Union, once again, in an awkward position. On the one hand, as ……………………
Iran Acquires 2.5 Million Acres of Venezuela
by Lawrence A. Franklin September 21, 2022 The land grant will ostensibly be used to grow staple crops… allowing water-starved Iran to better feed its population… Iran’s current use of Venezuela, however… combined with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), ………………….