Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Die Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) bezeichnete sich als Demokratie, war aber ein Kerker und als sich die Kerkertür einen Spalt öffnete, begann das Volk aus dem selbst ernannten Paradies der Arbeiter und Bauern zu fliehen.

— Fürst Hans-Adam II. von Liechtenstein

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Col. Douglas Macgregor Debunks Latest Ukraine Myths, 7.10.2022



The Limited Capabilities of U.S. Special Operations Forces in Ukraine

7 October 2022 by Larry Johnson

U.S. Special Operations Forces are a talisman–i.e., “A talisman is any object ascribed with religious or magical powers intended to protect, heal, or harm individuals for whom they are …………………..



U.S. Presidents Refuse to Protect the U.S. from North Korea’s Nukes

by Gordon G. Chang October 9, 2022 The U.S. has the power to stop North Korean missile tests but has chosen not to do so. This is true not only of the Biden administration but also its predecessors. The U.S. has continually decided to adopt feeble options.




German Climate Change Terrorism

Dear Marty,

there was a sabotage act on the German railroad company „Deutsche Bahn“. Two cables in different locations were cut on Saturday morning (October 8th, 2022). Result: No trains were moving in all of …………………..



Der spektakuläre Abstieg Deutschlands geht in die Geschichtsbücher ein

Marc Friedrich erwartet von der Politik das Eingeständnis, dass wir zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt nicht auf Atomenergie verzichten können.  FOCUS-online-Gastautor Marc Friedrich, 9.10.22




Eklat in der ARD! Moderator schlägt sich auf die Seite von Rot-Grün


In der ARD-Tagesschau kommt es nach der Landtagswahl in Niedersachsen zu einem Eklat. Moderator Andreas Cichowicz schlägt sich im Gespräch mit den Spitzenkandidaten auf die Seite von Rot-Grün.




Stop Funding School Drag Shows

The mother in this video said she hopes her plea for help goes viral — here you go! I cannot believe that this needs to be said, but American public schools need to stop funding drag shows. The mother in the video above proved her point. She would not have been allowed in …………………



Holiday Expenses Rise in Canada

Wishing our friends in the north a happy Thanksgiving.

Canada’s Thanksgiving is not as widely celebrated as America’s November feast. However, outside Quebec, around 90% of Canadians plan to celebrate the holiday. Everything from fuel to food is more ………………….



Dallas Fed: Over Half of Americans Experienced Real Wage Declines This Year

The Dallas Federal Reserve found that the decline in real wages is at a severity not seen in 25 years. Simply put, when adjusted for inflation, American’s paychecks are down despite …………………..



Russia v USA

Reports are coming in from a protest in Moscow against the United States after the Ukrainian attack upon the Crimea Bridge Saturday. Russians are calling for nuking Washington DC. No matter what country you go to, there is always going to be a pro-government and an anti-………………….



How the Enemy Plans Disasters

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. October 10, 2022

We all know, to our cost, how the enemies of humanity used the so-called covid “pandemic” to try to destroy us. They imposed draconian shutdowns on the economy, pressured and in …………………….



Peter Schiff: A Massive Fiscal Time Bomb

SchiffGold.com October 10, 2022

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell knew fighting inflation would cause big problems in a bubble economy loaded up with debt. He put it off as long as he could, calling inflation “transitory.” But once inflation became a huge problem, the central bank had no choice but to …………………….



The $ 31 Trillion Dollar Question – Can The Fed Afford to Pivot?

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns October 10, 2022

In my other role as a secret apologist for Russia and Vladimir Putin, I was contacted ……………………….



Silver Squeeze

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney October 10, 2022

It has been a dramatic week for precious metals, particularly silver, which on Monday rose $1.70, 8.9%, followed by a further rise on Tuesday.

Gold rose $52 dollars from last Friday’s close to trade at $1712 in Europe this morning, and …………………….



The Day of Reckoning is Here

(Revelations 18:23 states: “For the merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”)

Milan Adams Uncategorized October 9, 2022




Die Rückkehr der Pädophilen

Wer die bedingungslose Anerkennung sexueller Vielfalt fordert, bekommt sie dann auch – allerdings auch dort, wo rote Linien überschritten werden. Was mit dem Label LGB (Lesbian-Gay-Bi) begann, ist als Buchstabenreihe längst nicht am Ende des sexuell diversen Spektrums im Alphabet angekommen. Und langsam wird es unheimlich.




The Globalist Climate Agenda is a Crime Against Humanity

It is more than a misguided but well-intentioned mistake. It is a brazen lie, promulgated by some of the most dangerous people who have ever lived. By Edward Ring October 4, 2022




Why Zelensky’s World War III gambit will fail

None of the major parties involved in this conflict want nuclear armageddon via WWIII.

Jordan Schachtel, 7.10.22

A continually unhinged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has spent the past year trying to draw NATO powers into direct conflict with Russia, and he has yet to achieve ……………………..



Lindners viertes Debakel in Folge

Von Olaf Opitz Mo, 10. Oktober 2022

Die Ampelregierung im Bund wird der FDP zum totalen Verhängnis. Der Parteichef und Bundesfinanzminister schickt die Freidemokraten mit seiner Schuldenpolitik erneut in ein tiefes Tal. Bürgerliche Wähler laufen in der größten Wirtschaftskrise aller Zeiten …………………….



RWE: Wahlkampfhilfe für die Grünen – und nix wie weg

Die Desindustrialisierung geht weiter. RWE leistet Wahlkampfhilfe für die Grünen und macht sich gleichzeitig vom deutschen Acker. Der nächste Dominostein, der möglicherweise umfällt …………………….



Americans Want Negotiations, the State Wants War and the Dismemberment of Russia

Subverting and “decolonizing” Russia is the primary objective, not saving Ukraine’s “democracy.” Kurt Nimmo, 7.10.22

It should be obvious to most Americans the state is not working in their best interest. ………………..



On Secession and Small States

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org October 10, 2022

The international system we live in today is a system composed of numerous states. There are, in fact, about 200 of them, most of which exercise a substantial amount of autonomy and sovereignty. They are functionally independent states. Moreover, the number of sovereign …………………



Abgrundfalsche Corona-Merkblätter der Regierung

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Als Naturwissenschaftler weiß ich nicht, ob es eine Straftat ist, Menschen mit Hilfe von Lügen, Nötigung und psychischen Tricks dazu zu bringen, sich selbst zu schaden und dabei ……………………



Politics By Other Means

Putin and Clausewitz, Big Serge, Oct 5 2022

With the sole possible exception of the great Sun Tzu and his “Art of War”, no military theorist has had such an enduring philosophical impact as the Prussian General Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz. A participant in the Napoleonic Wars, Clausewitz in his later years ……………………



Verhinderung regierungskritischer Proteste als Ziel?

Zugfunk-Kabel durchgeschnitten: Anschlag auf deutschen Bahnverkehr
Nur zwei Wochen nach dem mutmaßlichen Staatsterror auf “Nord Stream” – eine US-Beteiligung gilt als denkbar – sucht der nächste Anschlag auf die kritische Infrastruktur …………………



New World Order v Status Quo

“This New World Order will fail. ” assume status quo fails before NWO fails… what will the new status quo look like? RP

We all have opinions. In times like these, the personal opinion does not help very much for as Julius Caesar said, people believe what they want to believe. Those who want to believe in the ………………….



Groundbreaking lawsuit filed against Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric over SARS-CoV-2 gain of function research and hazardous RELEASE

Friday, October 07, 2022 by: Mike Adams



Trump Asks CNN to Prove His ‘Big Lie’ About 2020 Elections Is False

By Venus Upadhayaya October 6, 2022

Former President Donald Trump, who sued CNN for defamation early this week, said in an interview on Wednesday that the media should prove his allegations about the 2020 …………………



Government Malinvestment Is Endemic and Ceaușescu’s Socialist Romania Excelled in It

10/04/2022 Mihai Macovei

Today’s intellectual framework considers government spending to be the solution to any economic and social problem. Be it helicopter money to households and businesses during the pandemic, subsidies for electric cars, or debt forgiveness to students, the government …………………..



Hazlitt’s Lesson Restated: New Jersey’s Disastrous Ban on Single-Use Plastic

10/05/2022 Georg Grassmueck

New Jersey became one of the latest states in 2022 to ban single-use bags. In 2014, California became the first state to ban of use plastic bags. Since then, several states have followed ………………………….



An Economic Perspective on Accusing Political Opponents of Racism

10/05/2022 Christopher Paige

Allegedly, Republicans appeal to racism via “dog whistles” or the “Southern Strategy” and the like, but that brings up the question, “Do Republicans have an economic incentive to ……………………..



The Rising Risk of Nuclear War in 2023

What do you think about Russia’s setbacks? OL




Election Software CEO Arrested Over Alleged Data Theft, Storing Data on Servers in China

By Aldgra Fredly October 5, 2022

The head of Konnech Corp., a Michigan-based software company, was arrested on Oct. 4 for ………………….



Are We Living in a Simulation? (video)



Ukraine SitRep – Recent Incidents Of Concern For All Sides

Yesterday saw two significant developments or incidents with regard to the conflict in Ukraine.




Thanks to the Biden Administration, Russia and Iran Are Closer than Ever

by Majid Rafizadeh October 8, 2022 „I am absolutely sincere in this regard when I say that Iran got much more than it could expect [from the Biden administration]….. [The Iranian leaders] are fighting for [their] national interest like lions. They fight for every comma, every …………………



How Turbo-Wokism broke America

David Samuels is a writer who lives in upstate New York. Oligarchs and activists are playing for the same team. October 8, 2022

American history can best be understood not as a single continuum but as a series of Republics, each arising from the ashes of its predecessor. The First Republic, born of the ………………



Weber soll Meloni Merkeln

Justitia mit verbundenen Augen und freie Wahlen sind Grundbedingungen von Demokratien. Agiert Justitia politisch einseitig und akzeptieren Institutionen inklusive ihrer politischen …………………..



Deutsche EU-Parlamentarier wollen Meloni als Regierungschefin verhindern

EU-Parlamentsvizepräsidentin Barley (SPD) und zwei weitere deutsche Abgeordnete mischen sich in ………………..



Why We’ll Continue to Have High & Sticky Inflation Ahead…

By David Stockman International Man October 8, 2022

An examination of the CPI weighting scheme sheds further light on the high, sticky inflation …………………..



How Does it Feel to Live in this ‘Newfound’ Communist Country?

By Gary D. Barnett October 8, 2022

“Communism is what happens when Socialists realize that they want complete control over every aspect of human life.”

A.E. Samaan




November Surprise?

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com October 8, 2022

Can you picture what will be? So limitless and free… Desperately in need of some stranger’s hand… In a desperate land…. — The Doors




Roger Williams and the Birth of American Liberty

By George F. Smith Barbarous Relic October 8, 2022

“Without freedom of conscience no other freedoms are possible.”

George H. Smith (Freethought and Freedom)




Julian Assange and Our Impunity Democracy

By James Bovard Mises.org October 8, 2022

On Saturday, protests supporting Julian Assange will occur around the world. In London, Assange supporters will link arms around the parliament building. Protests will also occur …………………



How Governments Could Soon Hit Investors With a Windfall Profits Tax

By Doug Casey International Man October 8, 2022

International Man: What is a windfall profits tax?

It seems like a vague and arbitrary concept politicians use to justify taking more wealth from …………..



Can the West dismantle China’s pan-Asian railway dream?

Fast train plans are a concern for Western nations worried about China’s growing influence in the region. There is something awfully permanent about a train line once it’s in.




All Roads (and Railways) Leading to China … And the West Ain’t Happy

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture October 8, 2022

China’s ascendant global power is showing up the increasingly bankrupt condition of the United States and its Western allies.




The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto

1848 by Karl Heinrich Marx

Although Marx advocated the use of any means, especially including violent revolution, to bring about socialist dictatorship, he suggested ten political goals for developed countries such as the United ………………….



Col. Doug Macgregor – Ukraine Russia War Latest, 29.9.2022



Biden’s Fearmongers About A Russian Nuclear Threat That No One Has Made

The Biden administration is spewing ridiculous fear mongering propaganda:

Wow. Biden at a Dem fundraiser tonight: “We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis.” He says Putin is “not joking when he talks about ……………………..



Bestsellerautor Uwe Tellkamp eskaliert gegen Latte Macchiato süffelnde Journalisten!



Russlands wichtigste Verbindung auf die Krim wird durch eine Explosion stark beschädigt: Steckt ein ukrainischer Angriff dahinter?

Die Brücke von Kertsch ist für Personenwagen wieder geöffnet worden. Die Ukrainer deuten bereits an, dass sie hinter dem Vorfall stecken. Es wäre ein prestigeträchtiger Erfolg gegen das von Russland illegal errichtete Bauwerk, aber mit hohen Risiken verbunden.

Ivo Mijnssen, Wien, Markus Ackeret, Moskau 08.10.2022,




“Schluss mit eurer Coronapolitik”: Kritisches Wiesn-Banner sorgt für Furore

Nach einer erzwungenermaßen eingelegten zwei jährigen Pause, ging am Montag das Oktoberfest nach guten zwei Wochen zu Ende. Dieser letzte Tag, sollte aber für ein paar Münchner nicht ungenutzt dahin streichen, ohne das sie ihren Unmut über zwei Jahre Corona-………..



Die Anmaßung der Politik

Von Olaf Gersemann 30.03.2010

Viele Dinge unterscheiden marxistische und marktwirtschaftliche Wirtschaftssysteme. Ein ganz zentraler Unterschied aber ist dieser: Marxisten hängen der sogenannten …………………



Geheimniskrämerei um Primärdaten der Zulassungsstudien

Impf-Konzerne unter Druck: Biontech & Moderna sollen Studiendaten offenlegen

Für viele Opfer viel zu spät und zu langsam, aber immerhin kommt nun doch der ungeheure ………….



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