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Sobald mehr als die Hälfte der Bevölkerung eines Landes ihr Einkommen ganz oder teilweise vom Staat bezieht, ist eine Umkehr auf dem Weg in die Knechtschaft nicht mehr möglich.

— Roland Baader

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ehemann von EU-Chefin Ursula von der Leyen in fragwürdige Geschäfte verstrickt

Im EU-Parlament stehen die geschäftlichen Aktivitäten des Ehemanns von Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen derzeit im Schlaglicht. Vor allem geht es ………………



Christian Drosten: Psychogramm eines Gescheiterten

Drosten spricht erwachsenen Bürgern, die im vollen Besitz ihrer geistigen Kräfte sind, Eigenverantwortung und Entscheidungsfähigkeit ab. Er war der Maßnahmen-Hardliner schlechthin, dessen Positionen nun gar von Lauterbach als Fehler anerkannt werden. Zeit für ………………..



What is an Empire – Video

In January 1776, Thomas Paine published Common Sense, which urged colonists to declare independence from the British Empire. In the introduction, Paine wrote:




Hungry Games

By Brian Wilson November 9, 2022

Say there! Did ya catch that crazy article by Birsin Filip out of the Mises Institute: ………………..



Complications of the Ukraine War

Christopher Caldwell, Claremont Review of Books

The following is adapted from a talk delivered at Hillsdale College on October 4, 2022, during a Center for Constructive Alternatives conference on the topic of Russia.




Ex-Wall Street Banker Predicts Dollar’s Demise

The greenback’s dominance will gradually wane, Lawrence McDonald says

RT News November 9, 2022




“Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You…”

By Jeff Thomas International Man November 9, 2022

In his inaugural address in 1961, President John Kennedy gave a stirring speech in which he famously stated, “And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you – ………………..



DeSantis Wins Historic Vote

DeSantis’ victory was really in the bag. However, the migration fleeing Wokeness outside Florida has changed the political map entirely. Miami Dade County has NEVER voted Republican in history. It voted for DeSantis. I moved to Florida 6 years ago. I did so when ……………….



World Dollar Hegemony Is Ending (and That May Be a Good Thing)

11/07/2022 Patrick Barron

The end of world dollar hegemony is coming and hardly anyone in government is taking notice or even understands what this means. Since the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, the dollar has been the only currency accepted throughout the world for settlement of




It Didn’t Begin with FDR: Currency Devaluation in the Third Century Roman Empire

11/07/2022 David Serrano Ordozgoiti

Since the reordering of Augustus, during the first two centuries of the empire, the Roman state manipulated the intrinsic value of the denarius argenteus, the main axis of the imperial ………………



Facts and Data Have No Meaning without a Theory to Explain Them

11/04/2022 Frank Shostak

Many economists, including Milton Friedman, have believed that since it is impossible to establish “how things really work,” the underlying assumptions of a model are unimportant. …………..



COVID Dictators Nervous Over Retaliation, Plead For Amnesty

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D. November 8, 2022

The establishment journal, The Atlantic, outrageously pleads for amnesty over what many have labeled “Crimes Against Humanity”. The COVID hoaxers are obviously running scared ………………..



U.N. Tells Rich Countries to Pay $2 Trillion a Year for Climate ‘Justice’

Simon Kent 8 Nov 2022

An annual transfer of funds from rich to poor countries, starting at around $2 trillion by 2030 and rising thereafter, is needed for climate “justice” according to a U.N.-backed report ……………………



Das hilflose Zwitschern der Medienzwerge

Elon Musk hat Twitter gekauft, und die Leichtmatrosen von Backbord schäumen. Sie löschen ihre Accounts (oder kündigen es mit großem Tamtam an), wandern zur Konkurrenz ab und ……………



Der rhetorische Kontrollverlust der Ampel und ihrer Gefolgschaft in den Medien

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 9. November 2022

Liegen die Nerven bei den Regierenden und ihren Medien so sehr blank, dass sie jegliche Contenance verlieren? Allen Grund haben sie dazu. Denn sie kämpfen ums Überleben mit …………..



Christian Lindner, FDP, steuerpolitischer Vollzieher rotgrüner Verarmungspolitik

Von Ansgar Neuhof Mo, 7. November 2022

Wenn Christian Lindners Entwürfe zum Inflationsausgleichsgesetz und Jahressteuergesetz …………….



USA: Das Schweigen über die Gewalt gegen Konservative

Heute finden in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika die Halbzeitwahlen statt, und die Gewalt im Wahlkampf nahm zu – gegen Republikaner.

Bei einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung der amtierenden Gouverneurin des Bundesstaates New …………………..



„Corona-Maßnahmen”: Sie konnten wissen, was sie tun

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Kontaktverbote, Ausgangssperren, Schulschließungen, Berufsausübungsverbote, Impfzwang, Ausgrenzung der „Ungeimpften“ – all das brachte viel Leid und war weitgehend sinnlos. Die ……………..



Another Brick in the Wall

It is rare for a celebrity to speak out against the agenda. Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters has reached a level of fame where he can question the status quo as his legacy is sealed. Waters ………………



The Crisis in the West Will Steadily Deepen

By Veniamin Popov New Eastern Outlook November 9, 2022

Western civilization is facing more and more problems. Over the past few decades, there have been many symptoms of a de facto decline of Western powers.




Low Down on the Showdown

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com November 9, 2022

Threat to “our democracy?” The effrontery! In a fair and just world, the Democratic Party of Chaos would slouch into the donkey’s graveyard — but since when is the USA part of a fair …………………….



A Direct Challenge to Obama, DOJ, FBI and the Rest of the Deep State with Patrick Byrne

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV November 9, 2022

I had been annoyed with Patrick Byrne because he has kept promising that there would be a ……………



France Sliding toward Barbarity and Chaos

by Guy Millière November 8, 2022 Hundreds of thousands of immigrants enter Europe illegally each year. Many head for France and stay there. They have been benefiting, since 2000, from financial aid and free medical care to which even poor French citizens do not have ………………..



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