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Nur die Lüge braucht die Stütze der Staatsgewalt, die Wahrheit steht von allein aufrecht.

— Thomas Jefferson

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„Sicherheitskooperation Ost“ Ostdeutsche Innenminister sprechen über geplantes Abhörzentrum

von Nina Böckmann und Lucas Grothe, MDR AKTUELL  04. November 2022,

Am Freitag treffen sich Vertreter der ostdeutschen Innenministerien. Es soll um die mögliche ……………..



Surovikin to Shoigu, pull out of Kherson right bank



Doug Casey On The WEF’s Plan For Mankind And What Comes Next

by Tyler Durden Thursday, Nov 10, 2022 – Authored by Doug Casey via InternationalMan.com,

International Man: The World Economic Forum (WEF) describes its mission as the “international organization for public-private cooperation.”




Tagesschau fälscht Zitat, um gegen „Achtung, Reichelt!“ zu hetzen / Gerichts-Klatsche für ARD



Turbulences ahead

We just entered the most turbulent period in US history…

The 2020s will be more dangerous than the 1930s, the 1940s, and even the 1860s.




In Politics – People Want to Believe on What They Want to Hear

The post dealing with the mid-terms had this gem: “This is why all the Greek philosophers from Socrates to Plato were against democracy. It allowed a thin majority to become ……………….



Austausch zwischen Pfizer und von der Leyen Europäische Staatsanwaltschaft untersucht Impfstoffkauf der EU

von MDR AKTUELL  15. Oktober 2022,

Gab es private Nachrichten zwischen EU-Kommissions-Chefin Ursula von der Leyen und …………………..



Wissenschaftler laufen in Sachen Atomkraft gegen eine Wand der Ampel

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 9. November 2022

Professoren haben eine Petition in den Bundestag eingebracht, die sich für längere Laufzeiten der Atomkraftwerke ausspricht. Ihre Vorstellung war geprägt von Sachverstand – doch die …………………..



China’s Central Bank Discusses Inflationary Fears

It is not out of the question that China is holding onto its Zero COVID policy tactics to prevent the people from realizing banks are in the midst of a liquidity crisis. I reported earlier ………………..



Politics Globally is on a New Agenda

In Thailand, for the whole 2020, there is only 61 Covid deaths.
Few months after mass vaccination there is 20000 “Covid” deaths.
This year, I believed that there is an explosion of COVID illnesses and deaths, just like ………………



Conservative Politicians Add Thousands of Twitter Followers After Musk Takeover

Twitter had been openly  suppressing conservative voices. The extent to which they were suppressed could be seen days after Musk’s takeover. Multiple major Republican candidates ……………….



The DARK WINTER has only just begun: Prepare for YEARS of economic collapse, rigged elections, censorship and government tyranny

Wednesday, November 09, 2022 by: Mike Adams



„Antidemocratic“ Just Means „Something the Regime Doesn’t Like.“

11/08/2022 Ryan McMaken

“Democracy” is the new “revolutionary.”

In the old Marxist regimes, anything that displeased the regime was said to be contrary to “the ……………………



Russian Kherson Withdrawal: Trap? Or Necessary Chess Move?



Jeff Bezos, Charity, and Economic Well-Being: Wealth Creation Reduces Poverty

11/08/2022 Lipton Matthews

Billionaire Jeff Bezos has become a target of ridicule because his ex-wife MacKenzie Scott has been doling out colossal sums to charity. Compared to Scott, Bezos’s donations are quite ……………….




Declining Prices Do Not Destroy Wealth; They Enable Its Creation

11/08/2022 Frank Shostak

Most economists believe that a general decline in the prices of goods and services is bad news because it is associated with major economic slumps such as the Great Depression. In July ……………………..



The Midterm Elections – The Decline & Fall is in Motion

While the results are not final, where it stands now is unfortunately in line with what our …………………….



2022 A House Divided Eventually Falls

Marty, Once again your caution proved to be warranted. 2020 looks like it was a dry run for how Democrats will hold onto power….vote harvesting and the Dominion Systems.




‚Putin’s Chef‘ Ridicules U.S. News Outlets – Adds ‚Election Interference‘ Comedy Sketch

A number of news outlets are spreading this nonsense:




Western Air Defense Arrives in Ukraine: Too Little, Too Late



Maybe America Hasn’t Suffered Enough

The red wave washed ashore as a ripple, though Republicans did make progress.

by Scott McKay November 9, 2022, It’s late as I write this, though not late enough to know how things will turn out. But there are things we can safely say just after midnight Eastern time on Tuesday as the ……………………



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