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Ohne den Goldstandard gibt es keine Möglichkeit, die Ersparnisse vor der Enteignung durch Inflation zu schützen. Es gibt dann kein sicheres Wertaufbewahrungsmittel mehr.

— Alan Greenspan

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

In der FDP meutern die Ersten gegen die Koalition mit SPD und Grünen

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 21. Dezember 2022

Christian Lindner droht in der FDP eine Meuterei. Kritiker planen Anträge, die ein Weiter-so in der rot-grünen Koalition in Frage stellen würden. Es geht vor allem um die Energiepolitik …………………..



Angekündigtes Desaster: Der peinliche Puma und der uralte Marder

Von Josef Kraus Di, 20. Dezember 2022 Blamage für Deutschland

Die Fehler beim „Puma“-Schützenpanzer dürften zu einer endlosen Geschichte werden – aber ………………



The Important Things in Life Are Too Precious To Lose

By Gary D. Barnett December 21, 2022

“If you could possibly understand how precious and powerful your experience of this one …………………..



The Fed’s Destructive Guessing Game

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation December 21, 2022

As expected, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by half a point yesterday. It was a drop ………………….



Is This Winning?

Western leaders can no longer hide the truth about Ukraine.

George D. O’Neill Jr. Dec 19, 2022

Recently, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen carelessly revealed the ………………….



WHO Treaty for Global Martial Law

There Are No Emergency Powers, Dr. Joseph Sansone, 19.12.22

In the second war of American independence, The War of 1812, a young Dolley Madison would not allow the British to defile the portrait of George Washington, so she had the ………………….



Major Anti-NATO Rally Hits Paris’ Streets

Protesters called for a review of France’s policies towards the US-led bloc and Moscow, and denounced anti-Russia sanctions RT News December 21, 2022




Wilson’s Christmas Gift of 1913

By George F. Smith December 21, 2022

We think of thieves as conducting their work when no one is looking, such as breaking into a house while the owners are away.  But the most successful thieves have done their stealing in ………………



UK Column News – December 2022, Ukraine War, Patriot Missiles deployed



Will We Ever Have Free Speech Again?

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV December 21, 2022


Ron DeSantis seeks to wield the power of state government, rather than federal and to pursue ………………



Climate Disruption: It’s Not Due to CO2

By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof and Silvia Terribili Global Research December 21, 2022

The UN’s climate change summit (COP27) “has opened in Egypt.

More than 120 world leaders are attending the COP27 summit in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, amidst a stylized propaganda campaign:




Unleashing Clean Fusion Power Is America’s Best Defense against Tyranny

by Lawrence Kadish December 20, 2022

It may prove to be as historic as the harnessing of fire, invention of the wheel, or the channeling of electricity. It will certainly rank on a par with the first release of nuclear energy ………………..



Elon Musk Breaks Silence After Poll Votes in Favor of His Resignation as Twitter CEO

By Katabella Roberts December 20, 2022

Elon Musk has taken to Twitter for the first time to address a poll he conducted on the ………………



Leviathan Devours Free Range Entrepreneurs

“It is not Wisdom but authority that makes a law.”

Thomas Hobbes

That meal, guest or package that came to your front door this month is part of a massive ………………….



Death Of Nuclear Deal With Iran Adds To Biden’s Failures In U.S. Foreign Policy

When the Biden administration came into office it had promised to reenter into the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran. Under Trump the U.S. had left the deal and had reissued sanctions ………………..



United Nations Preparing to their One World Government

The resolution “Towards a New International Economic Order,” reaffirmed the United Nation’s need for power to continue working towards a new international economic order ……………..



Political Contagion Does not Need Central Command

When our model had forecast the fall of Communism in 1989, the general press was attributing it to modern communication since the Berlin Wall fell a few months later. I ………………..



„Oh SH*T, Putin WARNS of direct clash with U.S., NATO readies forces | Redacted w Clayton Morris“



Forget Oil. Now They Are Coming for the Cows

12/19/2022 Doug French

First, they came for the oil, now they’re coming for the cows. Environmentalists have no shame or sense and farmers around the world are, forget the pitchforks, “setting hay bales ………………..



This just went from bad to WORSE as Elon’s drops the HAMMER in new Twitter Files 8 | Redacted News



Das Karussell der Prognosen: Die Inflation kommt, der Wohlstand geht

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 21. Dezember 2022

Die ökonomischen Prognosen geben derzeit dem Handlungsprinzip der Regierenden Nahrung: Es ist die Hoffnung, ja der Glaube, man müsse nur eine gewisse Zeit irgendwie ………………….



Die Übersterblichkeit geht weiter

Auch im November ist, wie in allen Monaten des Jahres mit Ausnahme des unauffälligen Februar, ein erhöhtes Sterbegeschehen festgestellt worden. Woran das nun liegen mag?

Im November 2022 sind in Deutschland einer Hochrechnung des Statistischen Bundesamtes ……………..



Student Debt: It Is and Has Been a Personal Choice

12/19/2022 Joyce Humber-Faison

The Supreme Court of the United States will hear plaintiff and defendant oral arguments for Biden v. Nebraska in February 2023. That case will determine whether the Biden




California Earthquakes

Marty, we had an earthquake here in Northern California today that seems to be following your forecast building into 2028. Can you update your earthquake chart? Thank you Jeff




Western Media Whitewashing Extremism in Ukraine, The New Atlas



Scott Ritter – Ukraine Russia War Latest 12/16/22



Kiev guessing game, as Putin and Shoigu land in Belarus



China’s Deal with Saudi Arabia is a Disaster for Biden

by Con Coughlin December 20, 2022 Nothing better illustrates the utter ineptitude of the Biden administration’s dealings with the Middle East than Saudi Arabia’s decision to forge a ……………….



Brüssel bis ins kleinste Dorf

Die Wahl eines Verkehrsmittels war bislang eine individuelle Angelegenheit. Zukünftig will die EU-Kommission jedoch ein Wörtchen mitreden, wie Sie beispielsweise von Wanne-…………….



In Bullerbü gehen die Lichter aus

Gut ein Jahr ist die neue Bundesregierung im Amt. Vor allem die Grünen vermochten es, der Ampelkoalition ihren Stempel aufzudrücken. Angesichts einer vielfachen Problemlage scheint …………………



Die Rache der Überführten

Ende vergangenen Jahres enthüllte Achgut.com die dubiosen Machenschaften des ………………….



Gedenken am Breitscheidplatz: 100 Minuten für die Hinterbliebenen

Von Maximilian Tichy Di, 20. Dezember 2022

Vor sechs Jahren ermordete ein islamistischer Terrorist 13 Menschen in Berlin. Für die Hinterbliebenen blieben auf der Gedenkfeier am Montag 100 Minuten. Dann ging es wieder ………………



Silvio Berlusconi will ProSiebenSat.1 kaufen

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 19. Dezember 2022

Der italienische Medienkonzern MFE soll laut Zeitungsberichten vor einer Übernahme der ………………….



THE TWITTER FILES: How FBI Primed Execs With „Russian Disinformation“ Disinformation Ahead Of Hunter Biden Bombshell

by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Dec 20, 2022

In the latest episode of ‚THE TWITTER FILES,‘ journalist Michael Shellenberger reveals ………………..




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