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War winning offensive in February 2023



He DOESN’T want you to know this about Hunter Biden laptop story and Ukraine | Redacted News



Pfizer’s Shots Aren’t Safe and Were Never Shown to Be

Germans Unleash Spike Protein Bombshell Joseph Mercola Dec 27 2022




Could NATO Directly Intervene in Ukraine?

NATO somehow getting more directly involved in Ukraine represents a worst case scenario. What clues are there so far that this might be a possibility? – Rumors of a Polish mobilization; – Stubborn Ukrainian ………………..



Russia Missile Strikes, Ukraine Admits Heavy Losses, Turkey Mulls Syria Pullout, Xi Putin Friendship



Did they Get the Pandemic Idea from the 2010 Simpson’s



Authoritarianism Is Not Compatible with Economic Progress: Freedom Is Indivisible

12/31/2022 Patrick Barron

Is it possible, or even desirable, for economic freedom and progress to be compatible with authoritarianism? Although some may believe so, this is a fallacy. Freedom is indivisible. ……………………



Despite Broad Opposition in Congress, US Policy toward the War in Yemen Is Unchanged

12/30/2022 Weimin Chen

Those in the antiwar movement are accustomed to disappointment in this long-standing environment of militarism, but this one truly stings. Up until the middle of December, there ………………….



Ethics for Inhumans

12/30/2022David Gordon




Peace in Syria takes big step forward



The Christmas/New Year’s Wars

Many emails have come in asking if the January target is going to be geopolitical. Holidays …………………..



Die Lügen, „Der Spiegel“ und die Glaubwürdigkeit der Medien

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 2. Januar 2023

Deutschlands Medienwirklichkeit 2018: Claas Relotius gewann mehrfach den Deutschen Reporterpreis und der Spiegel gilt als das glaubwürdigste Medium des Landes. Die Branche ……………….



Über 100 Festnahmen in der Silvesternacht in Berlin

So, 1. Januar 2023

Die Berliner Polizei berichtet über „massive Angriffe“ auf Einsatz- und Rettungskräfte im gesamten Stadtgebiet, die „in ihrer Intensität mit den Vorjahren nicht zu vergleichen“ seien. …………………..



Impftod und -leid: Es war so einfach zu erkennen

Die Impfkampagne mit den Nukleinsäuren könnte 1 bis 4 Prozent der Impflinge ein vorzeitiges Lebensende bescheren, wir würden in diesem Fall auf 50 bis 200 Millionen Opfer kommen. Ich weiß, wie unerhört – in des Wortes doppeltem Sinn –  es ist, solche Zahlen …………………



Wie Peter Hahne als Lutheraner Papst Benedikt erlebte

Von Peter Hahne So, 1. Januar 2023

TE-Autor Peter Hahne durfte den verstorbenen Papst Benedikt XVI. kennenlernen. Er erinnert sich nicht nur an den beeindruckenden Auftritt des großen Mannes vor dem Bundestag.

Was für eine Gnade! Der Todestag von Papst Benedikt XVI.! An Silvester zu sterben heißt in ………………..



Battle for Eurasia

By Patrick Foy PatrickFoyDossier January 2, 2023

Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire.—Zbig Brzezinski, 1997

The Russo-Ukraine war, starting date either 2014 or 2022, is the culmination of NATO’s …………………..



The Coming Grand Jury Indictments of 2023 and Beyond

Dr. Joseph Sansone Dec 30, 2022

Elon Musk continues to release incriminating files from Twitter that shows criminal activity. Censoring citizens regarding Covid, Ukraine, and Covid 19 bioweapons, all at the behest of ……………………



China Reveals Plans for Military Cooperation With Arab States

China, South Korea, and Japan have been Arab nations‘ leading export destinations over the past ten years. The Cradle January 2, 2023




A New Year, a New Hope

By Sasha Stone Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning January 2, 2023

Two years ago, I started this Substack to find a path out of the madness that had overtaken the ………………



An Imperative New Year’s Resolution for Christians

By Fr. Emmanuel McCarthy January 2, 2023

In 1865 the American poet, William Ross Wallace, wrote a poem in praise of motherhood. The refrain of …………………..



Russland vs Nato – Belarus jetzt Atommacht



The Only Way to Survive 2023

By Daisy Luther The Organic Prepper January 2, 2023

It sounds really dramatic to say there’s just ONE WAY to handle a crisis, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say just that. We’re looking at very hard times coming up – heck, ………………….



2022…. The Year That Marked the End of America’s Hegemony

Strategic Culture January 2, 2023

The war in Ukraine has dominated the past year. Other global crises of soaring energy and food costs are collateral damage from the conflict in Ukraine.




Jahresausblick 2023: Die Ampel, das Projekt der Wirklichkeitsignoranz

Von Roland Tichy So, 1. Januar 2023

Die Ampel ist eine Art Medienprojekt, in dem Bevölkerung und Wirklichkeit ignoriert werden. Die Medien kritisieren nicht, sondern bereiten die Bevölkerung auf




Lula, Bolsonaro – und eine Erinnerung an die Zukunft

Nach Ende der Amtszeit geht unter ehemaligen Staatschefs immer öfter die Angst vor Verhaftung um. Jüngstes Beispiel: Brasiliens geschlagener Präsident Bolsonaro hat schon das Land verlassen. Sein Nachfolger Lula da Silva wanderte nach Ende seiner ersten Amtszeit ……………………



SPIEGEL kassiert Story von der toten Maria ein

Das war’s: Die Geschichte vom toten Flüchtlingsmädchen ist nach eingehender Prüfung durch das Magazin journalistisch nicht mehr zu halten. Offenbar hat man eine faustdicke Lüge …………………



Drone Strike, Russia Enters Klesheevka, Putin New Year Address: West Not Trusted



Does Supply v Demand Really Work All the Time?

Didn’t gold decline from 1980 to 1999 because of all the dumping of gold by central banks?




Parallels Between the Covid Hysteria and the Salem Witch Trials

By David Stockman International Man December 31, 2022

It would not be going too far to say that the eruption of irrationality and hysteria in America during the COVID-19 period of 2020-2021 most resembled not 1954, when Senator …………………..



Lack Of Good Analyses Contributes To The Decline Of The ‚West‘

What really hit me last year was the dearth of correct analyses in main stream media and in politics with regards to the war in Ukraine. Little if anything is based on facts. More than 90% of the published output is propaganda.




First 9 Ways On How to Survive The Coming Great Depression (As we saw during the Great Recession, the economic chaos of the early pandemic period, and the subsequent inflation pain we are still suffering, our society will never be immune to negative economic outcomes.)

Brandon Campbell December 30, 2022

With rising fears about the current debt crisis in Greece, many people are worried for the economy and living conditions. The smart analysts admit that the economy will worsen and ……………………



Where This War Came From

By L. Reichard White December 31, 2022

Slyly lying, George W. Bush delivers the cover story for the war that uselessly murdered between 268,000 and 295,000 men, women and children – – –

This is where Cheney’s cherry-picked disinformation was concocted – – –

At issue is a secret Pentagon committee headed by Wolfowitz and Undersecretary of Defense …………………



So Long 2022, Don’t Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out

Another year of tyranny and corruption, Donnald Jeffries, 30.12.22

When 2020 was winding down, the mantra was, “good riddance.” There couldn’t be another ………………..



Biden Reneged – Now Russian Army Will Talk

By Ray McGovern AntiWar.com December 31, 2022

A year ago today (on Dec. 30, 2021) U.S. President Joe Biden, in a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, assured him that “Washington had no intention of ……………………..



One Nation Under Blackmail

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com December 31, 2022

Investigative journalist Whitney Webb spoke with The Jimmy Dore Show about her book, ………………..



Wir haben den Zelensky-Gipfel erreicht. Was jetzt?

Nach der absurden, fast psychotischen Überförderung, sagt Robert Freeman, könne der ukrainische Präsident von nun an nur noch absteigen. Und das kommt bestimmt. Bald.

  1. Dezember 2022




Latin America’s Descent into Interventionism Continues

12/30/2022 Daniel Lacalle

The latest estimates from consensus for the main Latin American economies show a continent facing a lost decade. The region GDP growth has been downgraded yet again to a modest …………………..



Behavioral Economics Challenges the Rationality of Consumer Choices

12/29/2022 Frank Shostak

A relatively new area of study in economics, behavioral economics, has started to gain popularity. The behavioral economics framework emerged because of dissatisfaction with the ……………….



Unholy Trinity: Facebook As Fact, Government As Truth, Big Pharma As God

Posted By: Colin Todhunter via Off-Guardian December 30, 2022

Billions are trapped in the Matrix that tells them what to think, when to think and how to ………………….



Ursprung von Covid: Das von Twitter zensiert Video, das jetzt von Elon Mask freigeben wurde, belastet die USA schwer

uncut-news.ch Dezember 29, 2022

Kim Dotcom schreibt auf Twitter: Dieses Video über den Ursprung von Covid-19 wurde von ………………..



The Radio Rothbard (Mostly Negative) Predictions for 2023

12/29/2022 Ryan McMaken Tho Bishop

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop look ahead to 2023 with a handful of predictions for the new year. They even manage to find one reason for optimism!



Forecast 2023 – Get Out of the Way if You Can’t Lend a Hand

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com December 31, 2022

“The powerful are panicking, and so they should. Their secrets are leaking.”

Miranda Devine




Can China Help Brazil Restart Its Global Soft Power?

Bolsonaro reduced Brazil to resources-exporter status; now Lula should follow Argentina’s lead into Belt and Road, By Pepe Escobar Asia Times December 31, 2022




The Great Pneumonia Epidemic

While the world was panicking over COVID-19, a more deadly but common disease was being left untreated, resulting in thousands of deaths Stephen J Wood 22.12.22




300 Years of Masonic Infiltration

David L. Gray, 29.12.22

There was such a dramatic change in the social and theological dispositions towards Freemasonry amongst many European, Argentinian, and North American Catholics ……………………



Australian Senator Takes Had Stand Against Covid Jabs

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com December 30, 2022

The Canadian Independent video1 above features an early-December 2022 Parliamentary ……………….



Turkish ‚Progress‘: Six-Year-Old Girl Married by Her Sheik Father

by Burak Bekdil December 30, 2022 On November 25, protestors gathered in several provinces to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against ……………….




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