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Blinder Glaube an die Obrigkeit ist der schlimmste Feind der Wahrheit.

— Albert Einstein

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Davos 2023 – the A Threat to the Entire World?

Marty, I think Schwab’s great reset is all about your 2032. He seems to be a Socrates subscriber and is just trying to manipulate the outcome in his direction. What do you think?




Is the Fed a Den of Thieves? Or Independent?

The Fed….why would anyone put a greedy fox in charge of the hen house. Mr. Armstrong, you, of all people have more than a passing acquaintance with the corruption of the big banks. …………………



Our Extreme Long-Term Model Forecasting Tools

Mr. Armstrong, Your reputation precedes you. They call you the legend because you have been the only analyst who forecasts events years in advance. Throughout the rise and fall the ………………



Infective Maltruism: Is Charity Still Charity When It Is Performed for Uncharitable Reasons?

01/11/2023 Thomas Buckley

Looking beyond the “aw, neat, what a great person” façade of effective altruism, one clearly finds a level of narcissistic cynicism and a drive to the permanent power that financial …………………



2023: Das Jahr der Corona-Aufarbeitung?

Von Michael P. Senger.

Zu Beginn von 2022 waren nur wenige optimistisch. Doch im letzten Jahr sollten die meisten COVID-Restriktionen zusammenbrechen. Nun glaube ich, dass 2023 das Jahr sein könnte, in ………………….



Nach Trump nun Biden: Geheime Dokumente im Privathaus des Präsidenten gefunden

Von Susanne Heger Do, 12. Januar 2023 Wenn zwei das Gleiche tun…

Nach dem Skandal über geheime Regierungsdokumente in Trumps Privathaus wird nun …………………….



Borna: Vermutlich nicht 200 Sachsen, sondern eher 30 Randalierer unklarer Identität

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 12. Januar 2023 „rechtsradikales“ Framing in Medien

Vier Tage, nachdem ein T-online-Autor über einen „Mob von 200 Sachsen“ schrieb, sprach eine Zeit-Korrespondentin mit den Menschen in Borna. Heraus kam eine ganz andere ……………………..



Grüne offenbaren in Lützerath ihre Lügen, Fehler und Widersprüche

Von Mario Thurnes Do, 12. Januar 2023 Politische Doppelmoral

Für die Grünen wird Lützerath zu ihrem Vietnam. Dort treffen ihre Kämpfer auf einen Feind, der in Wirklichkeit sie selbst sind. Ihre Aussagen offenbaren Doppelmoral und das Fehlen …………………..



Will Western Main Battle Tanks Turn the Tide in Ukraine? What do Russian Gains in Soledar Mean?



This is MUCH worse than they’re telling you | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris



“We Are Facing The Entire NATO in Ukraine” Kremlin Says, As UK Mulls Battle Tanks

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge January 13, 2023

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev has issued ultra-provocative words ……………………..



A True Giant Died Today

By Tom Woods January 13, 2023

What an odd and most unfortunate coincidence.

Just yesterday I wrote to you about the academic snobs who look down on amateur historians ………………..



Decline of Empire: Parallels Between the U.S. and Rome, Part II

By Doug Casey International Man January 13, 2023

Like the Romans, we’re supposedly ruled by laws, not by men. In Rome, the law started with the 12 Tablets in 451 BCE, with few dictates and simple enough to be inscribed on bronze for …………………..



BREAKING! Elon Musk reveals new Russiagate corruption in latest Twitter files | Redacted News Live



Will 2023 be Worse Than 2022?

By Philip Giraldi The Unz Review January 13, 2023

Even though one has become accustomed to seeing the United States government behaving irrationally on an epic scale with no concern for what happens to the average citizen who is ……………………



Ukraine and Israel

By Patrick Foy PatrickFoyDossier January 13, 2023

I’ve been reading Raymond Chandler’s The High Window for the second time. The plot is convoluted. Somehow it got me thinking about Ukraine and Israel. Both countries are ………………………..



The Ever Widening War

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 13, 2023

“Ukraine is already a de facto member of NATO.” — Oleksii Reznikov, Defense Minister of Ukraine




War Lessons

January 11, 2023

Most likely, the first war in human history was one group of guys rushing at another group of guys, swinging fists and anything they could use as a club. It did not take long before a man ………………..



Micronations in International Law: How US Policy Could Improve the Fortunes of Upstart Libertarian Countries

01/11/2023 Pratik Chougule

After years spent toiling as an activist against the tide of Czech politics, Vít Jedlička concluded that it would be easier to build a libertarian nation from scratch somewhere else. In ……………………



The Constitution Failed. It Secured Neither Peace nor Freedom

01/10/2023 Ryan McMaken

If one cares to look, it’s not difficult to find numerous columns written for mainstream news outlets announcing that the US Constitution has failed. This ought to raise the question of „failed to do what?“ The answer depends largely on the one claiming the constitution has …………………



Classified Documents Found in Biden’s Home: President’s Lawyer

By Zachary Stieber January 12, 2023

Classified documents from the Obama-Biden administration were found in a second location linked to President Joe Biden, a lawyer for the president said on Jan. 12.




A Government by Experts

By Andrew P. Napolitano January 12, 2023

I have often thought that after Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson was our worst president. By worst is meant least faithful to the Constitution and most destructive of personal liberty.




With Friends Like This

By Valerie Protopapas January 12, 2023

In his article The Future for Whites in a Post-Trump America, Arthur Kemp alludes to the 40th President, Ronald Wilson Reagan with quite a lot of criticism for his apparent “failures,” …………………….



The Constitution Failed. It Secured Neither Peace nor Freedom

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org January 12, 2023

If one cares to look, it’s not difficult to find numerous columns written for mainstream news …………………..



Peter Schiff: More Economic Pain Ahead in 2023

SchiffGold.com January 12, 2023

Last year was a tough one for investors. In fact, it was the worst year for Wall Street since ………………….



U.S. Government Identified as Original Source of Lab Leak Theory. What’s Really Going On?

by Will Jones

Where did the lab leak theory come from? Who first promoted the idea and why? The answer ………………



The Reality of War

By Karen McKay

On the night of 9/12/2001, my phone was ringing as I walked in the door after two days on standby at my fire department. I was an Ashburn, VA firefighter/EMT. We had sent one fire ……………………



Does Deep State Want Civil War in US? Sure Seems Like It!

By Alex Newman The New American January 12, 2023

The Deep State appears to be involved in an effort to engineer another Civil War in the United ……………..



Markets Are Underestimating Inflation Again, BlackRock and Fidelity Warn

Eva Szalay Tue, January 10, 2023

(Bloomberg) — Some of the world’s largest asset managers such as BlackRock Inc., Fidelity Investments and Carmignac are warning markets are underestimating both inflation and the ultimate peak of US rates, just like a year ago.




A Long Way to Fall: Stock Market’s Bottom is Hardly Even Within Sight

When several of the big money-driving voices in financial media and major financial institutions start saying the same thing I am, I start to wonder about myself. Or is it just …………………….



Come and See the Horror

By Ira Katz January 12, 2023

And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Revelation 6:7




January 6th – They can’t HIDE this anymore, even if they want to



In Ukraine, “There’s Something Happening There”

11 January 2023 by Larry Johnson

The sixties band, Buffalo Springfield, had a hit song that I think captures the dramatic …………………..



US Senator Angus King – He Survived 48 hours in Ukraine!

Der US-Senator ist sich absolut sicher, dass alle Waffen, die der Westen in die Ukraine schickt, korrekt verwendet werden, Selensky hat ihm ein Spread-Sheet gezeigt, auf dem alle Waffen und selbst Ersatzteile 100% korrekt erfasst werden. Deloitte würde das sicherstellen. Ob die Buchhalter aber tatsächlich an der Front alle Waffen täglich zählen?



What Is Ukraine Hiding in the Bakhmut Salt Mines?

7 January 2023 by Larry Johnson

The prolonged battle for Bakhmut is portrayed in the press as a symbol of Russian weakness. ………………..



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