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The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants.

— Albert Camus

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ukrainekonflikt: «Jetzt wäre der richtige Zeitpunkt, die abgebrochenen Verhandlungen wieder aufzunehmen»

«Waffenlieferungen bedeuten, dass der Krieg sinnlos verlängert wird»

Interview mit General a. D. Harald Kujat*




Deutsche Panzerdebatte: Welche Rolle spielen amerikanische Rüstungsinteressen?

Bisher wurde die Lieferung von Leopard 2 an die Ukraine immer unter dem militärischen Aspekt diskutiert. Doch mit Waffenlieferungen sind auch rüstungspolitische Interessen verbunden. Hier gehen deutsche und amerikanische Sichtweisen auseinander.

Marco Seliger, Berlin 22.01.2023,




Russia Advance Bakhmut Siversk Zaporozhye; US Tells Ukraine It is Losing Attrition War Leave Bakhmut



J.P. Morgan was an Ancient Coin Collector

Is it true that J.P. Morgan was also an ancient coin collector? DV


Absolutely. He collected both Greek and Roman coins. This was a Syracuse Dekadrachm of Dionysios I (405-367BC). The difference between the Greeks and the Romans is quite plain. …………………….



Soros Owns Mainstream Press?

Marty, As you know I worked for _____________ in NYC. We all know you were innocent back then. I have followed you for probably 30 years. Everyone knew that the bankers told …………………..



Reederei verbannt E-Autos von Bord

Hohe Brandgefahr – Dieser Betrag von Kornelia Kirchweger erschien zuerst auf AUF1.INFO

Ohrfeige für die E-Auto-Lobby: Eine Reederei in Norwegen lässt keine Strom- und Hybrid-Fahrzeuge mehr an Bord. Die Brandgefahr sei zu hoch, der Löscheinsatz unmöglich, das ………………………….



Politik und Biontech übten systematisch Druck auf Twitter aus

Recherchen eines US-amerikanischen Journalisten ergaben, dass während der Corona-Plandemie Politik und Pharmakonzern Biontech gezielt auf Twitter einwirkten, um unliebsame Veröffentlichungen zu ………………………….



Deutschland rutscht in Standortranking ab – nur noch knapp vor Ungarn

Der Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland verliert an Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und landet in einer ZEW-Studie nur noch auf den hinteren Plätzen. Gründe sind die Energiekrise, aber vor allem strukturelle Versäumnisse.  16.01.2023,




US, Allies Send More Weapons to Ukraine in Absence of Real Solution



Russia Offensive Zaporozhye Fast Gains, Ukraine Operational Crisis Bakhmut; German No To Tanks



Russo-Ukrainian War: The World Blood Pump

Gradually, and then Suddenly Big Serge Jan 20 2023, Iron, Ash, and Blood




Omicron Subvariant XBB.1.5 Could Be More Likely to Infect Vaccinated: NYC Health Officials

Katabella Roberts Jan 16 2023

The Omicron XBB.1.5 variant of COVID-19 is more likely to infect individuals who have been vaccinated, as well as those with natural immunity, according to New York City health ……………………..



When Media Provide ‚Analyses‘

There was a time when news and opinion pieces were all there was in a newspaper. The usual advertisements and crossword puzzles were just the supporting extras on top of that. But some …………………….



Didn’t Ukraine Become Sovereign in 1918?

I thought Ukraine claimed it was independent in 1918. Was that not then a country?





Fiat Money Inflation Not Only Raises Prices but Also Undermines Division of Labor

01/20/2023 Doug French

The line for the self-checkout registers at my neighborhood Albertsons stretched into the store’s produce section. Is this human progress? I wondered, scanning my groceries—this just ……………………..



I Truly Miss the Clarity of the Great Robert Higgs: A Real Man of Freedom

By Gary D. Barnett January 21, 2023

“Anarchists did not try to carry out genocide against the Armenians in Turkey; they did not deliberately starve millions of Ukrainians; they did not create a system of death camps to kill …………………



NATO The New Athenian League

Dr. Joseph Sansone Jan 20 2023

During the cold war historical comparisons between the United States and the Soviet Union often invoked the conflict between Rome and Carthage. Two superpowers vying for control …………………………



No Happy Endings in Transland

A new documentary tells the sad stories of young victims of gender ideology.

Austin Ruse




Poland is HIDING the truth from the world and it’s getting bad | Redacted with Clayton Morris



Erst Panzer, dann Kampfjets, dann deutsche Soldaten? Wer stoppt den Wahnsinn?



Ukraine – Russian Army Activates Southern Front

The long expected Russian offensive in Ukraine has begun.

The Ukrainian army, egged on by its U.S. controllers, had put most of its resource into the …………………………



Banking Institutions Quietly Admit To Inevitable Recession Implosion on 2023

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us January 21, 2023

As the Federal Reserve continues its fastest rate hike cycle since the stagflation crisis of 1980, a couple vital questions linger in the minds of economists everywhere – When is recession ………………..



Is a Real War about to Break Out in Ukraine?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 21, 2023

As readers know, I am a critic of Putin’s “limited military operation” in Ukraine.  It was eight …………………….



Contrarian Thoughts on the Petro-Yuan and Gold-Backed Currencies

January 19, 2023

Rather than cheer the concept of a new currency, we’re better served to look at the velocity of that currency and the cycles of investing that currency in assets denominated in that currency …………………….



How To Look to the Lebanon

Theodore Dalrymple January 20, 2023

There is, apparently, a saying in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the effect that anyone who says that he understands the Lebanon does not understand the Lebanon. I am not ………………….



A Page Turns

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com January 21, 2023

“People underestimate how much resistance to imperial edicts out of DC there is, they underestimate how many people are waiting for the fall, but they also misunderstand that this …………………..



The US Consumer Has Cracked: Discover Plunges After ‘Shocking’ Charge-Off Forecast

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge January 21, 2023

One week ago we looked at the latest consumer credit data where we found not one but two ……………..



Autokraten horten immer mehr Goldreserven – das sind die Gründe

Die Türkei, Ägypten und China haben im vergangenen Jahr ihre Goldreserven weiter aufgestockt. Auch die Zentralbanken anderer Schwellenländer kaufen bei dem Edelmetall zu. …………………..



Why Would Poland Ever Support Ukraine?

Hello Mr. Armstrong. I am from Poland and I know the history and our differences with Russia, but in this war, I’m against Ukraine. They don’t even want to apologize for atrocities ………………….



Don’t Call It Capitalism: The Fed’s $8 Trillion Hoard of Financial Assets

01/19/2023 Ryan McMaken

It’s a sure bet that as the economy worsens, unemployment surges, foreclosures rise, defaults climb, and economic misery ensues, we’ll be told it’s all capitalism’s fault. The question one …………………….



Hans-Hermann Hoppe on For a New Liberty at 50

01/18/2023 Hans-Hermann Hoppe

I was born shortly after the end of World War II, in 1949, in the British occupied zone of ……………………..



The State Will Always Set the Rules in Its Favor

01/19/2023 Dumo Denga

Johan Smit wrote an opinion piece in which he highlighted the double standards of treatment ……………………..



Bakhmut Operationally Encircled, Russia Advance Zaporozhye; West Talks Tank Deliveries Ramstein



Biden Piggybacks Trump’s Middle East Madness

By Patrick Foy PatrickFoyDossier January 21, 2023

From what I gather, Donald Trump feels that the Washington establishment and the American news media have not given him sufficient credit, if any at all, for advancing U.S. policy …………………….



The Modern State Cannot Exist without Fiat Money

01/19/2023 Matt Ray

The emergence of money is a market phenomenon. By surrendering fewer marketable goods …………………..



Tucker Carlson: Biden is done



Turkey: Putin’s Open Door for Harming Western Interests

by Burak Bekdil January 20, 2023 For Putin, Erdoğan’s friendship is growing ever more important — and vice versa.




Wenn Zwang mit Mutmassungen begründet wird, folgen Unterdrückung, Chaos und Unfriede

  1. Januar 2023 – Andreas Tiedtke




More Tanks & Ukrainians training in US – Col Doug Macgregor



The Justice Department’s Double Standards on Classified Documents

Biden and Trump both have special counsels. But the president’s lawyers got to conduct his search, while his predecessor’s weren’t even allowed to be present. By Kimberley A. Strassel Jan. 19, 2023




Colonel Douglas MacGregor DEBUNKS US War Plans For Taiwan



„Diese Klimaaktivisten sind selbstverliebte Narzissten“

Lassen sich die Medien zu sehr von Klimaaktivisten instrumentalisieren? Das zumindest kritisiert Rainer Wendt, Bundesvorsitzender der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft, im …………………….



Nie wieder Pandemie?!

Corona ist zwar noch nicht vorbei – aber der Alptraum scheint vorüber. Dürfen wir hoffen, dass sich dieser Horror nie mehr wiederholt? Oder haben wir es gar in der Hand, dass es kein nächstes Mal geben wird?




Habeck will die Bundesrepublik Europa mit einheitlicher Fiskalpolitik

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Do, 19. Januar 2023 Enteignung der Deutschen:

Habecks in Davos formuliertes Ziel eines europäischen Bundesstaates heißt im Klartext …………………..



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