Gastbeitrag von Gabor Steingart – In Deutschland entwickelt sich eine Abschiedskultur – von unserem Wohlstand
Das deutsche Vorzeige-Unternehmen Biontech verlagert offenbar Teile der Forschung nach Großbritannien. Gastautor Gabor Steingart, 25.1.23
Some Questions for Our Congressmen and Senators on Ukraine
By Karen Kwiatkowski January 27, 2023
Dear Representative and Senators,
As we approach twelve months of the Russian SMO to end Kiev’s war on Russians of east ………………….
German Foreign Minister Just Said the Quit Part Loud on Ukraine
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge January 27, 2023
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock bluntly stated in fresh remarks that Western allies are fighting a war against Russia. The remarks came during a debate at the ……………………….
The Covid Narrative Tide is Turning
As more information about the Covid vaccines and other media narratives are released, those of us who’ve been consigned to the Conspiracy Theory bin for the last few years are being sadly vindicated. Sheryl Collmer
Baerbock relativiert Kriegserklärung: «Die Ukraine zu unterstützen, macht Deutschland nicht zu einer Konfliktpartei»
Weltwoche, 27.1.23
Die deutsche Aussenministerin Annalena Baerbock sagte gestern: «Wir kämpfen einen Krieg gegen Russland und nicht gegeneinander.»…………..
A Great Boondoggle
Back during the Cold War, specifically in the Reagan years, the media used to love reporting ………………….
Clayton Morris: NATO is going to get us ALL killed with this move, Scott Ritter
A Russian Victory in Ukraine Won’t End the War
By Mike Whitney The Unz Review January 27, 2023
Behind Washington’s desperate appeal for tanks and other lethal weaponry for Ukraine, ………………..
Economic Collapse Survival Quiz For Would-Be Preppers and Survivalists
By Dave Jefferson Prepper1cense January 27, 2023
You don’t have to be a “Doomsday Prepper” to see that America is headed for some rough …………………
California Wealth Tax to be Applied to Anyone Whoever Worked in the State
Some people have written in and said I am just a Republican and I hate California. Sorry, I consider myself in the middle. I disagree with a lot on the Republican side as well. Simply …………………
European Shadow Unemployment Is a Real Problem
01/25/2023 Daniel Lacalle
The latest jobs report in the United States shows strengths and weaknesses. Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 223,000 in December, and the unemployment rate fell to 3.5 ……………………
Corporate Welfare for Farmers Is Swell until It’s Not: The Case of Arizona Reservoirs
01/21/2023 Dave Albin
The US federal government has a long history of intervening in voluntary human action, frequently tilting the scales to favor some over others. This is perhaps more apparent when …………………
Freiheit beginnt beim Ich – Interview mit Anna Schneider
Anna Schneider – 27. Januar 20223 – Interview mit Anna Schneider, Juristin und Journalistin und Autorin ………………
The True Costs of a US-China War for Taiwan
01/25/2023 Ryan McMaken Zachary Yost
Ryan McMaken and Zachary Yost discuss new estimates of just how costly a US-China war ………………..
EU will bei Abschiebungen hart durchgreifen – Faeser lehnt Pläne ab
Von Christoph B. Schiltz Korrespondent in Brüssel
Die EU-Innenminister wollen einen neuen Anlauf nehmen, um die niedrige Abschiebequote illegaler Migranten zu erhöhen. Ein Vorschlag sieht fünf konkrete Maßnahmen vor, Schweden macht Druck. Aber die deutsche Ressortchefin Faeser lehnt die Pläne ab – sie bevorzuge einen anderen Ansatz.
Pfizer Insider über COVID
„Mutating“ COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines „Don’t tell anyone this…There is a risk…have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn’t create something…the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest.“
Project Veritas Stings Pfizer, Discovers ‘Directed Evolution’ Of Virus To Maximize Profits
Forecasting the Future
So if I read you right, you never anticipated that your computer would also forecast war and geopolitical events. ChatGPT seems to be able to find things and answer questions. But it ……………………….
Shortage of Bread Contributed to French Revolution
Food shortages have historically contributed to revolutions more so than just international war. Poor grain harvests led to riots as far back as 1529 in the French city of Lyon. During the ……………………
Russia’s Intentions Are Clarifying
By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney January 27, 2023
We have confirmation from the highest sources that Russia and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) are considering using gold for pan-Asian trade settlements, fully ……………….
Umfaller Scholz überschreitet rote Linie
Kampfpanzer-Lieferung. Dass die deutsche Bundesregierung einknicken würde und am Ende …………………
Putin sagt Studierenden, dass Deutschland von US-Truppen besetzt ist
Bei einem Universitätsbesuch in Moskau hat der russische Präsident Verschwörungstheorien über Deutschland verbreitet. Demnach ist die Bundesrepublik laut Putin von amerikanischen …………………
Turkey’s Elections Are Not Just Turkey’s
by Burak Bekdil January 26, 2023 To maximize the opportunity for the Turkish public to come to the polls… President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan brought forward the election date from …………………
Jeffrey Epsteins ‚Suicide‘ – Tucker: This is scary
How Bill Clinton created post-truth America
Giles Fraser is a journalist, broadcaster and Vicar of St Anne’s, Kew. His lies bred a lasting political cynicism. January 26, 2023
Joe Biden, Ukraine