Russian Captures Bekhova; China Ukraine Position Paper Criticises West, Russia-China Deepen Ties
Douglas Macgregor – A Huge Offensive
China has Warned US They Will Attack US Troops in Taiwan
A commentator for the Global Times, reported a threat to the United States last Thursday night, stating that China would not hesitate to engage U.S. forces stationed in Taiwan if the …………………
Biologe Clemens G. Arvay ist tot
Der Grazer Wissenschaftler wollte die Corona-Debatten hinter sich lassen und sich wieder seinem „Lebensthema Ökoimmunologie“ widmen. Vor wenigen Tagen schied der prominente Autor aus dem Leben. 23. Februar 2023,
The Biden Administration is Just Insane & Should Be Removed At Once
The threats from Biden that all the Russian Assets he has confiscated illegally from private ………………….
Austin Texas & the Rise of Woke Craziness into 2024
We are so grateful to have you help us navigate the crisis’ – war, sovereign debt and totalitarianism.
Was ist nur los mit Euch?
Wenn ich aus dem französischen Exil in mein deutsches Vaterland schaue, schaudert es mich. Es schaudert mich jeden Tag. Was ist nur los mit Euch, liebe Landsleute? Woran wollt Ihr ……………………….
Bekenntnisse einer Kartoffel
Zugegeben: Schon meine Großeltern und meine Eltern, selbst entferntere Mitglieder meiner Familie waren Kartoffeln, und ich bin natürlich auch eine. Deshalb fühlte ich mich beachtet, als Ferda Ataman, nunmehr Bundesbeauftragte für Antidiskriminierung, mich und andere ……………………
FDP-Generalsekretär: SPD und Grüne sollen Koalitionen mit Linken beenden
Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 27. Februar 2023
Die FDP fordert SPD und Grüne auf, die Linke zu boykottieren. Grund ist die Teilnahme von ……………………
Kiew: Die Ultrarechten marschieren auf (2020)
ARD und ZDF: Nicht berichten, was nicht sein soll
Von Olaf Opitz So, 26. Februar 2023 Leipzig: Hauptstadt der Linksextremen
Wenn es um linksextreme Krawalle und Angriffe gegen Staat und Polizei geht, schauen …………………..
FBI: Laborunfall für Corona-Entstehung am wahrscheinlichsten
So, 26. Februar 2023 Schluss mit Fledermaus-Geschichte?
Es war wahrscheinlich doch keine Fledermaus-Suppe am Markt von Wuhan, die die Welt ins ……………………..
Will 13 Million Ukrainians Just Move to Germany?
According to the UN refugee agency, more than thirteen million people, or nearly a third of Ukraine’s prewar population, have been displaced since the invasion. Of that, more than five …………………..
When it Comes to Ukraine and Russia, the United States Intel Community is Confusing Pyrite with Genuine Gold
26 February 2023 by Larry Johnson
I am following up on my previous posts about the failure of the U.S. intelligence community, ………………
The Ukrainians are staring down the barrel of a VERY BIG GUN
German Rebirth: Blitzkrieg
The History of Battle: Maneuver, Part 10 Big Serge Feb 17, 2023
Few words have electrified the military lexicon like Blitzkrieg. The word has taken on something of a paradoxical form over time – signifying so many different things that it almost …………………
Mo More Ukraines
By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner February 27, 2023
Joe Biden must think that he’s the world’s Rich Uncle. In a meeting with the so-called ………………..
Hunter Biden Business Partner Flips, Now ‘Cooperating’ With GOP Investigators
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge February 27, 2023
Eric Schwerin, a close business associate of Hunter Biden who also dealt with Joe Biden’s ………………………..
The Triggers of History
Theodore Dalrymple February 24, 2023
The London School of Economics has decided that it will not use dreadful words such as Christmas, Easter, Lent, and Michaelmas to designate its term times and holidays. ……………………….
Historic Year…. Ukraine War Exposes U.S. Imperialism as Foremost Global Threat
Strategic Culture February 27, 2023
Most people realize that the United States and its capitalist impoverishing-war-system must be defeated if the world is to ever live in peace.
Whom Do You Trust?
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. February 27, 2023
Often today we face a tough situation. Issues come up that involve technical subjects. Is the world threatened by “global warming” or is this a hoax? Are the so-called Covid-vaccines …………………………..
Messer-Mord in Ludwigshafen: Stadt unterstützt Ex des Somaliers mit Spendengeld!
- Februar 2023
Im Oktober 2022 ermordete der Somalier Liban M. (26) in Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim zwei ……………………
Greenwald: NYT Finally Admits ‚The International Community’ Does Not Stand With US on Ukraine
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge February 25, 2023
A typical consumer of Western and especially American media over the past year of war in ……………………..
Selling Fear – the ‚Epidemic Experts’ Weigh in
By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s Blog February 25, 2023
“But…but…this time it’s different. This one is different…”
Who Are Those Guys?
By Brian Wilson February 25, 2023
Remember that famous recurring line from “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”?
Time for Some Truth
By Bionic Mosquito February 25, 2023
Col. Jessup: You want answers?
US Hegemony and Its Perils
U.S. Hegemony – At War With China’s Global Security Initiative
Over the last week China released a flurry of papers and statements that are accusing the U.S. of hegemony while contrasting it with China’s peace initiatives.
No, Red State Economies Don’t Depend on a „Gravy Train“ from Blue States
02/23/2023 Ryan McMaken
When Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene called (again) for „national divorce“ this …………………….
The World Has Enough Trouble
By James Howard Kunstler February 25, 2023
“[This] is what happens when you invent your own reality. You end up bamboozling yourself. The Sirius Report on Twitter
Biden versus Bastiat
02/23/2023 Daniel Moule
Whether well-intentioned or otherwise, a “Made in China” ban for construction materials on federally funded infrastructure projects will benefit a chosen political class to the detriment of …………….
BIS Chief Agustin Carstens says Crypto Lost Battle to Fiat
BIS GM Agustin Carstens stated recent developments have led to severe doubts regarding stablecoins’ ability to serve as currency. byVismaya V February 24, 2023
Soaring Inflation, Chinese Spy Balloons, and More War
By David Stockman International Man February 25, 2023
Well, at least we are starting to get some clarity. America is not being attacked by aliens and ………………
Douglas Macgregor – A Huge Offensive
The Plan to Wreck America
By Mike Whitney The Unz Review February 25, 2023
In America, we have an oligarch problem, and it’s much bigger than the oligarch problem that Putin faced when he became president in 2000. The entire West is now in the grips of ……………………
WEF Calls for Destruction of America’s Middle Class
Sociopath Chrystia Freeland argues middle class needs to embrace poverty
Kurt Nimmo Jan 20 2023
I dare entitled, no doubt wealthy (she’s in government, after all) Chrystia Freeland to walk the ……………………….
Operation Gladio: NATO’s Secret War for International Fascism
December 01, 2022
By Cynthia Chung for The Saker blog
You may be asking the question what on earth is “international fascism” and how could ………………..
Ludwig von Mises’s Monetary Theory in Light of Modern Monetary Thought
02/22/2023 Joseph T. Salerno
Ludwig von Mises’s contributions to the development of the technical methods and apparatus of monetary theory continue to be neglected today, despite the fact that Mises succeeded exactly eight decades ago, while barely out of his twenties, in a task that still admittedly …………………
Earthquake Unveils Turkey’s Many Ugly Faces
by Burak Bekdil February 24, 2023 The worst disaster in modern Turkey’s history, the earthquake killed, as of February 15, more than 35,000 people and injured 100,000. The death ………………..
Scott Ritter, HistoryLegends & Sanya Florida – 1 Year of War in Ukraine