Explaining the Unexplainable
By Karen Kwiatkowski March 9, 2023
The US Government and its political apologists have repeatedly called the ……………………
SITREP 3/8/23: Southern Advances Amid Prigozhin’s Momentous Speech
Simplicius The Thinker, 8.3.23
Let’s start off today with one important thing that’s been in need of clearing up. A lot of ……………………
Russia Captures East Bakhmut, Zelensky Admits Importance: Intel: Nord Stream Attack 6 Guys & A Boat
The Pete Buttigieg Show Closes in East Palestine, Ohio
by Lawrence Kadish March 8, 2023
U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is discovering that holding a cabinet position isn’t some no-show government job.
America Is a Technocracy, Not a Democracy
05/01/2020 Ryan McMaken
Perhaps never before in American history have the unelected technocrats played such an enormous role in shaping public policy in America.
Matt, der Schließer – Skandal im Sperrbezirk
Die vom „Telegraph“ veröffentlichten WhatsApp-Nachrichten des britischen Ex-Gesundheitsministers offenbaren den so willkürlichen wie zynischen Umgang mit der Corona-Krise. Die politischen Manöver bestätigen den Verdacht, dass alles Covid-Gebrüll der ……………………
US-Behörde schikaniert Twitter seit Übernahme durch Elon Musk
Von David Boos Do, 9. März 2023
Einem Bericht des US-Justizausschusses zufolge wird Elon Musks Twitter seit Monaten von der Behörde FTC mit bürokratischen Forderungen belästigt. Die FTC behauptet, die ……………….
Die Noteninflation galoppiert – Nun soll das Abitur nochmal leichter werden
Von Josef Kraus Do, 9. März 2023 Bildungssystem im Niedergang
Die immer besseren Noten der Abiturienten in Deutschland können nicht verdecken, dass die ……………………
The Times, west quiet about Nord Stream. Lukashenko calls out Elensky. Boris and Belarus Guaido. U/2
When It comes to Nordstream and F-16s The U.S. Opts For Ham Handed Political Gestures
8 March 2023 by Larry Johnson
In theory, a covert operation is supposed to be elegant, sophisticated and smart. But that is not ……………………..
The EU’s Lethal Obsession with Israel
by Bassam Tawil March 9, 2023 What [EU] Representative [Sven] Koopmans forgot to mention that it is the Palestinians who have built tens of thousands of illegal structures in the West Bank, especially in Area C, which, according to the Oslo Accords, is under full Israeli security and civilian jurisdiction.
„Im Rechtsstaat kann es keinen absolutistischen Vorrang für Klimaschutz geben“
Von David Boos Mi, 8. März 2023
Die neuesten Angriffe der „Letzten Generation“ gehen nun auch Mitgliedern der Grünen zu weit. Die ehemalige Bundestagsabgeordnete und Ingenieurin Valerie Wilms kritisiert die ………………….
EU-Green-Deal: Größenwahn und Planungsglaube
Auf dem vergangenen Weltwirtschaftsforum kündigte Ursula von der Leyen den „Industrieplan für den Grünen Deal“ an, der wenig später durch eine EU-Pressemitteilung bestätigt wurde. Wer genau liest und zuhört, dem kann nur unheimlich werden.
The Cold War Racket Is Back
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation March 9, 2023
Chinese leader Xi Jinping has issued a direct critique against the U.S. government’s policy of containment when it comes to China. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, the …………………….
‚The Government Is Trying To Kill Us Now’
Low-Income Americans Fume In Mile-Long Food Lines After Pandemic Benefits End
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge March 8, 2023
The 5 Places In America You DON’T Want To Be When Society Collapses (Every region in the US certainly has its pros and cons, but these are the areas where the cons outweigh the positives the most)
Milan Adams Uncategorized March 7, 2023
What would you say is the number one threat to lead to an end-of-the-world-like scenario? A ………………
How Could Western Intelligence Have Got It Wrong, Again?
They Didn’t. They Had Other Purposes, By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture March 8, 2023
The West now faces the task of de-fusing the landmine of their own electorate’s conviction of a Ukraine ‘win’, and of Russian humiliation.
Larry Johnson, an ex-CIA analyst, writes “I no longer hold clearances and have not had ………………….
No, Australia Does Not Actually Need To Prepare For War With China
By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com March 8, 2023
In the latest instance of the Australian media’s deluge of propaganda geared toward ………………………
Secret Surveillance Video Dismantles January 6 Narrative
Clips aired during Tucker Carlson’s show on Monday night demonstrate how the January 6 select committee doctored surveillance video. By Julie Kelly March 7, 2023
US Proxy Jailed in Cambodia for Treason Amid US Meddling Region-wide in Asia