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Journalismus ist, etwas zu veröffentlichen, was andere nicht wollen, dass es veröffentlicht wird. Alles andere ist Propaganda.

— George Orwell (1903 – 1950)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ukrainisches Partner-Portal des «Spiegels» ruft zum Mord an Russen auf. Stoppt die pseudo-grünen Windmühlen. Russische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Klimawandel nicht menschengemacht



Three Lies They’re Telling You About the Debt Ceiling

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org May 25, 2023

Negotiations over increasing the federal debt ceiling continue in Washington. As has occurred several times over the past twenty years, Republicans and Democrats are presently using increases in the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip in negotiating how federal tax dollars will be …………………..



Neo-Nazism and the War in Ukraine: Interview With Michel Chossudovsky

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Dragan Vujicic Global Research May 25, 2023

The West’s support of Neo-Nazism in Ukraine should come as no surprise. Historically, powerful U.S. financial interests not only supported Nazi Germany as ………………



The Corruption of Climate Science

Instead of fighting anti-civilization lunacy, corporations are taking their money off the table, along with their life-affirming affordable fuel. By Edward Ring May 23, 2023




Death of Privacy …. And What Comes Next

By Doug Casey International Man May 25, 2023




Mearsheimers Latest Talk On The War In Ukraine

Yesterday the well known international relations scholar John Mearsheimer gave a talk (video, 1:33h) about the war in Ukraine to the Committee for the Republic.

Mearsheimer made two major points:




30 Tons of Ammonium Nitrate Goes Missing

A lot of expensive and lethal weapons of war have been reported missing this week. There have been numerous train derailments in America this year, and trains containing lethal ……………………..



How Markets Self-Corrected during the 1819 and 1919–21 Recessions

05/23/2023 Vibhu Vikramaditya

As the first signs of an economic tempest move through the United States—an alarming increase in bank failures, a surge in unemployment claims, and a troubling decline in retail …………………..



Energia jądrowa tak, proszę! Atomkraft ja bitte!

Der deutsche Atomausstieg scheint in unserem östlichen Nachbarland offenbar wenig Begeisterung auszulösen. Die Polen streben das genaue Gegenteil an, den Einstieg auf sehr breiter Front.




The Drug War: An Irrational Crusade

05/22/2023 Donavan Lingerfelt

It’s been over five decades since the war on drugs began in the United States, and billions of dollars coerced from taxpayers have been spent on this frivolous operation. The General ……………………



Eric Schmidt: AI Poses Existential Threat To People

Posted By: Arjun Kharpal via CNBC May 24, 2023

Eric Schmidt, the creator of Google, surveillance capitalism and member of the Trilateral Commission that started modern globalization, aka Technocracy, says government needs to ……………………



Alternative Energy Projects Are Bankrupting The Energy Grid

Posted By: James Hanley vis RealClearWire May 24, 2023

The Technocrat template used to implement alternative energy schemes is simple: Grossly overstate the benefits and vastly understate the cost. Pure and simple, this is intentional fraud ………………….



Der Stellvertreterkrieg der Milliardäre auf unseren Straßen

Von Marco Gallina Mi, 17. Mai 2023 Letzte Generation“ legt Berlin lahm

Erneut drängten Klimaextremisten den Hauptstadtverkehr an den Rand des Kollapses. Bloßer Kollateralschaden in einem manifestierenden Kampf von Milliardären, die ihre Klimakohorten auf dem Experimentierfeld Deutschland einsetzen.




Hausdurchsuchungen bei „Letzte Generation“: Unter Razzia tun wir’s nicht mehr

Von David Boos Do, 25. Mai 2023

Lange hat es gedauert, doch dann ging alles schnell. Die koordinierte Aktion gegen die Letzte Generation schnitt die Klimaextremisten binnen kürzester Zeit von weiten Teilen ihrer ……………………



So richtig entschieden will die FDP Robert Habecks Heizungsverbot doch nicht ändern

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 24. Mai 2023

Die CDU hat die Ampel in einer Aktuellen Stunde zu Robert Habecks (Grüne) Heizungsverbot im Bundestag vorgeführt. Vor allem die FDP wackelt; so strikt lehnt sie das ……………………….



„Weltklimarat“ als Politorchester

Von Roger Pielke Jr.

Die Politisierung des hierzulande „Weltklimarat“ genannten UN-Gremiums schreitet scheinbar unaufhaltsam voran. Es wird Zeit, sich zwischen Wissenschaftsberatung und Klima-Aktivismus zu entscheiden. Beides zusammen geht nicht.




Russia and China vs The United States — Revenge of the Nerds Part Deux

24 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

I will apologize up front for using the campy 1984 movie, Revenge of the Nerds, as a …………………..



The Woke Cartel and Twitter’s New CEO

05/24/2023 Michael Rectenwald

On May 12, 2023, Elon Musk announced that Linda Yaccarino, the now former chairman of global advertising and partnerships at NBCUniversal, would become the new CEO of Twitter. ……………………



SITREP 5/24/23: UA’s Desperate Border Stunt Ends With Large Losses

Simplicius The Thinker 25.05.2023

Though it may slip under the radar, particularly due to the West’s obvious desire to keep it quiet, to me the actual most consequential news of the day is that we have a semblance of the ………………….



Russia Defeats Belgorod Suicide Mission, Claims 50K Ukr KIA Bakhmut, Mulls Offensive; Xi, Russian PM



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