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Um die Unabhängigkeit des Volkes zu bewahren, dürfen wir unserer Regierung nicht erlauben, uns mit ewigen Schulden zu belasten.

— Thomas Jefferson

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos


Der Westen ist SCHULD! GETREIDEABKOMMEN NICHT verlängert – YouTube


US Blames Minefields Ukr Failure; Zaluzhny Syrsky Rivalry; Yellen Visit China

US Blames Minefields Ukr Failure; Zaluzhny Syrsky Rivalry; Yellen Visit China Markets Support – YouTube


China: US Needs China To Interfere in 2024 Election

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice July 18, 2023

China is in a precarious position.   On the one hand – China and Xi Jinping are demonized in ………………

China: US Needs China To Interfere in 2024 Election – LewRockwell


„We Will Bring You Down“: German MP Vows To Dismantle WHO’s Grip On Governments


German MP Christine Anderson last week shredded the World Health Organization, calling it …………………….

„We Will Bring You Down“: German MP Vows To Dismantle WHO’s Grip On Governments | ZeroHedge


Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Confirms IRS Whistleblower Testimony

WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James …………………

Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Confirms IRS Whistleblower Testimony – United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability


Biden is Calling Up Military Reserves.. Are Your Kids Next?

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute July 18, 2023

As a rule, US war reporting since Vietnam has been mostly mainstream media cheerleading …………………..

Biden is Calling Up Military Reserves…Are Your Kids Next? – LewRockwell


A Bonfire of the Vanities

By Alastair Crooke Strategic CultureJuly 18, 2023

Hubris consists in believing that a contrived narrative can, in and of itself, bring victory, ………………….

A Bonfire of the Vanities – LewRockwell


How Sound of Freedom Dominated the Box Office and Embarrassed Hollywood

By giving us what we wanted.Jul 17


How Sound of Freedom Dominated the Box Office and Embarrassed Hollywood (substack.com)


What TWA 800 Had in Common with Hunter B’s Laptop

By Jack Cashill

On July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800 left JFK airport in New York City heading east to Paris. Twelve minutes after its 8:19 departure the doomed 747 blew up off the south coast of Long Island, killing all 230 souls aboard.


What TWA 800 Had in Common with Hunter B’s Laptop – American Thinker


CIA analyst Ray McGovern speaks about the war in Ukraine with US veteran Matthew Hoh

CIA analyst Ray McGovern speaks about the war in Ukraine with US veteran Matthew Hoh – YouTube


Inflation: Your Role as a Milk Cow

By Jeff Thomas International Man July 18, 2023

Traditionally, inflation has been defined as “an increase in the amount of currency in ………………….

Inflation: Your Role as a Milk Cow – LewRockwell


The Real History of the War in Ukraine

A Chronology of Events and Case for Diplomacy 17.07.2023

By Jeffrey D. Sachs, Special to The Kennedy Beacon


The Real History of the War in Ukraine (substack.com)


Ukraine’s Recent Attack on the Crimean Bridge & Why it Doesn’t Matter Strategically

Ukraine’s Recent Attack on the Crimean Bridge & Why it Doesn’t Matter Strategically – YouTube


The Incredible Shrinking NATO

By Dmitry Orlov ClubOrlov July 18, 2023

I’ve been waiting for the hubbub to die down since the NATO conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 11-12 July 2023, waiting for someone — anyone — to point out the obvious ………………………

The Incredible Shrinking NATO – LewRockwell


Exposing the FBI Coverup of Biden Corruption

07/14/2023 Robert P. Murphy Robbie Bernstein

Robbie „The Fire“ Bernstein is a co-host with Dave Smith of the popular podcast


Exposing the FBI Coverup of Biden Corruption | Mises Institute


NATO Continues To Push the World Toward War

Mac Slavo SHTF plan July 18, 2023


NATO Continues To Push the World Toward War – LewRockwell



17 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

I think the Russian Special Military Operation is kicking into a new gear and that the United States and NATO are mystified and confused about Russia’s next steps. We do have a couple …………..

What is the Russian Military doing? – A Son of the New American Revolution (sonar21.com)


Wollt ihr die totale Macht? (1)

Von Andreas Zimmermannn.

Die inszenierte „Corona-Krise“ war nicht der Auslöser, aber sie wirkte wie ein Brandbeschleuniger. In fast allen westlichen Ländern gab es einen massiven politischen Schwenk, hin zu mehr und mehr Totalitarismus. In Europa ist die EU eine der


Wollt ihr die totale Macht? (1) – DIE ACHSE DES GUTEN. ACHGUT.COM


Bayern überzieht Wissenschaftler wegen Corona-Kritik mit Verfahren

Di, 18. Juli 2023

Die Landesanwaltschaft will den Kommunikations-Professor Michael Meyen maßregeln. Die ……………………

Bayern überzieht Wissenschaftler wegen Corona-Kritik mit Verfahren (tichyseinblick.de)


Ziemlich beste Freundinnen?

VON Marco Gallina Di, 18. Juli 2023

Das EU-Abkommen mit Tunesien ist unter Dach und Fach. Wieder fällt das eigenwillige Tandem Meloni-Leyen auf. Tatsächlich ist die EU-Kommissionspräsidentin derzeit so …………………….

Von der Leyen und Meloni: Ziemlich beste Freundinnen? (tichyseinblick.de)


Mercantilism: A Lesson for Our Times?

07/15/2023 Murray N. Rothbard

Mercantilism has had a „good press“ in recent decades, in contrast to 19th-century opinion. In the days of Adam Smith and the classical economists, mercantilism was properly regarded as …………………

Mercantilism: A Lesson for Our Times? | Mises Institute


Kerch Bridge Déjà Vu – Breakdown

Simplicius The Thinker, 18.7.23


Kerch Bridge Déjà Vu – Breakdown (substack.com)



  1. Juli 2023 – Rainer Fassnacht

Sucht man nach einem Element, welches die unterschiedlichsten Vorstellungen rot-grüner …………………….

Die Kollision rot-grüner Illusionen mit der Realität ist schädlich für Mensch und Umwelt – Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland (misesde.org)


The One Chart That Explains Everything

By Mike WhitneyThe Unz Review July 17, 2023


The One Chart That Explains Everything – LewRockwell


Skandal bei CSD in Frankfurt: Innenministerin Faeser marschiert mit Polizei-Hassern

17.07.2023 REDAKTION


Skandal bei CSD in Frankfurt: Innenministerin Faeser marschiert mit Polizeihassern | NIUS.de


Has Hunter Biden’s Deranged, Drug-Fueled Lifestyle Bcome a Metaphor for Western Society?

By Robert Bridge Strategic Culture July 17, 2023

We’re all trapped in this nightmare together known as the Biden Administration. The best we can all do now is hang on for dear life.


Has Hunter Biden’s Deranged, Drug-Fueled Lifestyle Become a Metaphor for Western Society? – LewRockwell


Who are the Masters Behind the Curtain?

Identifying who’s really in charge DONAD JEFFRIES 16.07.2023

Most of those in the JFK assassination research community believe that a primary reason for ……………….

Who Are the Masters Behind the Curtain? – LewRockwell


PAUKENSCHLAG – Nobelpreisträger für Physik 2022 bezeichnet die Erzählung vom angeblichen „Klimanotstand“ als „Pseudowissenschaft“

von Jan Walter 14. Jul 2023


PAUKENSCHLAG – Nobelpreisträger für Physik 2022 bezeichnet die Erzählung vom angeblichen „Klimanotstand“ als „Pseudowissenschaft“ – Legitim


Real Change Is Impossible While Our World Is Shrouded in Secrecy

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com July 17, 2023

I saw a video clip of Julian Assange speaking in London in 2010 where he made an important observation ……………………

Real Change Is Impossible While Our World Is Shrouded in Secrecy – LewRockwell


Twitter Suspends Account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

The account is labeled ’suspended‘ and all posts hidden, an action which Viganò described to LifeSiteNews’ John-Henry Westen as ’shameful.‘

By Jean Mondoro Lifesite News July 17, 2023


Twitter Suspends Account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò – LewRockwell


The Brutal Reality of NATO’s Vilnius Summit

By Daniel McAdams Ron Paul Institute July 17, 2023

The 2023 NATO Summit at Vilnius, Lithuania, is now but a memory. If I could characterize ………………

The Brain Death of NATO | Compact Mag


The Brain Death of NATO

Malcolm Kkyeyune, 12.7.23

The Brain Death of NATO | Compact Mag



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