Der Staat steht sich selbst im Weg
Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner über den Streit in der Ampel und zu viel Umverteilung
Herr Minister, die Ampel hatte sich vorgenommen, nach der Sommerpause besser zu regieren. Weniger ………………….
The Horrors of Ukraine and Maui Made Possible by Government incompetence
17 August 2023 by Larry Johnson
While the war in Ukraine has nothing to do with the inferno that swept across the island of …………………..
Frankfurter Rundschau cancelt das Wort „Clan-Kriminalität“ – Symptom für „rassistische Gesellschaft“
Die Frankfurter Rundschau cancelt das Wort Clan-Kriminalität. Die Begründung ist haarsträubend: Der Begriff soll angeblich junge migrantische Männer „stigmatisieren“. Für eine Autorin der Zeitung existiert das Problem erst gar nicht.
Why This Ship Was Allowed To Leave Ukraine
The Ukrainian presidential office continues it accumulation of media victories which, unfortunately for Ukraine, do not reflect the facts on the ground.
A signature example comes in the form of widespread reports about a ship that a day ago left …………………..
Rigging Elections – Open Your Eyes
You are just a Trump supporter. The 2020 election was not rigged. Get over it.
Judge Howell’s Most Outrageous Order By Any Judge in History
District Court Judge in Washington DC, Beryl Alaine Howell, is clearly out to get Trump and imprison him to interfere with the 2024 election. This person will most likely contribute to the ………………….
China Enters the Doom Loop
08/17/202 3Peter St. Onge
China’s authoritarian gerontocracy has built a Doom Loop with Chinese characteristics, with ……………………..
Dependency on the State Is the Core of the Takeover Plot of Humanity
By Gary D. Barnett August 18, 2023
“It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.”
P.J. O’Rourke
Bundeswehr plane dumps 200,000 litres of jet fuel into the atmosphere on two failed and unnecessary attempts to fly Germany’s foremost Green politician to Australia
Notorious air travel opponent and current Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock was set to …………………….
House Republicans Are Incorrigible Warmongers
By Laurence M. Vance August 18, 2023
There are 222 Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives. Although they would all ………………………..
Zelenskyy extends martial law — delaying parliamentary elections
Updated Aug 17, 2023, Karina Tsui
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed legislation Thursday extending martial law and general mobilization until Nov. 15 — sowing doubts over whether the country’s parliamentary elections, due to ……………………
Germany is one step closer to legalizing cannabis
Aug 17, 2023, Karina Tsui
The German government approved a bill to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. If enacted, the country would be among one of the most liberal places in Europe for marijuana use.
West African military chiefs debate intervention in Niger
Aug 17, 2023, Jenna Moon
The West African defense bloc ECOWAS started talks on Wednesday over a potential intervention in Niger following last month’s military coup. The organization approved a “standby force” at a meeting last …………………..
Biden Cares More About Ukraine Than He Does for the United States
Fauci Cashes In Big From Covid Vaccine Royalty Payments, By Chuck Baldwin
Chuck Baldwin Live August 18, 2023
Autopsy Fraud Convicts the Military in the JFK Assassination
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation August 18, 2023
I recently completed a four-part article setting forth evidence that I contend convicts the CIA beyond a reasonable doubt of having produced an altered, fraudulent copy of the famous ……………………
Rename The Secretary of State the Secretary of Hypocrisy
By Caitlin Johnstone Caitlin’s Newsletter August 18, 2023
US Secretary of State Tony Blinken tweeted in celebration of Pakistan’s preparations for “free ……………………
ÖRR entdeckt sehr spät: Von der Leyen kaufte zu viele Pfizer-Dosen zu teuer ein
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Fr, 18. August 2023 EU-Betrug des Jahrhunderts
Ursula von der Leyen hat also viel zu viele Pfizer-Dosen zu einem zu hohen Preis in …………………..
43 of the Many Reasons People Don’t Believe the Authorities About Covid
By Jim Cox August 18, 2023
Lauterbach macht sich auch in Indien lächerlich
Fr, 18. August 2023
Wenn der Minister eine Reise macht, dann kann er was erleben. Karl Lauterbach preist nicht nur ein hochdigitalisiertes Krankenhaus in Indien, sondern betreibt auch noch kulturelle ………………………..
„Das linksliberale Milieu hat sich das Zentralkomitee der Katholiken zur Beute gemacht“
Von Marco Gallina Fr, 18. August 2023
Die ZdK-Chefin Irme Stetter-Karp hatte gefordert, AfD-Mitglieder aus Laienämtern auszuschließen. Die kirchenpolitische Sprecherin der AfD-Bundestagsfraktion erkennt darin die „Zuspitzung“ einer „Diffamierungskampagne“. Gegenüber TE spricht die Katholikin über ………………..
Zugeben, wenn es kein Zurück mehr gibt
In der ARD wird plötzlich über Skandale rund um den mRNA-Impfstoff berichtet, so über die Affäre von der Leyen (EU) und Albert Bourla (Pfizer). Während der Panik hetzte man übel gegen Kritiker. Lässt man etwas Druck vom Kessel, um später sagen zu können, man sei ja …………………
The Demise of White Americans
By Paul Craig Roberts August 18, 2023
As I recently explained, American universities are far more committed to creating an incompetent society consisting of a Tower of Babel than they are creating well-educated ……………………
The Peculiar Unreality of Spectacle
August 16, 2023
Isn’t AI just a shoddy facsimile of authentic expertise that „serves the state and the media“ in …………………..
From Press Room Raids to Indictments, Anything Goes When the Government Piles on
By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute August 18, 2023
“When players are piled on top of each other after a mad scramble for a loose ball, it’s a free-…………………..
The Regime Is About To Collapse And May Disintegrate At Any Moment
Taiwan VP’s visit to US might complicate things with China
Aug 16, 2023, Diego Mendoza
The world is waiting for what China will do as Taiwanese Vice President Lai Ching-te, also the frontunner in next year’s presidential election, makes a stopover in San Francisco Wednesday.
Thanks to Government, Maui’s Lahaina Fire Became a Deadly Conflagration
By Connor O’Keeffe August 18, 2023
The most destructive natural disasters are never 100 percent natural. Human choices, land use, ………………….
West Recriminations Re Ukr Peace, Ukr Commits Last Reserve in Offensive; Niger Intervention Revived
Götterdämmerung in the East
The History of Battle: Maneuver, Part 17, Big Serge 16.08.2023
Adolf Hitler worked very hard to create the illusion that he had no personal life. It was his great conviction that a leader ought to be seen as having forgone private life to sacrifice ………………..
Is the Monopoly Board Game Like Real Markets?
08/17/2023 Jonathan Newman
It feels like a silly thing to say, but board games are not real life. Playing a few rounds of Operation does not make you a surgeon. Unlike in Battleship, real-world battleships do not sit ………………..
Hallo Fehlstart, die Ampel kommt schlecht aus der Sommerpause
Von Mario Thurnes Do, 17. August 2023
Erste Sitzung des Kabinetts nach den Sommerferien – und gleich auch der erste Eklat. Die Grünen stoppen Christian Lindners „Wachstumschancengesetz“ – ohnehin sind sie die Wurzel aller Probleme.
Oliver Anthony’s Song Goes Viral
Ukraine Russia War – Could it Be Nearing the End? w/Matthew Hoh
Iran’s Plan To Turn The West Bank Into A Terror Base
by Bassam Tawil August 17, 2023
Palestinian terrorists… have already turned the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip into a base for ………………….
Judge Rules That Donald Trump Has ‘Presidential Immunity’ on False Election Claims
August 6, 2023
A judge in Pennsylvania determined that former President Trump cannot be sued by an election official over statements he made casting suspicion on the 2020 election results during his presidency, due to the protection provided by presidential immunity.
How Should Republicans Respond To Fulton County? Indict The Left
Charlie Kirk August 15, 2023
When politicians are tempted to prosecute their enemies for political reasons, they must fear the same thing happening to them.
Medienbericht: Verfassungsschutz nimmt Ex-Behördenchef ins Visier