Die Jahrhundert-Panne des Weltklimarates
Von Roger A. Pielke Jr.
Dem sogenannten Weltklimarat IPCC ist in seinem fünften Bewertungsbericht von 2013 ein fast unglaublicher Fehler unterlaufen. Der Schaden für Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft ist immens.
More Evidence and More Confusion Surrounding Blast Outside of Al-Ahli Hospital As Israel’s PR Campaign Falters — Updated
19 October 2023 by Larry Johnson
As predicted I am being accused by some of siding with Israel and castigated by others for ……………………..
Niedrige Zinsen, hohe Gebühren – der träge deutsche Sparer ist doch selbst schuld
Stand: 19.10.2023 Von Nando Sommerfeldt Stv. Ressortleiter Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Innovation
WELT-Autor Nando Sommerfeldt rät den Bankkunden, ihr Geld dorthin zu bringen, wo es sich vermehrt
Die Zinsen sind zurück, doch Millionen deutsche Sparer lassen sich weiter Nullzinsen auf ihre Guthaben …………………
Biden’s Address to Nation: Shameful Hypocrisy a Final Nail in America’s Coffin
Simplicius The Thinker 20.10.2023
Well, that’s it folks. Tonight marks what may very well be the last gasp of le siècle Américain.
Biden MidEast Debacle, US Vetoes Brazil UN Resolution; Putin Warns Kinzhals Within Range US Carriers
Vorbereitung für Wagenknecht-Partei läuft auf Hochtouren
Fr, 20. Oktober 2023
„Ego-Trip“, „unverantwortlich“, „keine Basis“ – über Sahra Wagenknecht schütten Parteikollegen viel Kritik aus. Denn eine neue Partei könnte die Linke ihren Status im Bundestag kosten.
Führerscheinentzug und Geldstrafe für LKW-Fahrer, der Klimakleber von der Straße zog
Von Holger Douglas Fr, 20. Oktober 2023
Der LKW-Fahrer, der im Juli einen Klima-Extremisten angefahren haben soll, hat einen Strafbefehl erhalten. Ihm werden laut Staatsanwaltschaft versuchte Körperverletzung, vorsätzlicher gefährlicher Eingriff in den Straßenverkehr und Nötigung vorgeworfen.
AfD: Mit dem Finger in den Wunden der Ampel
Von Mario Thurnes Do, 19. Oktober 2023
Die AfD hat einen Antrag in den Bundestag eingebracht. Deutschland solle aufhören, die „Seenotrettung“ zu finanzieren. Polemik? Sicher. Aber halt auch zielsicher den Finger in die ………………….
Radical Diplomacy vs Total War
By Ira Katz October 20, 2023
In my family discussions and personal musings about the crisis in Israel and Gaza I have come to realize that the Israelis lost a great opportunity to destroy Hamas and find real peace ……………………..
Is Israel a Dress Rehearsal for the United States?
By Dr Naomi Wolf Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf October 20, 2023
J.J. Carrell returns to DailyClout in an interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf to discuss the horrors …………………
‘Peace, War, and 9/11’: A Cinematic Portrait of Graeme MacQueen, a Warrior for Peace
By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com October 20, 2023
It is one thing to read a review of this important and compelling film – a tour de force – and another to watch it. The former fades into insignificance when one takes an hour-and-a-half …………………
Commentary: Making sense of a weaponized FBI
Paul Gottfried October 19, 2023
In what seems to be a largely objective report, Newsweek points out the “impossible” situation in which the FBI now finds itself. The federal agency has been charged with keeping ……………………….
Is It Worth Fighting For?
By Jim Quinn The Burning Platform October 20, 2023
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to ………………..
Peter Schiff: The ‘Unsinkable’ American Consumer Is Drowning in Debt
SchiffGold.com October 20, 2023
Every time retail sales come in higher than expected, the mainstream media breathlessly reports this as proof that the American consumer is strong and resilient. In his podcast, Peter ………………………..
Yellen: We Can Certainly Afford Two Wars
By Martin Armstrong Armstrong Economics October 20, 2023
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen does not live in reality. She is not a trusted source of information but rather a Deep State puppet who pushes propaganda unsuccessfully. Yellen …………………..
Governing Least
By David Gordon October 20, 2023
Governing Least: a New England Libertarianism. By Dan Moller. Oxford University Press, 2021. xii + 326 pp.
Dan Moller’s thoughtful book is packed with arguments, and in what follows I’ll be able to ………………………
Movie: “Peace, War, and 9/11”
False Virtue: The Life and Death of ‘American Exceptionalism’
By Thomas DiLorenzo October 20, 2023
The impending decline of the dollar is apparently imposing a real Halloween scare on the American foreign policy establishment. An August 22, 2023 article on the Council on ………………………..
Poland Law and Justice election self-defeat, ultimate Zelensky curse
Rushing Into Catastrophe
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 19, 2023
The Biden regime refuses to defend US borders but does not hesitate to rush aircraft carrier task forces and the 101st US Airborne Division to defend Israel’s borders.“We have Israel’s ……………………..
The roots of Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Gaza
Israel has always chosen occupation and supremacy over peace and security.
Aaron Maté 15.10.2023
„War with Iran would be SUICIDE and the U.S. will lose“ – Scott Ritter | Redacted w Clayton Morris
„Kein Zweifel, er muss gehen“ – Selbst die eigene Partei wendet sich gegen Netanjahu
Seit der vergangenen Woche regiert Ministerpräsident Netanjahu in einer Notstandsregierung, die Teile der Opposition einschließt.
Solange der Krieg gegen die Hamas andauert, dürfte es auch in Netanjahus eigener Partei ……………………
Ukraine: Col Douglas Macgregor: This Is A Magnificent Tactic
Can Israelis fight guerrilla warfare? analysis w/ Col. Tony Shaffer
Russia’s Neutrality Ballet on Israel-Palestine
While some Russian heavyweights push to recast Israel as a hostile state, the Kremlin is unlikely to budge. Instead, Moscow will stay ’neutral‘ to maximize its West Asian influence, all while edging closer to the Arab and Muslim worlds.