Ukraine and Israel Update

If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do, you’re misinformed.

— Mark Twain

Ukraine and Israel Update


Propaganda Update — Wash Post Floats Bizarre Claim on Nord stream and Anne Applebaum’s Persistent Delusion

12 November 2023 by Larry Johnson

A hilarious story today in the Washington Post claiming that a rogue Ukrainian Colonel —


Markus Reisner im Interview – Militärhistoriker spricht Klartext: „Westen redet sich den Ukraine-Krieg schön“

Freitag, 10.11.2023,

Der Westen ist auf einen Stellungkrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine nicht vorbereitet, warnt der österreichische Militärhistoriker Markus Reisner im DW-Interview. Er sieht zwei Möglichkeiten.


SITREP 11/10/23: Israeli Economy Buckles, Russia Breaks Through in Avdeevka

Simplicius The Thinker 11.11.2023

There’s not any one particular big update today, but things continue heating up everywhere, on every global front.

Israel steams ahead but still tiptoes around Gaza City without entering its heart. Expert ……………………


Ukraine vs. Palestine — The Numbers Tell the Story

10 November 2023 by Larry Johnson

Civilians, unfortunately, are the true cannon fodder when war breaks out. The graphic at the top of this piece tells the painful, horrible story. The media in the United States continues to …………………..


US Iran War Risks, Deir Ezzor Battle, US Dpls Slam Biden Policy; Putin Visits HQ, Ukr Out of Troops



Statist Ideology and War: Israel versus Hamas

11/08/2023 Michael Rectenwald

As I wrote in my previous piece on statism and the Israel-Hamas conflict, states are organized crime rackets. Wars between states thus represent warfare between rival gangs. The proper ……………………….


Heads Up

Just in:

Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺 @ejmalrai – 7:21 UTC · Nov 11, 2023

This is THE most serious attack and escalation for many years & its consequences are critical, ………………….




MBS Raisi Assad Meet Discuss Gaza; Ukr Defeat Looms; Avdeyevka Crisis, US/Bankrupt EU No Kiev Cash



Wieder deutsches Steuergeld für den Terror-Staat

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 13. November 2023 Baerbock überweist weitere Millionen an Gaza

Nach ihrem halblauen Bekenntnis zu Israel überweist Baerbock erneut Millionen an die Gaza-Oberen, die sämtlich zur Hamas gehören – auch um das ansonsten inexistente deutsche ………………………


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