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Ein marxistisches System erkennt man daran, dass es die Kriminellen verschont und den politischen Gegner kriminalisiert.

— Alexander Solschenizyn

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

„Hans-Georg Maaßen sagt „Nein“ zu Markus Krall in der Führung der WerteUnion

Hans-Georg Maaßen gab vor zwei Tagen ein halbstündiges Interview zur Gründung der WerteUnion. Zum Ende des Gesprächs hin erteilte er einer Führungsrolle für Markus Krall in der Partei „Die WerteUnion“ eine klare Absage.

In Wortlaut klang das „Nein“ von Maaßen in Richtung Krall im YouTube-Gespräch mit dem …………………



Brüssel diktiert, Bern kapituliert

Roger Köppel 10.1.24

Bundesrat Cassis und die EU haben sich auf einen neuen Rahmenvertrag geeinigt. Der Entwurf liegt vor. ………………….



Ukraine SitRep: High Losses, Mobilization Problems, Too Few Air Defenses

The Wall Street Journal provides another dark frontline story (archived) from Ukraine. It describes the attempts by a airborne company to take Russian positions near Verbove, a town ……………………



Why Open Borders Don’t Work for Small Countries

01/09/2024Ryan McMaken

In the debate over immigration among laissez-faire liberals and libertarians, one aspect of the open-borders side becomes quickly apparent: the debate generally ignores problems related to …………………



Is Qatar, That Built Hamas’s Empire of Terrorism, An Honest Broker?

by Bassam Tawil January 11, 2024

If the ruler of Qatar really wanted to end the hostage saga, all he has to do is issue an ultimatum to Hamas that if the hostages are not released within, say, 48 hours, he will expel ………………..



Die Geißel unserer Zeit

Mi, 10. Januar 2024 Asylproblematik und Asylrecht

Warum führen wir das Asylrecht nicht zurück zu seinen Ursprüngen: einem Recht auf Asyl ……………………



Die Ampel hat keine gesellschaftliche Mehrheit

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 10. Januar 2024

Bauern, Handwerker und nun das Netz: Unter „#lautgegenlinks“ formiert sich der Protest gegen Ampel und sie unterstützende Medien. Es ist der Protest einer Mehrheit, die nicht mehr ……………….



Wie EU-Überwachung die Bauern schikaniert

Von Beate Steinmetz.

Für viele Bauern sind EU-Agrarsubventionen überlebensnotwendig. Doch um diese zu …………………



7 WARS are happening right now, and America is behind them all      

01/08/2024 // S.D. Wells




Can Big Pharma Be Held Accountable?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 11, 2024

In 1935 Trofim Lysenko, a fraudulent agronomist, took control of Soviet genetics and agronomy and destroyed the science with political and ideological explanations. With biology …………………..



Criminality in the White House: The Rise of the Political Psychopath

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute January 11, 2024

“When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal.”

Richard Nixon




It Began with Carl Menger: The Austrian Intellectual Triumph

01/08/2024 Pedro Goulart

Near the end of the nineteenth century, the European intellectual scene witnessed a ………………..



America’s Fiat Money Gestapo: The Untold History of the Secret Service

01/09/2024 Joshua D. Glawson

There is an untold story in American monetary history. Some are reluctant even to discuss it.

I’m referring to the US Secret Service’s very own role in the destruction of sound money in …………………….



Holiday Time Is Over, Brutal Cold, And a World in Chaos

By Gary D. Barnett January 11, 2024

“Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves.”

Herbert Marcuse




Fehltage wegen psychischer Störungen auf Allzeithoch – Warum?

Nach einer aktuellen DAK-Analyse hat die Anzahl der Fehltage wegen psychischer Erkrankungen – pro 100 DAK-Versicherten – von 2001 bis 2022 insgesamt um etwa den …………………..



Der Rückbau von DEI in Unternehmen hat begonnen

Von Cora Stephan Di, 9. Januar 2024 „Diversity, Equity and Inclusion“

Mittlerweile stellen viele große Unternehmen, die sich als Vorreiter begriffen und DEI („Diversity, Equity ………………..



Mises on Nationalism, the Right of Self-Determination, and the Problem of Immigration

03/28/2017 Joseph T. Salerno

In the current discussion about immigration, Ludwig von Mises is often invoked by ………………………



Stupidity is Rampant at Foreign Affairs when it comes to Ukraine

11 January 2024 by Larry Johnson

I read this stuff so you don’t have to. Shout out to Gary in Australia who flagged this tripe to ……………………



Why Ukraine’s 2024 Strategy Will Fail & Why Isolating Crimea is Impossible



Matt Hoh: Is Israel Losing Both Wars?



SITREP 1/9/24: Latest Leading-edge Tech-war Updates

Simplicius The Thinker 10.01.2024

This will be an irregular sort of scattershot update today to clear out some interesting but minor marginalia and technical items that may not fit into larger upcoming pieces.




Austin’s mystery surgery highlights White House Middle East political infighting



Matt Taibbi and Aaron Maté on the Anniversary of January 6

By Matt Taibbi January 10, 2024



Something Lost, Never To Be Found Again

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture January 10, 2024

Defeat in Ukraine may be but one part to an accumulation of western ‘defeats’. Defeat in Israel would strike at the very core of U.S. political being.




Sunsetting the War on Terror – Or Not

The Stubborn Legacy of America’s Response to 9/11 By Karen J. Greenberg
TomDispatch.com January 10, 2024

This week marks the 22nd anniversary of the opening of the Guantánamo Bay detention ……………………..



What’s the Source of the Astounding 50% Boost in Corporate Profits?

January 8, 2024

No wonder Corporate America added $1.2 trillion in profits to be distributed to the elites of …………………..



Spectacularly Shabby and Sordid Corruption

„Atlanta Trump Prosecutor Accused Of Secret, Disqualifying Romance With DA Fani Willis“

John Leake 09.01.2024

ZeroHedge just reported allegations pertaining to the Trump prosecution in Atlanta—…………………………



China emphasizes Taiwan question, South China Sea issue in resumed defense policy coordination talks with US Communications lower risks of misjudgment; differences remain: analysts

By Liu Xuanzun  and Guo Yuandan Published: Jan 10, 2024

China and the US resumed the previously suspended defense policy coordination talks with a meeting this …………………..



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