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Manchmal frage ich mich, ob die Welt von klugen Menschen regiert wird, die uns zum Narren halten, oder von Schwachköpfen, die es ernst meinen.

— Mark Twain

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Argentinisches Parlament gibt grünes Licht für Mileis Reformen

Von Wojciech Osinski Mi, 3. Juli 2024 SCHOCKTHERAPIE IN ARGENTINIEN

Es ist ein langersehnter Erfolg für den argentinischen Präsidenten: Der Nationalkongress in Buenos Aires stimmte am Wochenende seinem Reformpaket zu. Außerdem erhält Milei ………………..



The Reason Biden Was Permitted to Debate Trump

The first presidential debate of the year was a humiliating moment for our nation. Does one even need to bother discussing the questions mentioned when the public was in utter shock at the current president’s physical and mental state?




Latest Podcasts on the War in Palestine and Ukraine

3 July 2024 by Larry Johnson

I have something new for you. My Counter Currents channel is featuring a new video interview with Zeinab Saffar. We first met in Moscow in December, where we participated in a seminar on the emergence of the multipolar world. (Like Ambassador Charles “Chas” ………………..



Der Vermögensverwaltungsverein der Grünen wirft Fragen auf, Ansgar Neuhof versuchte diesen aus dem Vereinsregister löschen zu lassen. Außerdem gibt es Unstimmmigkeiten rund um das Parteigrundstück in Berlin-Mitte.

Ein Teil des Parteivermögens der Grünen gehört formal nicht der Partei Bündnis 90/Die …………………..



Englands Fourth of July

Heute feiern die Briten ihren eigenen Fourth of July mit einer Parlamentswahl, die voraussichtlich ebenfalls einer Revolution gleichkommt. Nach 14 konservativen Regierungsjahren wird mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit der Labour-Chef Keir Starmer von King Charles den Regierungsauftrag entgegennehmen.




Die Briten wählen sich eine Regierung, und niemand kann sie aufhalten

Von Mattias Nikolaidis Do, 4. Juli 2024

Die Briten haben anscheinend genug von den Tories, die zuletzt kaum noch lieferten. Allerdings hat der kommende Premier Keir Starmer schon einige Leichen im Keller. Derweil …………………



Julian Assange, the Chevron Doctrine, and the Case against Pessimism


Last week was an excellent week. On the night of Monday, June 24, news broke that Julian Assange had entered into a plea agreement with the United States government. Less than …………………



Revisionist History and How the Good Guys Don’t Always Win

By Doug Casey International Man July 4, 2024

International Man: Revisionist history refers to the re-examination and reinterpretation of historical events, which can be done to correct inaccuracies, update understanding, or challenge prevailing narratives.





What does Biden’s failed campaign for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination tell us about his future?

Seymour HershJul 02, 2024




The Domestic World War

Dr. Joseph Sansone Jul 02, 2024

It is true that whoever is running the United States government is marching the world toward a World War that will likely go nuclear, should it occur. This war appears to be about who will run the World Government, and how much say each partner will have. Of course, the …………………..



No, President Biden, the Supreme Court Did Not Remove All Limits on the Presidency

By Jonathan Turley  JonathanTurley.org July 4, 2024

President Joe Biden delivered an address from the White House last night on the presidential immunity decision by the Supreme Court. While pledging that he will defend the rule of law, …………………



The President Forgot to Wear Any Clothes

Joe Biden’s presidency reveals a Democratic derision for its members and for democracy itself by putting up pawns and puppets to promote their purposes.




‚Open Borders‘ or Closed Borders Is the Wrong Question

By Gary D. Barnett July 4, 2024

“The thing about freedom is that it defines its own borders.”

Laura Chouette




Does Justice Sotomayor Write Her Decisions in Crayon?


Following last week’s decisions, which represented a significant blow to the American administrative state, today, the Supreme Court did what was widely expected: rule in favor of Donald Trump in a case related to federal prosecution over January 6. In a 6-3 decision, the …………………..



Macron’s Loss Isn’t an End, It’s a Beginning

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns July 3, 2024

To say that I’ve been waiting on pins and needles for the past year or so is putting it mildly. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

This fake World Davos Made in which fat is beautiful, sloth is a virtue, and pedophilia the ……………………



Zelenski Changes His Peace Plan

Moon of Alabama July 3, 2024

Zelenski’s ‘peace summit’ in Switzerland had failed:

The reviews of Zelenski’s latest show ain’t positive: The summit served warmed up bullshit …………………



US and Israeli Militaries Are Not the World’s Elite Force

By Helena Glass HelenaGlass.net July 3, 2024

The US has issued threat warnings for bases in the EU citing heightened terrorist mumblings. NATO has moved ten battalion tactical groups near Belarus’s border with the European …………………….



Turning the Red Sea Redder

Will America’s Backing for Israel’s War in Gaza Torch the Red Sea Region Too?

By Juan Cole TomDispatch.com July 3, 2024




The last bastion of Tory Britain Will tomorrow’s landslide topple the Bluest seat in the land?

Tanya Gold 3.7.24

The flag outside the Spalding Conservative Club is at half-mast. This is not because of the wider Tory calamity — though it should be — but, the barmaid says, because a member has …………….



DIHK: Bundesregierung kostet Wirtschaft Milliarden

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Di, 2. Juli 2024 Habecks Rekord: 250 Mrd verwirtschaftet

Die Politik der Ampel-Regierung kostet die deutsche Wirtschaft nach Einschätzung der …………………..



Ein Spieler am Abgrund – warum Emmanuel Macron zu weit gegangen ist

Mit seinem Drang, das Unerwartete zu wagen, hat es Emmanuel Macron weit gebracht. Doch mit der Ausrufung von Neuwahlen hat er den Bogen überspannt. Seine Machtbasis zerfällt. Warum hat er das getan? Nina Belz 03.07.2024,




Russia’s Next Moves: today’s edition of Judging Freedom with Andrew Napolitano

Gilbert Doctorow Jul 03, 2024

It was an honor and a pleasure to join Judge Napolitano in a twenty minute or so discussion of latest developments on the Russian front and more broadly on European politics and the Middle East crisis, as we did today.




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