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Die eine Hälfte der Grünen ist beim Staat angestellt, die andere Hälfte lebt vom Staat.

— Guido Westerwelle.

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Javier Milei, die ersten 6 Monate | #1

  1. Juli 2024 – Stephan Ring

Javier Milei ist ein Präsident, der öffentlich auf die großen Ökonomen und Sozialphilosophen der Österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie verweist, insbesondere auf ihren herausragenden Vertreter Ludwig von Mises (1881 – 1973) und den Nobelpreisträger ……………………



From Milk Runs to MAD to Madness


There are no secrets about the world of nature. There are secrets about the thoughts and intentions of men.

—J. Robert Oppenheimer

No big deal, it was just “a milk run.”




Reflections on Independence Day in the United States

4 July 2024 by Larry Johnson

Today, July 4th, is supposed to be celebrated as Independence Day in the United States. It commemorates the victory of Britain’s American colonies in declaring their Independence from British colonial rule and becoming a new nation no longer beholden to the King of …………………..



Everything You Love You Owe to Capitalism

07/04/2024 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

I’m sure that you have had this experience before, or something similar to it. You are sitting at lunch in a nice restaurant or perhaps a hotel. Waiters are coming and going. The food is fantastic. The conversation about all things is going well. You talk about the weather, music, ………………..



Faesers Feldzug “gegen rechts” und gegen die Fakten

Immer wieder beschwört die Bundesinnenministerin die rechte Gefahr als größte Bedrohung, auch wenn die Zahlen aus dem eigenen Apparat etwas anderes sagen. Zur Not beruft man sich wieder auf die phantastischen Geschichten




Brüssel: Der Anfang vom Ende?

Die Personalentscheidungen im Brüsseler Gewaltenkonglomerat weisen in eine Richtung: Mehr Macht für Brüssel, weniger Demokratie für die Völker Europas.

Fast schon wie eine Fußnote in den Nachrichten kam die Bestätigung: Die Granden der EU haben sich darauf verständigt, dass die amtierende Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen …………………….



Tory-Einbruch bringt Labour große Mehrheit – Keir Starmer neuer Premier

Von Holger Douglas Fr, 5. Juli 2024

Nachwahlbefragungen britischer TV-Sender zufolge bekommt Labour 410 der 650 Unterhaus-Sitze (absolute Mehrheit 326 Sitze). 131 Sitze wären die schlimmste Niederlage für die Konservativen seit 1906. Das Ergebnis sei nicht die Wahl von Labour, sondern die Abwahl der seit 14 Jahren regierenden Tories.




Russia Finally AcknowledgesThat The Is at War With Washington

By Paul Craig Roberts  PaulCraigRoberts.org July 5, 2024

Today is July 4 when we get our annual dose of patriotic propaganda that serves to wrap us in self-righteousness which enables Washington to conduct its wars. Washington has got away with it for a long time, but now has created and brought us into conflict with a powerful …………………….



Former Israeli PM Admits Israel’s War Crimes Can’t Happen Without US Support

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com July 5, 2024

Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert has been launching a forceful attack on Benjamin Netanyahu in both US and Israeli media for sabotaging peace in Gaza and pushing Israel to …………………..



Give me Liberty or Give me America 2.0

Some truths are self-evident Donald Jeffries Jul 04, 2024

As I’ve noted before, I was fascinated by history as a very young boy. And no part of history caught my attention like the founding of this nation. The American Revolution, the War for Independence- call it what you will. The Boston Tea Party. The Minutemen. Paul Revere’s midnight ride. The shot heard around the world.




The New Deal Paved the Way for Today’s Jan. 6 Prosecutions

June 2024 Stephen B. Presser

A new historical analysis of administrative law exposes FDR’s suppression of civil liberties.

Given the accumulating evidence of corruption within the executive branch of the United States government, it is hard not to believe that we are living through the worst of times, and …………………..



The Awesome, Terrifying Power of the Press

By Eugyppius A Plague Chronicle July 5, 2024

Take a moment to contemplate the awesome and terrifying power of the press.

Since 2020, the United States have had a geriatric president who suffers from serious mental ………………….



Democrat Deviances – A Psychological Behavioral Disintegration of Intellect

By Helena Glass HelenaGlass.net July 5, 2024

The Democrats attempting to pretend Biden is mentally cognizant even after the Debate is an interesting psychological behavior.  Democrats highlighting Trump’s indiscretions is a Pandora Box.   The flippant accusations made without any evidence whatsoever is a …………………..



Study: Vaccines had “NO Beneficial Effects” 
Additional funding is warranted to determine if the COVID-19 vaccine did, in fact, cause more deaths than the actual virus. Numerous studies point to this same correlation but are buried as disinformation. Imagine if the public knew that their governments permitted, if not …………………..



IAF attack helicopter pilots recount operations on October 7 in detail

Guy Asif|06.29.24

On the last night of Chol Hamoed Sukkot, 113th Squadron veterans organized an event 50th anniversary …………….



The Collapse of Zionism

Ilan Pappé 21 June 2024

Hamas’s assault of October 7 can be likened to an earthquake that strikes an old building. The cracks were already beginning to show, but they are now visible in its very foundations. More than 120 years since its inception, could the Zionist project in Palestine – the idea of imposing …………………..



The British Election – How Politicians Refuse to Learn

True to form, turn the economy, and you will get sweeping political change. The Labour victory was a landslide, with about 410 seats, with the Conservatives losing nearly 50% of the ………………….



Biden, the Democrats, and God: at the End of the Dynasty

By Christopher Chantrill

Suppose the Biden meltdown in last week’s presidential debate was a message from God, telling our Democrat friends that their progressive movement and the Progressive Dynasty it has spawned has reached its end? Suppose God is saying, in His particular way, that political …………………



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