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Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen.

— Loriot

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

EU-Vergleich: Deutschland nimmt noch immer die meisten Syrer und Afghanen auf

Von Matthias Nikolaidis So, 6. Oktober 2024

Die EU-Asyl-Lasten bleiben auch 2024 ungleich verteilt: Ungarn nahm 21, Deutschland über 170.000 Asylbewerber auf. Das zeigt, dass jedes Land es in der Hand hat, ob, wen und wie viele es aufnehmen ……………………



Der Mann, der zwei Parteien zerstört hat und sich gerade die dritte holt

Von Roland Tichy So, 6. Oktober 2024

Die Granden von CDU und SPD beugen ihre Knie vor Sahra Wagenknecht und ihrem Bündnis: ein ……………………….



Netanyahu’s Intoxicated Euphoria will Turn into a Prolonged Hangover

October 7, 2024 Jamal Kanj

The Iranian retaliation against Israel followed a week of political ploy and military subterfuge. On the political level, Iran’s newly elected reformist president extended conciliatory gestures at the UN General Assembly, while the Supreme Leader issued somber statements of resignation in what seemed to be an acceptance of fate.




Der proaktive Jude

Er weiß, dass er sich nur auf sich selbst verlassen kann und er weiß, dass es zu spät ist, um Hilfe zu schreien, wenn man schon am Boden liegt. Deswegen schlägt er als Erster zu, pro-aktiv. Das ist nicht fein, aber es verlängert die Lebenserwartung.




The ‚Birth Pangs‘ Of The New Middle East May Not Be The Ones The U.S. Has Wished For

Edward Luce for the FT:

How Netanyahu is ‘running rings’ around Biden (archived)
The US president had hoped to disentangle from the Middle East. But the turbulence in the region could influence the election and define his legacy




The Destruction of the United States Projected by our Computer

I have often been asked why the media never runs a story on our computer, the ONLY Artificial Intelligence computer with a real track record of over 40 years that has called every major shift in the world economy and correctly forecasted wars to the point of even targeting Ukraine years in advance. All ……………….



At This Time in the World There Is Only One Importang Decision Waiting To Be Made

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 5, 2024

Except for the neoconservatives whose agenda it is, I sometimes wonder if I am the only other person who understands what the Ukraine conflict is about. While we await Washington’s decision about firing ………………….



The Roots of the UK Implosion and Why War is Inevitable

Date: October 3, 2024Author: Tom Luongo

In a lot of my commentary I give the UK a lot of grief. I give many people a lot of grief. It’s kinda my thing.

But to remind everyone, I was one of the chief champions of Brexit, cutting my teeth hard during the ……………




They Lie, They Cheat. They Steal, They Bomb, And They Spin

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture October 5, 2024

The Talmudic psychos not only obsessed on breathing fire against the Axis of Resistance but now also going after Russian national interests.

A case could be made that Iran’s Ballistic Retaliation Night, a measured response to Israel’s serial provocations, is less consequential when it comes to the efficacy of the Axis of Resistance than the ………………..



SITREP 10/5/24: Post-Ugledar Landscape Unfurls into Dark Ukrainian Future

Oct 06, 2024

We turn back to Ukraine, where the deterioration continues to accelerate.

As the key fortress-town of Ugledar fell days ago, a number of MSM articles began to highlight a truly grisly picture of the situation behind the scenes. The first horrors were recorded from the 123rd Brigade, a …………………



Israel vs Iran

The Middle East is far more complicated than the Western Media reports. Quietly, Saudi Arabia and Jordan support Israel, for they see Iran as a threat even to their sovereignty despite their populations often taking the opposite position. Iran is Shite and maintains that the religion should rule, not kings. If Iran were taken down, they would quietly be celebrating.





We Will Not Let Our Country and Continent Be Destroyed

by Geert Wilders October 6, 2024

The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and parts of the left-liberal elite in politics and the media against our Jewish compatriots and the State of Israel since the barbaric massacre of innocent civilians on October 7, 2023, has directly fueled anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews.




The Western Media Helped Create These Horrors in the Middle East

All the mass media personnel who’ve been lying and manipulating for Israel helped pave the way to this.

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com October 5, 2024

The US and Iran are on the brink of war. Israel and the United States are planning a major attack on Iran, ………………………



The Terrorist Neocon Organization – NATO – Planning to Circumvent Trump/RFK

Our sources have been whispering for weeks now that NATO is scheming to secure $100 billion to destroy Russia, ensuring that if Trump is elected, he cannot cut off the funding for the Ukraine War. The ……………………



Der Sonntagsfahrer: Gegen die Wand mit dem weißen Elefant

Irre politische Großprojekte, wie etwa die „Große Transformation“, nennt der Fachmann „weiße Elefanten“ – und sie enden traditionell in der Wüste. Deutschland ist gerade auf dem Weg nach Timbuktu, hier eine Wegbeschreibung mit aktuellen Fallbeispielen.




Who Is Running the Show in Israel? While the War Goes Badly for Ukraine

6 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Too much has been made of my disagreement with Professor Doctorow regarding who is calling the shots in Israel’s war against the Palestinians. Doctorow believes that the United States is the puppet master ………………..



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