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Zweifle nie daran, dass eine kleine Gruppe engagierter Menschen die Welt verändern kann – tatsächlich ist dies die einzige Art und Weise, in der die Welt jemals verändert wurde.

— Margaret Mead

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Das große Berlin-Blackrock-Abzocker-Festival

Stiftungen und Konzerne, die sich dafür mit den Regierungsorganisationen zusammentun, betreiben unverfroren und aktiv Politik zur Mehrung ihres Wohlstandes, ohne dafür von den Bürgern gewählt worden zu sein. Gerade trafen sie sich zum „Berlin Global Dialoge“




Brasilien: Bolsonaro-Allianz feiert Wahlerfolge im ganzen Land

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mi, 9. Oktober 2024

Erst kam die Abschaltung der Plattform X, dann die Massenproteste, nun ein Wandel an den brasilianischen Urnen. Die Linkspartei von Präsident Lula wurde abgestraft. Gewonnen haben Bolsonaro ……………………



Messwerte bestätigen: Erderwärmung der letzten Jahre ist Folge der gestiegenen Sonneneinstrahlung

Von Fritz Vahrenholt Di, 8. Oktober 2024 Obwohl Messdaten dafür sprechen, dass die kurzfristig besonders starke Erderwärmung auf Sonneneinstrahlung zurückgeht – kurioserweise womöglich aufgrund von Umweltschutzmaßnahmen, die die Wolkenbildung verringern – kennt die Politik nur eine …………………



Biden Wants Banks to Report All Transaction over $600

The Biden Administration is pushing banks to report every $600 transaction, whether a deposit or withdrawal, from every business or personal account. The Democrats want everything, and no matter ……………….



Kamala Sends $157 Million to Lebanon After Claiming No Money for U.S. Hurricane Victims

by Daniel Greenfield October 9, 2024

„To that end, the United States will provide nearly $157 million in additional assistance to the people of Lebanon… This additional support brings total U.S. assistance to Lebanon over the last year to over $385 million.“ — Vice President Kamala Harris, X.com, October 5, 2024.

$385 million for an Islamic terrorist state.

$20 million to Hurricane Helene survivors.




The Keynesian Multiplier Fairy Tale

10/07/2024 Frank Shostak

Many incorrectly assume that the overall economy’s output increases by a multiple of the increase in expenditure by government, consumers, and businesses. For instance, if out of an additional dollar …………………….



Freedom of Association and Cancel Culture

10/08/2024 Wanjiru Njoya

Murray Rothbard conceptualized liberty as an emanation of property rights and self-ownership. Freedom of association is, therefore, best understood as “a subset of private property rights.” Just as property rights ……………..



Hat der Iran die Bombe?

Seit den jüngsten Raketenangriffen auf Israel drängt sich unvermeidlich die Frage auf, ob der Iran Atomwaffen hat. Leider besteht wenig Grund zu Optimismus. Der Mullah-Staat hat vor den Augen der Welt und der Internationalen Atombehörde seine Bombe gebaut.




Uncovering World Tyranny and Ist War Strategies

By David Icke and Peter Koenig Global Research October 9, 2024

Everyone interested in where we are going in this dystopian civilization and ever-more tyrannical world, …………………



Gold’s Potential Is Wildly Untapped

SchiffGold.com October 9, 2024

Yesterday Peter joined Michael Gayed and Will Rhind on the Lead-Lag Report. They cover a variety of topics, including the future of the dollar, China’s role in the economy, the prospects of war in the Middle East, and gold’s path to a $3000 price point and beyond.




Hurricane Milton Update and the Horrors Israel is Inflicting on Palestinian Children

9 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

As some of you know, I live near the west coast in Florida and we are expecting to be walloped by a major hurricane. The Sarasota/Bradenton area has not had a direct hit, so I am told, since its founding ……………………



For Doubters – Hizbullah Reports That It Is Back

The Zionists had hoped that their terror tactics of exploding pagers and the bombing of Hizbullah’s leadership in Lebanon would hinder or decrease its enemy’s ability to fight.

That hope however was in vane. Hizbullah, like its Hamas ally in Gaza, was build to sustain its efforts ………………………..



Democrats Are the New Gestapo

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 9, 2024

Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Democrat Law School Deans Say Free Speech Threatens Their Agendas. Democrats are no longer the party of John F. Kennedy. They and their media whores are the party of Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda.




Heute jährt sich der 7. Oktober, der palästinensische Blutrausch gegen Israel. Es wäre Zeit, die ideologischen Ursachen der Gewalt zu thematisieren.

Finden wenigstens Steinmeier und Scholz die richtige Sprache dafür?

Die Deutschen haben aus dem Holocaust eine Schlussfolgerung gezogen und zur Staatsräson verdichtet. Sie lautet: Nie wieder . Dieses Nie wieder heißt: Nie wieder Täter.




American Neocons Get Their Iran War as Congress Sleeps

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute October 8, 2024

Over the weekend, the Commander of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), General Michael Kurilla, arrived in Israel to “coordinate” with the Israeli military and plan a military strike against Iran. ……………………



Ukraine – FT Proposes Impossible Peace Deal, Demands More Violence

By now it has become accepted wisdom that Ukraine is losing the war against Russia.

Western governments are slowly accepting that their Ukrainian proxy forces have no chance to turn the situation around. None of their own populations or military are prepared to get themselves engaged in ………………………



The Old Right Opposed Tariffs

10/05/2024 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

The Old Right was a principled band of intellectuals and activists, many of them libertarians, who fought the “industrial regimentation” of the New Deal, and were the first to note that, in America, statism and corporatism are inseparable.




As Empire Of Lies Crumbles, Hillary Clinton Warns: „We’ll Lose Total Control“ If Social Media Stops Censoring Content

by Tyler Durden Monday, Oct 07, 2024

About nine months ago, the WSJ Editor-in-Chief admitted to Davos elites that legacy media outlets no ………………..



Then & Now: Hidden Saboteurs Surrounding Trump

Meet Susie Wiles….Cherie Zaslawsky Oct 07, 2024

Dante Alighieri, in his masterful poem The Divine Comedy, portrays the afterlife as comprised of three realms: hell, purgatory and heaven. In his schematic, there are nine circles of hell, the deepest of which, ………………



„We Lose Total Control“: Clinton Continues Her Censorship Campaign on CNN

By Jonathan Turley  JonathanTurley.org October 8, 2024

Hillary Clinton is continuing her global efforts to get countries, including the United States, to crackdown on opposing views. Clinton went on CNN to lament the continued resistance to censorship and to call ……………………….



Perfidy in Tehran

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture October 8, 2024

The West is in the throes of at least one, potentially two, crushing defeats at the moment – and so the …………………..



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