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Wenn die Massen im Chor singen, wird der größte Stumpfsinn zu einer feierlichen Hymne.

— Leopold Kohr (1909 – 1994)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Grüne Prasser-Fraktion Brandenburg – die nächste Grüne Pleite 

Die Fraktion der Brandenburger Grünen ist zahlungsunfähig und will nun vom Steuerzahler eine mittelgroße sechsstellige Summe, um ihre Schulden zu bezahlen. Sie haben geprasst, als gäbe es kein Morgen.




Die unerklärliche Kandidatin Harris

Kamala Harris beantwortet Fragen zu sich selbst mit so inhaltsreichen Sätzen, wie: „Ich bin offensichtlich nicht Joe Biden.“ oder „Ich bin nicht Donald Trump.“ Aber wofür steht diese Präsidentschaftskandidatin denn nun?




Biden’s Intent Is To Sow Chaos – Netanyahoo And Zelensky Are Working For Him

There is a great believe peddled by main stream media that the Biden administration is trying to hold the Zionists   back from their devastating action in Gaza, Lebanon and beyond, but unfortunately fails to do so. Some commentators argue that this is the case because the Israel lobby has a very strong position in …………………..



Demokratie ohne freie Meinungsäußerung?

Von David Boos Fr, 11. Oktober 2024 Internationale Zensurbestrebungen:

Operation gelungen, Patient tot. Genau dieses Szenario droht der Demokratie, wenn DSA-Zensoren und internationale Eliten ihre Wünsche zur Diskursregulierung durchsetzen. Dann werden extreme …………………….



Gold Glows and Silver Shines

The developing conflict between Israel, Iran, and its proxies is escalating and America is being drawn in. Middle Eastern demand for gold over dollars is only just starting to impact bullion markets.

By Alasdair Macleod MacleodFinance Substack October 11, 2024




Meldestellen im Netz: Grüne Zensur, gelbe Heuchelei

Von Marco Gallina Do, 10. Oktober 2024

Kubicki warnt vor einer „grünen Zensuranstalt“ im Netz. Eine grüne Politikerin versteigt sich deswegen zu einer Tirade auf X, die viel über das Selbstverständnis der Partei aussagt. Aber auch die FDP spielt ein doppeltes Spiel. Denn der Digitalminister heißt: Volker Wissing. Und der bandelt mit dem neuesten Agora-Projekt an.




The Islamization of Bangladesh by Muhammad Yunus – Backed by Obama, Soros, Clintons

by Keya Mukherjee October 11, 2024

Meanwhile, it appears as if Yunus is waiting for the result of the November 5 presidential election in the US. A victory by Kamala Harris could pave the way for him to remain in power indefinitely and complete the process of Islamizing Bangladesh.




How the U.S. Government Deceives the World

9 October 2024, by Eric Zuesse

I’ll let the documentation tell the story here, which story is about what started the war in Ukraine, taking that as the case for discussion here because the likeliest conflict to produce a world-destroying World War …………….



Does Israel Wag America or Does America Wag Israel

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 11, 2024

Americans who pay attention are critical of Israel for its control not only of US foreign policy but also US domestic policies, such as those regulating speech, and even tenure decisions of Catholic universities. CIA ………………..



Battle of the Liars: Trump Versus Harris and the Folly of UniParty Economics

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner October 11, 2024

The Dem candidate brags about 16 million new jobs on the Harris-Biden watch and Trump claims the Greatest Economy Ever—evidenced in part by low inflation that his successor purportedly blew sky high.




CB One App

J.D. Vance brought up the topic of the CB One application during his debate with Tim Walz. The majority of Americans were largely unaware that the federal government has been operating a special app to fast-track asylum status to migrants throughout the world.




The Friday Roundtable A Day Early

11 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Let me start with Ukraine. When Zelensky was last in Washington, Joe Biden put off discussing Zelensky’s “Piss Plan,” by stating he would take up the issue at the Ramstein Conference, orginally set …………………….



The Mirage of Honest Government

10/07/2024 James Bovard

For more than 70 years, America has been on the verge of honest government. In election after election, politicians have promised to finally take this nation to the moral high ground once and for all.




War die einrichtungsbezogene Impfpflicht verfassungswidrig?

Von Manfred Kölsch und Karin Adrian.

Um es vorwegzunehmen: Diese Frage hat das Verwaltungsgericht Osnabrück in seinem Vorlagebeschluss mit einem eindeutigen „Ja“ beantwortet.




Israel in Danger: Enemies Foreign and Domestic

by Guy Millière October 10, 2024

„[Hamas leader Yahya] Sinwar wants everyone to be a martyr—except for him.“ Now he appears to want to have discussions again on the condition that the Israelis will not try to kill him during the negotiations on a deal. — David Greenfield, CEO and executive director of Met Council, August 28, 2024.




Die vertane Chance des Brexit

2016 hätte ein entscheidendes Jahr werden können, um die immer weiter ausufernde Macht und Übergriffigkeit der Europäischen Kommission und der EU-Gesetze zurückzudrängen und zu zeigen, dass eine „immer größere, immer engere EU“ kein Naturgesetz ist.




Has Iran Just Tested a Nuclear Bomb?

By Rodney Atkinson Freenations October 10, 2024

Two disturbing news items out of Iran suggest that Iran may already have a nuclear bomb capacity.




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