Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ist mir egal, ob ich Schuld am Zustrom der Flüchtlinge bin. Nun sind sie halt da.

— Angela Merkel (Bundeskanzlerin, 2015)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Donald Trump ist signifikant besser vorbereitet als 2016

10.10.2026 Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg

Das deutsch-amerikanische Verhältnis war immer Stürmen ausgesetzt. Eine Freundschaft entwickelte sich zu einer pragmatischen Beziehung. Hat die Partnerschaft noch eine Zukunft, fragt Ex-Verteidigungsminister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg?




Das ‚Wunder‘ Javier Milei: Argentinien als Blaupause für den Rest der Welt?

  1. Oktober 2024 – Andreas Tögel

Die Wahl des ‚Anarchokapitalisten‘ Javier Milei zum Staatspräsidenten Argentiniens im Dezember 2023 kam für viele Beobachter überraschend und war weltweit für alle Sozialisten, Interventionisten und …………………..



Russia’s Gaining Ground in Ukraine, While Biden Administration Tries to Gaslight American Muslim Voters

15 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Let’s start with some facts. From August 1 to September 30, the Russians captured territory that is twice the size of the Gaza Strip:




The 2024 Election – Are Democratic Judges Trying to Rig the Election?

Joe Biden appointed Judge Krissa Marie Lanham, who received her judicial commission on June 3, 2024. She naturally just ruled against verifying that voters in Arizona had to prove they were citizens. As a federal judge, she ruled against an Arizona group’s legal effort to force county officials to investigate ………………….



Will Politicians Toxify Freedom Forever?

10/14/2024 James Bovard

The official theme song of the Kamala Harris presidential campaign is “Freedom” by Beyonce. But a more accurate theme would be the Rolling Stones classic, Under my Thumb. Vice President Harris is …………………….



Ukraine Seeks Allied Help Against Hyped Threat Of North Koreans

The current leader of Ukraine, its former president Vladimir Zelenski, urgently needs more troops. Recent changes in the mobilization laws did not really change the intake of new recruits. The few people caught under it and sent to the front where often medical or socially impaired or elderly people unfit for holding …………………..



Trump auf der Zielgeraden: “Ave Maria” statt Angriff

Von David Boos Mi, 16. Oktober 2024

Die US-Präsidentschaftskampagne von Kamala Harris gerät ins Taumeln. Nach einer Reihe von kleineren Skandalen und den Plagiatsvorwürfen liegt sie in Umfragen mittlerweile wieder deutlich hinter …………………..



Grüne Projekte, tiefrote Zahlen – der Fall von BayWa

Di, 15. Oktober 2024

Gegründet als Agrarunternehmen, versuchte der Konzern aus München mit Solar- und Windparks weltweit das große Rad zu drehen. Jetzt steht er knapp vor der Pleite. Kein Einzelfall: die angeblichen Zukunftsfelder erweisen sich oft als verlustreich.




Globalists Are Taking the Mask Off and That’s a Bad Sign…

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us October 16, 2024

Remember the last time the globalists took the mask off?  It wasn’t that long ago, but some people might have already forgotten how the western world almost lost all individual freedom under the guise of an ……………..



The 2024 Election – The Last Election We Will Ever Have


The Democratic Party insisted they won the 2020 Election with 81 million votes and it exceeded Barack Obama’s election votes, they championed this alleged victory sweep.




Does the Central Bank Determine Interest Rates?

10/14/2024 Frank Shostak

Most experts agree that, through the manipulation of the short-term interest rates, the central bank can also determine the direction of the long-term interest rates. Some popular thinking alleges that the long-term interest rates are the average of the present and the expected short-term interest rates. Hence, it would …………………..



Elon Musk’s X reinstated in Brazil after it agrees to pay fines, ban accounts

X users in Brazil will once again be able to access their accounts following the company’s decision to comply with the demands of left-wing Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes.

Sat Oct 12, 2024 –




Plagiats-Gutachten aus Salzburg belastet Kamala Harris

Mo, 14. Oktober 2024 Smart on Crime‘ an 18 Stellen plagiiert

Ein Stolperstein für Kamala Harris im US-Wahlkampf – aus Salzburg: Der bekannte Plagiatsjäger Stefan Weber weist ihr nach, dass große Teile ihres Buches „Smart on Crime“ abgeschrieben sind – etwa bei Martin Luther King, dem Helden der Bürgerrechtsbewegung. Von Richard Schmitt




„Sozialschädlichkeit“ etc. – Nur eine Silbe von autoritären Regimes entfernt

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Sa, 12. Oktober 2024 Requiem auf die FDP

Die Sprache der Ampel wird immer totalitärer. Womit wir wieder bei der Zensur angekommen wären. Nicht umsonst ist der Gesetzentwurf schwammig gehalten, mithin der auslegenden Willkür ausgeliefert. Wes Geistes Kind der Bundesjustizminster und seine FDP inzwischen sind, wird in Buschmanns Rede im Bundestag deutlich.




Topsy Turvy in the Middle East: The Case for Total Victory

by Gwythian Prins October 15, 2024

Such were the mutilations that not a single corpse of a girl or a woman was in a state fit to be shown to her family before burial.




Israel Does What It Does; It Was Always Planned This Way

By Alastair Crooke  Strategic CultureOctober 15, 2024

Playing nice’ won’t change its paradigm. Failure does.

With the assassination of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah and a number of the Hizbullah senior leadership in Beirut – expressly without prior warning being given to the Pentagon – Netanyahu fired the start gun on ………………….



Will Israel Pull Off an ‚October Surprise‘ During the Next Month?

Will it help Trump defeat the party that harbors anti-Israel dissenters?

By Philip Giraldi The Unz Review October 15, 2024

There is some speculation in Washington about a so-called October Surprise being engineered by either party or their supporters to change the outcome of the upcoming election. The original October Surprise ………………………



The U.S. Government Is Dramatically Expanding the Use of Facial Recognition Technology

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse October 15, 2024

Do you want to live in a society where you are required to have your face scanned wherever you go?  If not, you may want to speak up now while you still can.  As you will see below, the U.S. government is …………………….



Hurricane Response Proves Volunteerism Is Better Than Authoritarianism

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute October 15, 2024

Following Hurricane Helene, many private helicopter pilots launched their own search and rescue missions. One would think government officials would welcome the help of these volunteers, but instead they harassed them and even threatened to arrest them!




Do They Want American Troops to Die?

By Daniel McAdams The Ron Paul Institute October 15, 2024

Biden Administration mismanagement – or worse – from day one of the latest Israeli multi-front war in the Middle East has led us to where we are today, at the brink of an all-out regional war with some 40,000 ………………..



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