Wer hat Angst vor Sahra Wagenknecht?
In Brandenburg und Thüringen will das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht bald mitregieren. Doch die Zukunftsaussichten der neuen Partei verdüstern sich.
Im Januar gegründet, im Dezember in der Regierung – noch nie ist einer Partei der Bundesrepublik …………………….
Syria After 13 Years of U.S. State Terrorism… What Do You Expect?
By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture December 11, 2024
The destruction of Syria is another vast crime by the U.S.-led imperialist West.
In less than 13 days, a coalition of U.S.-backed jihadist militant groups took over Syria. The offensive, which began on November 27, culminated in Syrian President Bashar al-Assad hastily stepping down and ………………….
The Death of Democracy
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 11, 2024
The electorate in Romania chose Calin Georgescu as their president. But the West said NO! You see, Georgescu is opposed to US military bases on Romania’s border with Russia. So a Romanian judge was paid a bagful of money to cancel the election. The current president, whose term expires December 21, …………………..
Romania – Coup d’Etat Instigated by the EU?
“Europe is on A Fast Descent into Darkness”,… “A Pact with the Devil”
By Peter Koenig Global Research December 11, 2024
Europe is on a fast, very fast descent into darkness, followed by disappearance.
The Neocons and Zionists Finally Get Their Regime Change in Syria
By Ryan McMaken Mises.org December 11, 2024
In late November, the seemingly dormant civil war in Syria reignited and Syrian rebel groups began a new drive across western Syria. At first, the rebels captured Aleppo and Hama, and then moved on to the capital Damascus, finally toppling the Assad regime.
The Keynesian Liquidity Trap Fable
12/09/2024 Frank Shostak
Many economists wrongly assume economic activity is accurately presented as a circular flow of money. Spending by one individual becomes part of the earnings of another individual; spending by another individual becomes part of the first individual’s earnings. Assuming this, recessions are because ……………………
Sackgasse Mosel: Politisches Versagen legt Schiffsverkehr lahm
Von Holger Douglas Mi, 11. Dezember 2024
Seit 20 Jahren wird darüber diskutiert, dass an allen Schleusen zweite Kammern eingebaut werden. Doch eine wirklichkeitsferne Politik hat nicht dafür gesorgt, dass dies auch tatsächlich geschieht.
EU macht mehr Zugriff auf private Finanzdaten möglich
EU möchte Zugang zu Ihren persönlichen Finanzdaten regeln und erleichtern – ein horrender Bürokratieaufwand ist vorprogrammiert. Und Nachteile für die Bürger, die ihre Finanzdaten gar nicht preisgeben möchten.
ICC Arrest Warrants and the Unacceptable Weaponization of International Law
by Robert Williams December 10, 2024
A whistle-blower told [ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim] Khan that he knew about the sexual misconduct and Khan responded in apparent shock that he, Khan, was „finished and will need to resign.“ Instead of resigning, however, he reportedly threatened both the whistleblower and the victim to not press the matter ……………………..