Mindestens 7000 straffällige ausreisepflichtige Asylbewerber in Deutschland
Dunkelziffer dürfte höher sein – Dienstag, 04.03.2025
In Deutschland leben mehr als 7000 ausreisepflichtige Asylbewerber, die straffällig geworden sind. Das geht aus einer Umfrage des ARD-Politikmagazins Report Mainz unter kreisfreien Städten und Landkreisen hervor. Die Dunkelziffer dürfte aber höher sein.
Respected Economist Martin Armstrong Warns
Nyet Means Nyet
10 March 2025 by Larry C. Johnson
I had an amazing day. I had a two-hour meeting with Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Sergei Lavrov, and the Foreign Ministry’s Press Secretary, Maria Zakharova. Mr. Lavrov is a gentleman and the walking ………………………
Is DOGE a Dog When It Comes to Real Federal Spending?
03/10/2025 Vincent Cook
The first month of the Trump administration featured among other things a highly-publicized spectacle of ………………….
Hat sich Merz schon vor dem Start verzockt?
Der Trick, sich die Schuldenbremse mit der verfassungsändernden Mehrheit des alten Bundestages lockern zu lassen, kann für Friedrich Merz in einem Fiasko enden, selbst wenn er damit noch durchkommt.
Donald Tusk Prepares Poland for War
Prime Minister Donald Tusk is preparing a 500,000-troop army for Poland to protect against Russian aggression. “We will try to have a model ready by the end of the year so that every adult male in Poland is trained for war,” Tusk announced.
Donald Trumps Versuch, die Welt neu zu ordnen
Donald Trumps außenpolitische Annäherung an Russland hat weitreichende Konsequenzen. Sie stellt nicht nur die westliche Allianz mit der Ukraine infrage, sondern auch Moskaus Bündnisse. Steht die geopolitische Machtbalance vor einer grundlegenden Verschiebung?
Merz’ Mailbox-Misere: Wie eine Sprachnachricht seine Kanzlerträume torpediert
Von Marco Gallina Mo, 10. März 2025
Friedrich Merz hat es mal wieder geschafft: Statt mit den Grünen zu verhandeln, hinterlässt er eine schnöde Mailbox-Nachricht – und wundert sich über das Scheitern. Große Politik per Anrufbeantworter? Der CDU-Chef, der Kanzler werden will, kommuniziert wie ein säumiger Handwerker.
Is President Trump an Israeli Puppet?
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 11, 2025
President Trump has given every indication that he is as concerned with Israel’s interest as he is with the interests of MAGA Americans. I have expressed the hope that Trump’s sickening kowtowing to Israel is ………………….
It’s Rescission Time
By David Stockman Brownstone Institute March 11, 2025
The politicians who run the GOP on Capitol Hill are about ready to rug-pull Elon Musk and his patron in the Oval Office big time. That is, the so-called “clean CR [continuing resolution]” that Speaker Johnson is …………………
The Trade Wars: You Are Not Prepared
Mar 09, 2025 by James Corbett corbettreport.com
We all know the ancient Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times!
Tariffs Are Theft
By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute March 11, 2025
The US and China came closer to a full-fledged trade war last week when China imposed tariffs of up to 15 percent on key US agricultural exports. This was retaliation for President Trump’s increasing of tariffs on Chinese exports to the United States from 10 percent to 20 percent.
Lassen CDU und SPD die 551 NGO-Fragen in der Versenkung verschwinden?
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 10. März 2025 551 Fragen – war da was?
Finanzminister Kukies arbeitet angeblich mit Hochdruck an der Antwort. Doch aus der CDU gibt es schon halbe Entwarnung. Die Union muss nett zu SPD und Grünen sein. Ein neuer schwarz-roter Deal ……………………..
Fatal Freedom
03/07/2025 David Gordon
Douglas Murray Is Wrong on Ukraine
Neocons at the Gate: the ‚Russian Hoax‘ Strikes Again
Cauf Skiviers Mar 08, 2025 “How can the right be so wrong?” This refreshingly provocative pun serves as the opening salvo in
How Viable Is Macron’s Nuclear Umbrella Proposal?
The EU/NATO cannot match Russia even on a tactical or operational level, let alone strategic. However, it keeps poking the Bear and pushing for escalation on all three fronts.
By Drago Bosnic InfoBrics March 10, 2025
An Accurate Description of the UK-U.S. Empire
By Eric Zuesse Eric’s Substack March 10, 2025
There is a phenomenally good website that provides daily news-reports on the basically dictatorial inner workings of, and mass-mind-control methods being imposed by, the UK and U.S. armaments-…………………..
The Universal Authority of St. Thomas Aquinas
Murray Rundus, 7.3.25
In the post-conciliar age, there is often a tendency to look to the times preceding the Second Vatican Council and find attitudes that we can blame the whole crisis on. This is not an attitude unique to those who seek to save the Council from the “Spirit of the Council”; it is also found among traditionalists, who I ………………….