CDU: „Wir haben ein Problem mit der bundesrepublikanischen Bevölkerung“
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Di, 11. März 2025 Die Neue Volksfront steht
Der Aufstand bleibt aus. Die CDU gibt sich kampflos der neuen Volksfront hin, knickt vor SPD und Grünen ein und verabschiedet sich endgültig von Marktwirtschaft und bürgerlicher Politik. Wer Opposition erwartet hat, wird mit Verrat konfrontiert.
US and Ukraine Hatch ‚Ceasefire‘ Travesty
Simplicius Mar 12, 2025
The US and Ukraine have finalized a ‘temporary ceasefire deal’ during the Jeddah talks, which were meant to be a kind of conciliatory round two chance for Ukraine to amend for Zelensky’s faux pas. ……………………..
Die Unschuldslämmer von der NGO-Agitprop-Truppe
Das NGO-Imperium in Deutschland versucht mit allen Mitteln eine Aufklärung über staatliche Zuwendungen zu verhindern. Die Vertuscher spielen dreist die Rolle der verfolgten Unschuld.
In der Debatte um die Kleine Anfrage der CDU/CSU („551 Fragen“) zur Finanzierung von Agitprop-…………………….
Hyping Drone Attacks in Moscow
11 March 2025 by Larry C. Johnson
I just took off from Domodedovo Airport, which is southeast of downtown Moscow. On the way to the airport I saw a variety of Telegram posts about the drone attacks in the last 12 hours on Moscow. Lex Friedman posted the following:
Has Trump Seen Proof that Funds For Ukraine Were Stolen?
Have ill-equipped Ukrainian soldiers been sent to die while fat cats siphon money and sell weapons on the international market? By John Leake Courageous Discourse March 11, 2025
Russian military liberates multiple locations in Kursk Region
Moscow’s troops have made sweeping advances against Kiev’s invasion force, retaking over 100 square kilometers
A Russian serviceman in the recently liberated village of Malaya Loknya, Kursk Region, Russia on ……………………….
Ist es ethisch vertretbar, Organraub als Satire zu banalisieren?
„Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar.“ So steht es als erster und damit als wichtigster Artikel in unserem Grundgesetz. Von Andreas Weber10. März 2025
An dieser Stelle wird ein Podcast von Podcaster angezeigt. Bitte akzeptieren Sie mit einem Klick auf den …………………….
If Only Trump Would Tell Netanyahu What He Told Zelensky
By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live March 12, 2025
I’m sure most readers have seen the fiery and angry dialogue between President Donald Trump and ex-Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office a few days ago. Trump admitted during the press conference that he let the conference continue as long as he did, knowing Zelensky would not like …………………..
The World Order’s Restructuring Intensifies as the Ukrainian War Implodes the West and Kiev
by GordonhahnMarch 9, 2025
The NATO-Ukrainian Trans-Atlantic Coalition is crashing. NATO’s chief force and benefactor, the U.S., has abandoned the Coalition. The U.S. may do so regarding NATO itself. Thus, Europe moves to oppose ………………..
Musk auf der Spur der NGO-Geldwäscher
Elon Musk bringt mit seinem DOGE-Programm Schwung in die Trockenlegung der NGO-Sümpfe. Doch die Beteiligten versuchen in letzter Minute, Gelder unauffällig zu veruntreuen. Dagegen hilft nur Tempo.
The French Despite Clear Warning Brought the Camp of the Saints to France
By Paul Craig Roberts March 12, 2025
France is dying. It is a piecemeal death. One business district at a time. One neighborhood at a time. A restaurant, a business, a theater, a hotel here and there. Each death so sad but survivable. But as the piecemeal deaths mount, they become an aggregate, and now France is dying. See here.
Europe Faces a MAGA ‚Vibe-Shift‘ as Trump Moves to His Primordial Objective – The Global Reset
By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture March 12, 2025
If Europe pretends to replace the U.S., it is going to be extremely expensive, very politically costly, and it will fail.
President Trump wants Ukraine settled, full stop. This is so that he can move ahead quickly – to normalise ……………………..
President Trump, Where Are Those Long-Secret JFK Records?
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation March 12, 2025
It has now been two months since Donald Trump assumed the presidency. The question naturally arises: Where are those long-secret JFK Records that he repeatedly promised to release to the American people? Or to be more precise, why are those long-secret JFK records still secret? What’s up with the delay, …………………….
Going Cold Turkey in Our Addiction Economy
By Charles Hugh Smith March 12, 2025
We’re prone to addiction, and addiction is highly profitable. They know it, and we know it.
We inhabit an Addiction Economy. We all know the cure for addiction is to go Cold Turkey: drop ………………………….
Wie Merz den Niedergang in die Verfassung meißelt
Friedrich Merz (CDU) will Bundeskanzler werden. Selten ist ein führender Politiker noch vor seiner möglichen Amtsübernahme so schnell auf Zwergengröße geschrumpft wie der fast zwei Meter große Christdemokrat.
Gordon Hahn on Europe’s Role and a Possible Coup in Kiev
Moon of Alabama March 12, 2025
Two interesting thoughts from Gordon Hahn’s latest piece:
Massaker in Syrien: Der Westen sieht weg, während Dschihadisten morden
Von Marco Gallina Di, 11. März 2025 Alawiten und Christen ermordet
Während radikale Islamisten in Syrien Alawiten und Christen massakrieren, schweigen europäische …………………….
Kommt Merz morgen im alten Bundestag seinem einzigen Ziel näher?
Von Fritz Goergen Mi, 12. März 2025
CDU-Merz musste zu den Grünen kompliziert über die Schwebebrücke zwischen Jakob-Kaiser-Haus in einen abgelegenen Verhandlungsraum. Ob sein schwerer Gang nach Canossa bei der Verfassungs-Abstimmung morgen im Bundestag hilft, ist ungewiss.
‚Climate Change‘: Grift of the Century? Part I
Dismantling Capitalism, Transferring Wealth, Dismantling the West
by Robert Williams March 11, 2025
Perhaps the climate hoax is actually not about saving the environment? What is it, then?
Kurds sign deal in Syria: Case for US troops there ‚weaker than ever‘
New leadership brings SDF into central govt, leaving little reason for Washington to keep protecting it
Mar 11, 2025 Kelley Beaucar Vlahos
Amid all of the violence on the Syrian coast this week, there was one development Monday that may reduce the chaos in the northeast: the new Sunni leadership has struck a deal with the Kurdish-led Syrian Defense Forces to merge with the central government in Damascus.