Die kurze Halbwertszeit der Wahrheit – Vom Versprechen zum Vergessen in 14 Tagen
Von Okko tom Brok.
Die inzwischen systematische, offenbar vollkommen skrupelbefreite Täuschung der Bürger dieses Landes stellt eine existentielle Bedrohung für die Demokratie und einen kaum für möglich gehaltenen Kulturbruch dar.
Sie haben es wirklich getan: Merz und Co setzen hemmungslose Verschuldung durch
Von Mario Thurnes Di, 18. März 2025
Die Änderung der Verfassung ist durch den Bundestag. Friedrich Merz hat in namentlicher Abstimmung 513 Stimmen auf sich vereint. Damit ist die Schuldenbremse aufgeweicht, kann die Schuldenkoalition hemmungslos Schulden machen.
Wenig Trost an einem schwarzen Tag für Deutschland
Von Laszlo Trankovits Di, 18. März 2025
Mit der Grundgesetzänderung und der hemmungslosen Schuldenpolitik vollzieht sich der endgültige Bruch zwischen der Union und ihrem konservativen Erbe – Friedrich Merz erweist sich als Kanzler in spe der linken Agenda. Die CDU hat ihre Wähler verraten, die Brandmauer gegen linke Utopien eingerissen ……………………..
The Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Farce
By Ilana Mercer March 19, 2025
‘A ceasefire is when the Israelis fire and we cease.’ ~ Refaat Al-Areer, RIP
The median elapsed time between an American official opposing anything Israel and then dropping out of history is getting shorter. ~ilana
“We’re the United States. We’re not an agent of Israel. We have specific interests at play.” So said Trump ……………………
‚We Can’t Redact‘ – 80.000 Pages Of JFK Assassination Documents To Drop Tuesday Afternoon, Says Trump
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge March 19, 2025
President Trump on Monday announced that his administration is about to release 80,000 pages relating to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Jr. Trump told reporters the mass-release will happen on Tuesday afternoon. Fittingly, he broke the news on an afternoon visit to the John F. ……………………
America Should Side With No One
By Laurence M. Vance March 19, 2025
“America should side with the rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo,” says Michael Rubin, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a beltway conservative think tank.
What Is America’s Tipping Point and What are You Prepared to Do When it comes?
Milan Adams Uncategorized March 14, 2025
Have you ever wondered what makes a person snap? What causes a normal, quiet, everyday citizen, loving mother, or doting father to lose it all and fight like a caged animal? What can cause a small village to rise up and rebel against an oppressive police force and start killing them? What is the switch that gets ……………………..
Are Things Going Amiss?
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 19, 2025
During the Biden regime, Trump criticized the Democrats for dropping bombs on Yemen. You don’t have to do that, Trump said, you can talk through problems over the telephone. Now it is Trump who is bombing Yemen.
The True Cost of War
By Ulrich Fromy Mises.org March 19, 2025
A war economy is characterized, above all, by an extremely high time preference (i.e., a focus on the present). The conduct of war requires that scarce resources—previously allocated to the production of …………..
Putin Gives Trump a Meaningless Concession, But Sticks to June 2024 Position
18 March 2025 by Larry C. Johnson
The much anticipated phone conversation between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin took place on Tuesday, as expected. There was quite a bit of propaganda flack flying about prior to the call… for example, the Ukrainians told the NY Times that Trump was going to concede Russia’s right to control ……………………
‚Historic‘ Putin-Trump Call is Small Step for Man, but No Giant Leap for Mankind
Simplicius 18 3 25
The long awaited discussion between Putin-Trump has finally taken place, reportedly clocking in at a historic two-and-a-half hours, which according to some sources is the longest call between an American and Russian president since at least the Cold War.