Aktuelle Artikel und Videos
In der Union geht die Angst um
Von Mario Thurnes Di, 7. Januar 2025
Auf der Klausurtagung der CSU im Kloster Seeon geht die Angst um. Vor einer erstarkenden AfD und vor einer Brandmauer, die in sich zusammenfällt. Der Union fehlt mittlerweile die Phantasie für einen „Politikwechsel“.
Nigel Farage Responds to Musk
The Libs of Canada Did Not Get the Message
This piece of Rhetoric demonstrates that the politicians of Canada may have forced Trudeau to resign as the head of the Party; this is correct insofar as Canadians have no right to vote for their Prime Minister – who is selected by the politicians – never the people. Under a parliamentary system, all the people can do is throw out the party. I agree that Trump’s comment that Canada could become the 51st state is absurd. I ……………………….
Digitaler Nachlass: Kann man Daten eigentlich vererben?
06.01.2025 Von Andreas Böhme
Essen. Wollen Sie im Internet ewig leben? Wenn nicht, regeln Sie ihren Digitalen Nachlass. Sonst können Ihre Erben große Probleme bekommen.
Facebook schmeißt Correctiv und alle Faktenchecker raus!
Why is Russigate’s Origin Story Redacted?
In a parting gesture of defiance, the FBI releases a long-awaited document, blotting most of it out. Journalist Aaron Maté explains why the Bureau’s FOIA follies matter
By Matt Taibbi Racket News January 8, 2025
Passing the Torch in a Digital Generation
Restoring Truth January 8, 2025
Once upon a time, younger generations trained their minds on better things—beautiful literature, memorized poems, and historical exemplars of character and courage. While this time has long passed, its influences shaped the tastes of our Greatest Generation, whose own children therefore enjoyed relatively ……………………….
What Is Going On in Syria and What Does It mean?
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 8, 2025
The explanations we are given make no sense, neither Washington’s, Putin’s, nor Iran’s. How did terrorists whose leaders had $10 million bounties on their heads become “democratic jihadists” who comprise Syria’s “interim government” with Washington’s and Putin’s support?
Interest Rates, Computational Boosts, and the Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle
By Jorge Besada Mises.org January 8, 2025
Interest rates play a critical role in the economy. Were entrepreneurs limited to just asking to borrow the wealth and savings of friends and family, rather than loans from banks, certain projects and services could never be achieved. Further, interest rates play a nearly miraculous role that inadvertently gives society a sort of “computational boost.”
Don’t Pardon Michael Byrd. Indict Him Instead
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation January 8, 2025
The Washington, D.C., establishment is, needless to say, up in arms over President-elect Trump’s plans to pardon the protestors who stormed the Capitol on January 6 four years ago. After hundreds of criminal ……………………..
Robbing Pedro – To pay Pablo
Radio Far Side Jan 05, 2025
Well, that didn’t take long. I’ve seen this happen a hundred times, and it’s one of the primary reasons I think all governments everywhere and at all times are completely worthless and utterly untenable.
How To Handle the Media
By Tom Woods January 8, 2025
Today I want to share with you an example of how to handle the media.
Now brace yourself, because it involves Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, and most people have lost ……………………….
Alert: The Unfolding Collapse of the Globalist World Order
By Vasko Kohlmayer January 8, 2025
There is something epoch-changing happening across the planet. What seems to be unfolding around us is nothing less than an ongoing collapse of the world’s globalist regime.
Did Biden Just Release Terrorists and Is Donald Trump Going to Start WW III in Panama?
7 January 2025 by Larry C. Johnson
When it comes to dueling Presidents, Donald Trump stole the show today, though not in a good way. Let’s start with Joe Biden’s decision to release 11 Yemenis that have been held in the US Guantanamo Bay prison camp for more than 20 years. While conservatives reacted with outrage to this decision , it was ……………………..
Ireland and the Housing Crisis
01/07/2025 Sergio Fernández Redondo
The recent general election in Ireland has left a rather divided political scenario wherein no party has reached the required majority to form government. While the pertinent talks and negotiations to make a ………………………
Why Washington Still Pretends January 6 Was an Attempted “Coup”
01/06/2025 Ryan McMaken
It’s been four years since the January 6 riots of 2021, and with each passing year it becomes more clear that the event was not an insurrection, and it certainly wasn’t a “coup” of any sort.
Meta stellt Faktencheck-Programm ein: Fokus auf Community Notes
Di, 7. Januar 2025
Meta beendet das umstrittene Faktencheck-Programm, das als parteiisch gilt. Stattdessen setzt das Unternehmen auf ein Community-basiertes System, um die freie Meinungsäußerung zu stärken. …………………
Georg Schramm zu den Öffentlich Rechtlichen Medien
Wann kommt das Brandenburger Tor dran, Herr Habeck?
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Di, 7. Januar 2025
Eine überlebensgroße Darstellung von Robert Habeck wurde auf das Münchener Siegestor projiziert – wie sich herausstellte, ohne Genehmigung. Die Grünen setzen in ihrer verstörend geschichtsvergessenen …………………..
WaPo Editors – Ending The War Is Worse Than Losing
The Washington Post editors have long argued for prolonging the war in Ukraine.
In November 2022, when Ukraine was in a good position to negotiate an end to the war, they ……………………
Germany Lets Economy Plunge to Meet Climate Change Goals
Germany is on track to meet its climate change initiatives at the expense of its economy. To look at the overall health of the European Union, we may look directly at Germany – the leading European economy. A climate think tank Agora noted that Germany lowered its emissions by 3% in 2024 on an ……………………..
Musk-Weidel-Gespräch – so will Habeck verhindern, dass Sie das sehen! | Achtung, Reichelt!, 06.01.25
Why the police ignored the rape gangs I was a detective in anticorruption command
Dominic Adler January 7, 2025
The statistics behind the rape gang scandal — let’s banish the wholly inadequate word “grooming” — are staggering. For over 25 years, networks of men, predominantly from Pakistani Muslim backgrounds, ……………………..