25. Februar 2025
Verkündet Putin heute den Sieg in der Ukraine?
Laut ukrainischem Geheimdienst plant Wladimir Putin heute, am dritten Jahrestag der Invasion, den Sieg Russlands über die Ukraine und die NATO zu verkünden.
Donald Trump hat die US-Außenpolitik grundlegend neu ausgerichtet. Damit hängt nicht nur das Schicksal der Ukraine in der Schwebe – auch die strategische Zukunft des transatlantischen Bündnisses …………………….
Staatsanwalt lacht darüber: Hausdurchsuchung für Meinungsäußerung * JD Vance – Prof. Dr. Diringer
Trump and Europe Fail to Realize that Russia Has a Vote
24 February 2025 by Larry C. Johnson
I think Trump is sincere in wanting to broker a peace deal with Russia, but I do not think he has grasped the fact that Russia has no desire to end the war with Ukraine until it is defeated, along with NATO, or the ………………..
In einverleibten Gebieten Kreml bietet Trump Deal zur Ausbeutung ukrainischer Rohstoffe an
Es wäre ein Pakt unter Großmächten: Russland hält inzwischen ein Fünftel der Ukraine besetzt und hat, wie die USA, offenbar großes Interesse an ukrainischen Rohstoffen. Nun unterbreitet Putin US-Präsident Trump ein rechtlich mehr als zweifelhaftes Angebot.
SPD: Auch mit Pistorius wäre die Lage der Partei hoffnungslos, aber nicht ernst
Von Alexan der Wendt Mo, 24. Februar 2025
Die SPD verliert Arbeiter an die AfD, Großstädter an die Grünen und den Realitätsbezug gleich mit. Selbst mit Boris Pistorius als Kanzlerkandidat hätte die Partei keine Trendwende geschafft – stattdessen diktiert sie nun als Juniorpartner der Union ihre Bedingungen.
Schuldenbremse wackelt keine 24 Stunden nach der Wahl – Wählerbetrug läuft an
Mo, 24. Februar 2025
Friedrich Merz wirft keine 24 Stunden nach der Bundestagswahl seine letzten verbliebenen konservativen Grundsätze über Bord. Die Schuldenbremse soll fallen – und Merz riskiert massive Inflation und sogar den Zerfall der Euro-Zone.
VW braucht den Mut zum Rückzug
Nach der vermeintlich kühnen aber leider fahrlässigen Fortbewegung in Richtung Elektromobilität und Globalisierung bleibt der deutschen Autoindustrie nur der geordnete Rückzug – so sie denn überleben will.
The Last Metaphysical Right
02/21/2025 David Gordon
The philosopher and teacher of rhetoric Richard Weaver is best known today for his book Ideas Have Consequences, which was one of the founding works of post-World War II American conservatism. Weaver argued in the book that the nominalism of the medieval philosopher William of Ockham …………
The Federal Reserve Killed the Penny. Is MAGA Next?
By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute February 25, 2025
President Trump recently issued an executive order instructing the US Mint to stop producing pennies. The reason for this is it costs nearly four cents to produce one penny. That’s right: the US government can’t even make pennies without losing money! President Trump may have signed the death certificate, but the Federal Reserve is the penny’s true killer. Since the Fed’s creation, the US dollar has lost over 97 percent of its value!
Trump’s Shocking Curvatures
By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture February 25, 2025
“This is Putin and Trump’s world now”.
Trump and his team have been busy dismantling – and exposing to public view – the mechanism to the all-encompassing narrative control machine which has been shown to be both authoritarian and industrial in its global scope.
Is It Foreign Aid or Covert Action?
By Philip Giraldi The Unz Review February 25, 2025
There has been considerable controversy surrounding the Trump administration decision to cutback on government agencies that are ostensibly committed to charitable, educational and other nation building activities both overseas and in the United States. This spending, amounting to scores of billions of dollars, ………………..
Trump Is Unlikely To Pull All US Troops Out of Central Europe or Abandaon NATO’s Article 5
By Andrew Korybko Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter February 25, 2025
The era of Europe freeloading off of the US and its liberal-globalists manipulating it into doing their geopolitical bidding against Russia might soon end to the benefit of peace-loving people and businessmen on all three sides.
Drosten, Buyx und der Klimaschutz im Gesundheitswesen
Die einschlägig Verdächtigen aus der Coronazeit toben sich jetzt im „ExpertInnenrat ‚Gesundheit und Resilienz‘“ aus. Rettungsdienst mit elektrifizierter Fahrzeugflotte und recycletes Narkosegas?
Vor wenigen Tagen haben sich Christian Drosten und Alena Buyx wieder zu Wort gemeldet. Und zwar ………………….
Sacrificing Truth on Leviathan’s Altar
By James Bovard Mises.org February 25, 2025
Last Sunday, 60 Minutes featured tyrannical German prosecutors boasting about persecuting private citizens who made comments that officialdom disapproved. Three prosecutors explained how the government was entitled to launch pre-dawn raids and lock up individuals who criticized politicians, …………….
Nazism, Fascism, and Communism: Warring Sons to a Common Father
02/21/2025 Amirhossein Ojaqfaqihi
What if two of history’s most infamous ideologies—Nazism and Fascism—shared more in common fundamentally with Communism than we often recognize? Recently, a chairwoman of a German political …………..
Why We Need To Get Out of NATO
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. February 24, 2025
President Trump and Defense Secretary Hegseth have recently been critical of NATO, calling for the European NATO countries to pay for their own defense. This is all to the good, though it does not go far enough. As the great Dr. Ron Paul has pointed out, “We also need a change in policy. Americans are ……………..
Just War and Lost Cause Mythology
By Wanjiru Njoya Mises.org February 24, 2025
Rothbardian libertarianism upholds liberty as an ethical and moral standard, and for this reason it is often criticized for being idealistic and utopian. Addressing this critique, Duncan Whitmore argues that the ………………..
Die Untote unter den Parteien: Die SPD regiert durch und durch
Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 24. Februar 2025
Die SPD hat die größte Wahlniederlage ihrer Geschichte erlitten – und kommt trotzdem wieder in die Regierung. Sie ist die Untote unter den Parteien. Zwar verspricht ihre Vorsitzende Saskia Esken einen Neuanfang – doch mit altem Personal.
Im Zeichen der Wahl, Gold setzt Rekordlauf fort, Problematisches Urteil für KI-Firmen
Mo, 24. Februar 2025
Es scheint nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis die 3.000-Dollar-Marke beim Goldpreis fällt. Sollte US-Präsident Donald Trump den „Trade War“ über angedrohte oder tatsächlich eingeführte Zölle weiter verschärfen, dann – so die Analysten von Goldman Sachs – könnte das Edelmetall bis auf 3.500 Dollar …………………..
Germany is stuck in a centrist trap The political extremes are gaining ground
Wolfgang Munchau, 24.2.25
The CDU has just declared victory — but Germany is as lost as ever. From its dysfunctional economic model to its ineffective army and the lack of leadership in Europe faced with Donald Trump’s onslaughts, …………………..
Fire the Washington War Party
By Eric S. Margolis EricMargolis.com February 24, 2025
President Donald Trump gets a lot of things wrong. Chief among them is his crazy plan to ethnically cleanse two million Palestinians from the smoking ruins of Gaza.
By Drones, Mines and Missiles – The British Naval War Against Russia in Ukraine
Moon of Alabama February 24, 2025
Since at least 2014 The United Kingdom has been a major participant in NATO’s proxy war against Russia. During the hot phase of the war it has directed a drone and missile campaign in the Black Sea. It is …………………..
Bipartisan Coalition Finally Tells Europe, and the FBI, to Shove It
While J.D. Vance was speaking in Munich, the U.K. was demanding encrypted data from Apple. For the first time in nine years, America may fight back Matt Taibbi Feb 21, 2025
Thank You, DOGE!
SchiffGold.com February 24, 2025
In his latest podcast from Wednesday night, Peter addresses the renewed buzz surrounding Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). Peter argues that no matter how many cuts are made, the ……………..
Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed
By Catherine Austin Fitts The Solari Report’s Substack February 24, 2025
Now that the Trump Administration has been in charge of the U.S. Executive Branch for two weeks, here is what appears to be underway. Despite the chaotic appearance, the plan being implemented is highly ……………………
Is America’s Witch Hunt for Racism Ending?
MSNBC’s cancellation of Joy Reid show signals the obsession with racism is fading.
By John Leake Courageous Discourse February 24, 2025
Kash Patel Banishes 1.500 FBI Agents from Washington
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org February 24, 2025
Dear Kash,
I read that you are sending 1,500 FBI bad apples from DC into the states. Please keep them out of red states.
Friedrich Merz zehnter Bundeskanzler und alle Fragen offen
Von Mario Thurnes So, 23. Februar 2025
Nach drei Jahren kehrt die CDU aus der Opposition zurück und stellt zum siebten Mal den Kanzler in der Bundesrepublik. Doch so rechte Euphorie kommt nicht auf. Nicht nur wegen der schwachen Zugewinne – sondern eher wegen der anstehenden rot-grünen CDU-Politik.
Die vermeintliche „große Koalition“ kommt: eine Regierung ohne Mehrheit
Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 24. Februar 2025
Die neue Regierung hat 45 Prozent der Wählerstimmen erreicht. So wenig wie noch nie eine Regierung zuvor in der Bundesrepublik. Von einer „großen Koalition“ kann bei Union und SPD keine Rede mehr ……………………
The German Elections – Massive Fraud?
I have been getting numerous reports of serious fraud in the German election. The fact that Mertz ……………………….
French Economy Minister Admits Politics Worsening Deficit
French Economy Minister Eric Lombard is eager to lower the public deficit with an aim of 5.4% of GDP in 2025 followed by 3% into 2029. The European Union requires member states to maintain a budget deficit below 3% but only 17 of the 27 members have met that target. France is the largest European economy failing to maintain this goal as they grapple with ever-rising government debt.