Jeff Zucker & Jeff Bewkes Should Stand Trial for Conspiring Against the United States For Corporate Profits – Enough is enough!

Europa wird christlich sein oder es wird nicht sein.

— Otto von Habsburg

Jeff Zucker & Jeff Bewkes Should Stand Trial for Conspiring Against the United States For Corporate Profits – Enough is enough!

Posted Jul 2, 2017 by Martin Armstrong

Project Veritas, which CNN and others try bad mouthing, has caught CNN’s Supervising Producer admitting (1) they are on a witch-hunt against Trump, and (2) they constantly bash Trump with Russia putting the entire world at risk of war simply to make money. They treat their viewers as idiots who lack enough intelligence to distinguish the truth from propaganda violating even the fiduciary duty and public trust they must maintain as directors of a public corporation.  CNN has become the source for misrepresenting implicitly that Trump won office only with Putin’s help.

The CEO of CNN, Jeff Zucker, is a very dangerous man who is violating federal law pursuing



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