Political Cartoonist Fired in Australia For Showing Truth
Michael Leunig was sacked by the Australian newspaper “The Age.” Vaccines mandated by government have never taken place in history. How dare someone call into question such dictates of governments. Then to have the audacity to equate such tactics to the practices of ………………….
Demonizing Your Opponent
Hi Mr. Armstrong, Your ‘great divide’ post just reminded of a story from when Trump was running for office. I work in a hospital. I went to see a patient to give them a medication. I said, ‘I came to see if you wanted XYZ.’ The patient said, ‘Do I have a choice?’. I said, ‘Of ………………..
A Fauci Funded Experiment Tormented Dogs as Insects Ate Them Alive
Whether you’re Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, or even an Anarchist there is a general consensus that taxpayer funds should not go toward TORMENTING ANIMALS. Under Dr. Anthony Fauci, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded “research” that involved caging innocent beagle puppies while sandflies ate them alive.
Three in Ten Workers Would Quit Before Receiving the Jab
weekend with an expectation of 5,000 visitors. Only 100 people showed up. It is understandable why people are hesitant to work in a notoriously regulated environment where they will likely be forced to wear a mask all day in addition to the vaccine.
Ein Schlag ins Gesicht
Die „Causa Kimmich“ zeigt: Wer Impfstoffe unters Volk bringen will wie andere Leute Hering auf dem Hamburger Fischmarkt, der muss sich nicht wundern, wenn der skeptische Endverbraucher nicht anbeißen will. Besser also, wir machen uns als Gesellschaft wieder mal ……………..
As Elizabeth Enters the Twilight of Her Rule, Our Diarist Says Ad Multos Annos
By STEPHEN MacLEAN, Special to the Sun | October 26, 2021
With news of Elizabeth II’s hospitalization this week, millions of her subjects and admirers, in Britain and abroad in her vast realm, were compelled to acknowledge a sobering reality. The Queen’s reign is inexorably coming to a close.
The Cycle of Everything
Do you think only the left is evil? FG
Of course not. If you understand cycles, markets go up, and then they go down. It is NEVER a one-way street. Politics is the same. Sometimes the Democrats are in power, and then it flips to Republicans (Conservative v Labour). If you go to the extreme far-right, you end up at the …………………
Parents Teaching or Government Indoctrination – You Choose
by Pete Hoekstra October 26, 2021 Every expert who came in indicated that the most important thing in a child’s learning was the presence of a caring adult in that child’s life. We learned that schools most connected to their community were most likely to be successful. ………………….
Gettr und TRUTH: Trumps Gegenangriff auf Twitter
Gerade ging die neue konservative Twitter-Alternative Gettr an den Start, kurz darauf präsentierte Donald Trump sein eigenes soziales Medium TRUTH. Haben diese beiden Plattformen eine Chance?
Die schöne Welt der Grünen und Weichen
Die klassische Münchner Schickeria ist mehr oder weniger tot. Jetzt geben Öko-Schickimickis den Ton an. Statt großer Sause ist „Achtsamkeit“ angesagt.
Samstagvormittag in der Türkenstraße. Eine lange Schlange zieht sich von einer Bäckerei um ………………
Kimmich und die Medien: Übles Foulspiel
Während sich Bayern-Trainer Julian Nagelsmann (doppelt geimpft) positiv getestet in Quarantäne befindet, fällt die Presse über seinen gesunden, aber ungeimpften Spieler Joshua Kimmich her.
FCC revokes authorization of China Telecom’s U.S. unit
By David Shepardson
WASHINGTON, Oct 26 (Reuters) – The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Tuesday voted to revoke the authorization for China Telecom’s (0728.HK) U.S. subsidiary to operate in the United ………………….
Die große Transformation in die schlechtere Zukunft
Von Alexander Wendt Mi, 27. Oktober 2021
Warum stürzen bestimmte Politiker trotz Affären und Lügen nicht? Weil sich die meisten Medien nicht mehr als Gegenspieler der Politik verstehen – und zwar freiwillig. Wohin das führt, lässt sich in dem neuen brillanten Roman von Dave Eggers studieren.
Der neue, schwache Bundestag: 3G-Theater, Diversity-Phrasen und NS-Vergleiche
Von Max Roland Di, 26. Oktober 2021
Der neue Bundestag ist überfüllt, jünger und diverser. Doch albernes Corona-Prozedere, leere ………………..
1789: The First Thing the New American Government Did Was Raise Taxes
10/25/2021 Joshua Mawhorter
It may come as a surprise—though it should not—that one of the very first acts of the new Congress, under the Constitution, was a tax program at least as great as the one imposed on ……………….
Why Interventionist Economists Love to Talk about Externalities
10/25/2021 Joakim Book
“Happy families are all alike,” goes the Leo Tolstoy quote from the Russian classic Anna Karenina, “but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”
Deppendorf fordert Kimmichs Mannschaftsausschluss – Lafontaine springt Bayern-Profi bei
Di, 26. Oktober 2021
Der mediale Druck auf Joshua Kimmich steigt. Die großen Medien verurteilen seine Skepsis ………………….
What Is the Free Market?
The Free market is a summary term for an array of exchanges that take place in society. Each exchange is undertaken as a voluntary agreement between two people or between groups of …………………
What Economics Is Not
10/23/2021 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
The most common misunderstanding about economics is that it is only about money and commerce. The next step is easy: I care about more than money, and so should everyone, so let’s leave economics to stock jobbers and money managers and otherwise dispense with its ………………….
The Democrat who could bring down Biden
Blake Smith is a Harper-Schmidt Fellow at the University of Chicago. A historian of modern France, he is also a translator of contemporary francophone fiction and a regular contributor to Tablet. Kyrsten Sinema embodies the end of performative radicalism. October 26, 2021
Poland Claws Back Sovereignty from European Union
by Soeren Kern October 26, 2021 Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal has ruled that Polish law takes precedence over European Union law.
The power struggle has angered European federalists, who are seeking to turn the 27-member ……………………..
Will Biden Start Nuclear War with China Over Taiwan?
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute October 26, 2021
President Biden’s “townhall” meeting this past week was a disaster. From his bizarre poses to the incoherent answers, it seemed to confirm America’s worst fears about a president we are ………………………
What Economics Is Not
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. Mises.org October 26, 2021
The most common misunderstanding about economics is that it is only about money and commerce. The next step is easy: I care about more than money, and so should everyone, so let’s leave economics to stock jobbers and money managers and otherwise dispense with its teachings. This is a fateful error, because, as Mises says, economics concerns everyone and …………………
Another Let’s Go Brandon
Immunization expert: ‘Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others’
posted by Mordechai Sones August 17, 2021
World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former …………………….
Consider the Lowly Sandflies
By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com October 26, 2021
Some flinched when Dr. Fauci commanded the children of America to take the mRNA shots fraught with deadly side effects, but now it’s out that the agency he has controlled for decades like a Byzantine despot, the NIAD, gave a $1.6 million grant to a lab in Tunisia — that world-……………….
We can escape Christmas lockdown
Tom Chivers is UnHerd’s Science Editor. His second book, How to Read Numbers, is out now. The Government has pinned its winter strategy on booster success. October 26, 2021.
A family member went to get his booster jab the other day, at a drop-in centre. It involved queuing for two and a half hours, outdoors, in a car park. The other people in the queue were …………………..
Die Zukunft von CDU/CSU – Insolvenzfall Union
Angenommen die Union wäre ein Unternehmen: Nach der Pleite am 26. September hätte dann ein Insolvenzverwalter einen ambitionierten Restrukturierungsplan aufgesetzt. Dieser reichte von einer parteiinternen „Rente ab 67“ über ein Krawatten-Verbot bis hin zu einer Umbenennung der Partei. Könnte das helfen?