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Wenn man zehntausend Vorschriften erlässt, zerstört man jede Achtung für das Gesetz.

— Winston Churchill

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Loses the Trust of the American People

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell was caught in a lie that may cost him re-election in 2022. The Federal Reserve Chairman, the man with the most insight into future US market policy, sold between $1 million and $5 million from his personal account on October 1, 2020. ……………………



PETA Calls on Fauci to Resign

(From PETA’s website: “To keep driving the message home, PETA supporters in giant blow-up dinosaur costumes have been following the president to various events carrying signs that …………………



Truckers Wanted

It seems that the state of Florida is doing more to address the supply chain crisis than the entire Biden Administration. The American Trucking Association reported that their industry now has a record shortage of 80,000 drivers. Truck drivers are essential to maintaining a ………………….



Three Ways Government Spending Is Ripping Us Off

10/27/2021 Cipriano Lemmo

For many decades the United States and almost every other country in the world have been haunted by fiscal deficits; however, normal people do not seem to realize how it can affect their lives and their well-being. Many people around the world simply do not care about how ………………..



Why Business Owners Can’t Just „Pass on“ Tax Costs to Consumers

10/26/2021 Connor Mortell

White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed in a recent press briefing in response to Biden’s intent to raise taxes on large companies that “[t]here are some who argue that, in the past, companies have passed on these costs to consumers…. We feel that that’s unfair and ……………………



Thanks to Central Banks, the Old Investment Rules Don’t Apply Anymore

10/26/2021 Pascal Hügli

Sixty percent equities, 40 percent bonds. What has been considered the golden rule of portfolio theory for decades is of less and less value to investors today. Because central banks have backstopped almost every market, essentially mimicking the market maker of last and ………………..



„Impfpflicht durch die Hintertür, die längst da ist, muss fallen“ | Nena Schink in Viertel nach Acht



Was der Bundespräsident über die scheidende Kanzlerin zu sagen versäumte

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 27. Oktober 2021

Nach 16 Jahren kann Angela Merkel zufrieden gehen, das Feld ist schlecht bestellt, ihre Saat geht auf. Das reichlich vom Bundespräsidenten gespendete Lob ist unverdient. Vor allem muss das erwähnt werden, was in der Rede von Frank-Walter Steinmeier nicht vorkam: die ………………….



Is Boris taking us back to the Seventies?

Dominic Sandbrook is an author and historian. His latest book is: Who Dares Wins: Britain, 1979-1982, Inflation is snowballing; to stop it would be painful, October 16, 2021

It was the summer of 1975, and for Brian Barker, life should have been good. Happily married with an eight-year-old son and a house in Waltham Cross, he worked for an industrial ………………….



Overlooking Mass Killers—If They’re on the Totalitarian Left

By Paul Gottfried

Imgard Furchner, a 96-year-old resident of a special care facility in Germany, is being investigated as a war criminal. She will appear in court in a wheelchair, which is now her customary way of moving about, the Swiss magazine DieWeltwoche reports. She did try to …………………….




By Ira Katz October 28, 2021

Two quite different personalities who are observers of the world scene that I follow are James Corbett of the CorbettReport.com and the populist lawyer Robert Barnes of VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com.




France seizes British trawler in post-Brexit row over fishing rights

By Richard Lough and Sudip Kar-gupta

France and Britain in dispute over fishing rights

Paris announced possible retaliatory measures on Wednesday




A Press Afraid to Be Free?

By Andrew P. Napolitano October 28, 2021

In a week, the Supreme Court will decide if it will consider diminishing long-standing protections for the freedom of the press. Here is the backstory.

In 1964, at the height of the Civil Rights movement, the Supreme Court unanimously reversed ………………



Wagt China den Angriff auf Taiwan?

Von Sebastian Thormann Do, 28. Oktober 2021

Peking meint es in der Taiwan-Frage todernst. Der Westen muss sein Verteidigungsversprechen glaubhaft machen, ansonsten wird sich das Afghanistan-Desaster in Taipeh wiederholen. Spätestens ab diesem Zeitpunkt wäre Chinas Führungsanspruch in der …………………



Wie wird das Leben nach Corona?

Die Menschen, die einander als von Unrecht Betroffene und als Befürworter dieses Unrechts diametral gegenüberstanden, werden nach Corona weiter miteinander leben müssen. Aber wie und unter welchen Bedingungen?




Wollt Ihr den totalen Kulturkampf?

Im Kulturkampf 1.0 debattierten Religiöse und Liberale – kontrovers, aber auf Augenhöhe. Im Kulturkampf 2.0 sorgen woke Aktivisten dafür, dass Kritiker gar nicht erst vorkommen.

Von Peter Boghossian.




SPD sägt Arbeitsgruppen-Vorsitzende wegen „Transphobie“ ab

Von Marco Gallina Do, 28. Oktober 2021

Wie so oft frisst die Revolution ihre Kinder. Dieses Mal ist es die sexuelle Revolution.

Die SPD-Frau Leni Breymaier sollte die Arbeitsgruppe „Gleichstellung, Vielfalt“ in den Koalitionsverhandlungen leiten. Doch weil Breymaier sich in der Vergangenheit aus …………………..



Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Transhumanism and the Cult of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

By Matthew Ehret  Strategic Culture October 28, 2021

While Chardin is certainly a racist, in his defense he believed in vastly expanding eugenics for all races, and called for employing the best of science to improve the human gene pool, Matthew Ehret writes.




Has America Gone Mad? Biden’s Presidency Now Being Met With Incredulity in Europe

By CONRAD BLACK, Special to the Sun | October 27, 2021

After three weeks in Europe and extensive discussions with dozens of well-informed and highly placed individuals from most of the principal Western European countries, including …………………..



Biden’s Blind Spot: Government Should Reward Success

By LAWRENCE KUDLOW, Special to the Sun | October 27, 2021

Lots of rumors are being bandied about as to what’s in and what’s out on both spending and taxes. So far as we know, as Hillary Vaughn reported, there is no deal. My sources, who are smack inside Republican Senate and House leadership, tell me we are weeks away and even …………………..



Have Some Democrats Lost their Mind?

Reliable sources have for months been warning that the extreme Democrats have been planning to impose mandatory vaccines to screw Independent and Republicans for this has nothing to do with health anymore. The conservative Democrats are worried and they have …………………..



Chicago To Launch Huge Universal Basic Income Program

Posted By: Mark Guarino via MSN October 27, 2021

Even though UBI trials have not produced tangible benefits to society, city after city continue to take the plunge, expecting different results. Americans are generally against UBI, ……………………



What Questions Must We Ask Concerning COVID Vaccinations for Children

By Thomas T. Siler, Jr., MD  American Thinker October 27, 2021

The FDA is meeting on October 26th to give advice to parents on vaccination for children ages 5-12 and the Biden administration is poised to roll out vaccines for this age group for ………………….



Meet Ray Epps: the Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol

Revolver News October 27, 2021

In a House hearing on Thursday, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) questioned AG Merrick Garland about a mysterious man, Ray Epps, instructing protesters to enter the US Capitol building on January 5, and who later shepherded crowds towards the Capitol on January 6.






SPD, Grüne und FDP beginnen mit ihren Koalitionsverhandlungen für die Ampel. Doch wo liegen eigentlich die Schnittmengen der drei Parteien? Kann ein solches Bündnis funktionieren – und einen Modernisierungsschub bringen? Lesen Sie es nach in unserer aktuellen November-Ausgabe des Cicero..VON ALEXANDER MARGUIER am 27. Oktober 2021





State Surgeon General Says the Unsayable

By Tom Woods October 27, 2021

The narrative is really breaking down now.

Last month I introduced you to Joseph Ladapo, the new surgeon general of Florida.

An immigrant from Nigeria, Ladapo holds his medical degree from Harvard Medical School ……………………



The Conflicts of Visions That Shaped America

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation October 27, 2021

There have been two conflicting visions in American history that have shaped our nation. As conditions in the United States continue to worsen, it is important that Americans engage in …………………..



Propaganda: World Economic Forum Launches ‘Great Narrative’ Initiative

Posted By: Tim Hinchliffe via Sociable October 26, 2021

Klaus Schwab, mentored by Trilateral Commission member Henry Kissinger since 1970, has already dropped the Great Reset on the world. Now he has partnered with the United Arab …………………..



Das Spiel mit der Empörung

Wenn der Aufschrei das Argument übertönt, findet eine Veränderung der Öffentlichkeit statt, die regressive Tendenzen hat. Das ist die Strategie der Identitätspolitik. Ihr Machtkern liegt in dem Dogma, dass den Gefühlen der Opfer absolut geglaubt werden muss. Damit stellt sie sich radikal gegen die Ideale der Aufklärung. VON BERND STEGEMANN am 26. Oktober 2021




„Kein Schlachtfeld für Pressure-Groups“

Im Streit um die Teilnahme eines rechtsgerichteten Verlags an der Buchmesse hat sich Frankfurts OB Peter Feldmann auf die Seite der Aktivisten um die schwarze Schriftstellerin Jasmina Kuhnke geschlagen. Der Schriftsteller Per Leo kritisiert die Aktivistin für ihren ……………………



Jerusalem Consulate: A Nail in the Coffin of Peace

by Richard Kemp October 27, 2021 This may seem like just another diplomatic facility to issue visas, promote trade and take care of US citizens, with no greater consequence than the US consulate in Edinburgh, UK. But it is far more than a mere office for paper-shuffling ……………………



„Positive Diskriminierung“ als politisches Machtinstrument

  1. Oktober 2021 –Andreas Tögel

Frauen seien im herrschenden System des entmenschten Neoliberalismus angeblich „strukturell diskriminiert“, so eine durch viele Leitmedien verbreitete Meinung. Frauen ……………………



The World According to Vladimir Putin

By Pepe Escobar Asia Times October 27, 2021

The plenary session is the traditional highlight of the annual, must-follow Valdai Club discussions – one of Eurasia’s premier intellectual gatherings.

Vladimir Putin is a frequent keynote speaker. In Sochi this year, as I related in a previous column, the overarching theme was “global shake-up in the 21st century: the individual, …………………….



The media’s betrayal of the poor

Batya Ungar-Sargon is Deputy Opinion Editor of Newsweek and author of Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy. American journalists use anti-racism to mask their contempt for the working class. October 27, 2021

At the end of his career, in his 1907 retirement speech, Joseph Pulitzer wrote up his credo for …………………



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