107 Million Vaccine Refuseniks?
By Bill Sardi November 10, 2021
Have 107 Million Americans Walked Off Their Jobs In Protest Of Forced Vaccination?
Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and Licence, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review
By Megan Redshaw Children’s Health Defense November 10, 2021
Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny
Stand Down … So You Can Stand Up, Margaret Anna Alice, October 2021
“A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at every level; a few score thousand specialists (teachers, …………………..
Thanks to Bailouts, Wall Street Banks Are More Fragile than Ever
By Douglas French Mises.org November 10, 2021
The financial covid crash of 2020 came and went in a month as the US government threw every monetary and fiscal trick it had at the government-imposed flash panic. We’ll never ………………..
The Collapse of the USA & the Rule of Law?
When we looked at our model combining the presidency, House, and the Senate, we came up with a Panic Cycle in 2021 and 2023. The Democrats better wake up because this foreign ……………………
Bill Gates Admits At Last the Vaccines do Not Work!
Bill Gates has finally admitted that his vaccines neither prevent you from getting COVID nor will they prevent you from spreading COVID. So exactly what is all this crazy mandate stuff ………………….
The Wyden’s Father-Son Story Bolsters Hope for the American Dream
By LAWRENCE KUDLOW, Special to the Sun | November 10, 2021
The most interesting story I saw today appears on a Fox Website under the headline: “Oregon senator Ron Wyden’s millionaire son blasts dad and ‘cronies’ for hating the American ………………….
Cronyism, Not Welfare, Is China’s Big Problem
11/09/2021 Mihai Macovei
After three decades of promarket reforms, extreme poverty in China has been virtually eradicated. So President Xi Jinping now has the leverage to shift his attention to reducing the ……………….
Jennifer Granholm’s Magic Wand
Editorial of The New York Sun | November 9, 2021
The White House will soon decide whether to shut down another oil pipeline. That this is even under consideration tells a lot about the Biden administration’s failed energy strategy. ………………….
Delingpole: COP26 UN Summit Is Globalist Gaslighting Operation
Posted By: James Delingpole via Brietbart November 9, 2021
Merriam Webster on gaslighting: to psychologically manipulate (a person) usually over an extended period of time so that the victim questions the validity of their own thoughts, …………………
Politikversagen und Feindbildsuche
In der Corona-Debatte dreht sich das Land seit 20 Monaten im Kreis. Ob Schnelltests, Impfpflicht oder 2G – was Politiker gestern noch lauthals dementierten, fordern sie heute ganz offen. Das Vertrauen der Skeptiker lässt sich auf diese Weise nicht zurückgewinnen.
Die rätselhaften Herzerkrankungen von Fußballern
Von Holger Douglas Di, 9. November 2021
Die Liste plötzlich zusammengebrochener Fußballer wird länger. Für Fußball-Profis stellt sich die Frage der Impfung mit besonderer Brisanz. Dass der Impfschutz höchst löchrig ist, zeigt gerade der
Evergrande teeters on edge of default as $148 mln payment falls due
By Andrew Galbraith and Clare Jim
Evergrande due to pay $148 mln bond coupon on Wednesday
China holds combat readiness patrol as U.S. lawmakers visit Taiwan
BEIJING/TAIPEI, Nov 9 (Reuters) – China’s military said on Tuesday it had conducted a combat readiness patrol in the direction of the Taiwan Strait, after its defence ministry condemned a visit to Taiwan by a U.S. congressional delegation it said had arrived on a military aircraft.
Grenzkonflikt und Medien-Pingpong: »Nehmt Kinder mit, lasst sie schmutzig und müde aussehen«
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mi, 10. November 2021
In Warschau weiß man, dass der Konflikt auch medial geführt wird. Lukaschenko zeigt sich als Schutzherr bedauernswerter »Flüchtlinge«. Und die EU will noch ein paar
Tod eines Jungen – und die Abgründe, die sich auftun
Am 3. November starb ein 12-jähriger Junge höchstwahrscheinlich an der zweiten „Impfung”. Ohne eine Empfehlung der STIKO zur Impfung von Kindern würde er noch leben. Er dürfte bei weitem nicht das einzige Opfer sein – Risiken durch die Covid-Impfstoffe geraten immer …………………..
Fußball: Wenn ein Positiv-Test nicht ins Bild passt
Nachdem der ungeimpfte Fußballer Kimmich ins Kreuzfeuer geriet, gibt es nun eine unvorhergesehene Wendung: Sein Bayern-Kollege Niklas Süle wurde positiv auf Corona getestet – und ist doppelt geimpft.
„Inzwischen steht das Wort ungeimpft für ideologieresistent“
„Dieses Land ist krank.“ Die Kritik hat diesen Satz so lange hin und her gewendet, bis die Politik schließlich zugriff. Warum die Sache nicht selbst in die Hand nehmen? Besteht Politik nicht genau darin: Eine Sache in die Hand nehmen?
Regelkatalog für die Länder – Das steht im neuen Infektionsschutzgesetz
Von Marco Gallina Mi, 10. November 2021
Morgen befasst sich der Bundestag mit der neuen Fassung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes. TE fasst die wichtigsten Punkte zusammen und verlinkt zum ganzen Papier.
Das Ausland möchte bei der Bestimmung des deutschen Finanzministers mitreden
Von Markus C. Kerber Di, 9. November 2021
Will Lindner ein Finanzministerium haben, das dem Anspruch gerecht wird, Treuhänder öffentlicher Finanzen in Deutschland zu sein, wird er das gesamte Führungspersonal, also …………………..
Herr Lies und das Neusprech: Vogelschredder sind Artenschutz
Olaf Lies, derzeit Umwelt- und Klimaschutzminister in Niedersachsen, betreibt gewagte Klimapolitik, indem er den Bau von Windparkanlagen forciert. Zur Not gegen den Willen der ……………….
Migrants try to breach Polish border as EU readies Belarus sanctions
By Alan Charlish and Robin Emmott
EU set to agree legal basis for new Belarus sanctions
Seizing Everything: The Theft of the Global Commons – Part 1 Iain Davis
The people who none of us elect, who ultimately control international finance, all corporate & business activity, government policy and international relations have constructed a system ………………..
Seizing Everything: The Theft of the Global Commons – Part 2 Iain Davis
“The population problem has no technical solution; it requires a fundamental extension on morality.”
Garret Hardin, “The Tragedy of the Commons”
A Fourth Mandate for the Fed?
Editorial of The New York Sun | November 9, 2021
That President Biden just interviewed the vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, Lael Brainard, for promotion to chairman doesn’t worry the current chairman, Jerome Powell. Nor does the fact that inflation is edging closer to 6% than 5%. Nor that the central bank’s balance ………………..
Why There Is No Free Lunch
11/08/2021 David Gordon
Caleb Fuller, an economist who teaches at Grove City College, thinks that many people have a mistaken conception of economics. It is, they think, a dull and dry subject, the “dismal …………………..
Side Effects Mount as Biden, FDC, CDC, & NIH have all Abandoned Health
Big Pharma has absolute immunity, and since the federal government is mandating vaccines,
Turkey: Drifting Further into Russian Orbit
by Burak Bekdil November 9, 2021 Sanctions are mandated by law for „any entity that does significant business with the Russian military or intelligence sectors“ — Office of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Chair Robert Menendez, Daily Sabah, September 28, 2021.
„Any new purchases by Turkey must mean new sanctions.“ — U.S. Senate Foreign Relations …………………..
Great News: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate is Falling Apart!
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute November 9, 2021
The Biden vaccine mandate appears to be falling apart before it’s even in place. From first responders to truck drivers to everyone in-between, the message is clear: many thousands are …………………..
Covid Totalitarianism Exposed
By Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD November 9, 2021
Peter Breggin MD and his wife, Ginger Breggin, authors of Talking Back to Prozac, have written a key work on the COVID-19 pandemic, titled
Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory Today
By Bionic Mosquito November 9, 2021
…Critical Theory has come to dominate the academic world.
DeSantis to Block Biden Flying Illegal Aliens to Florida after Brutal Murder
Florida governor working with the state legislature to end practice
By Jack Murphy Neon Nettle November 9, 2021
The Republican governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, is planning to block Democrat Joe Biden’s administration from flying illegal aliens into his state following a brutal murder.
A Billion Catholics, Covid Vaccines, And the Duty to Refuse Injection
Unless fear and comfort are the true pillars of the Church
By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog November 9, 2021
Let me start by saying, everybody acts from faith. Faith in something, no matter what it is.
The CBO Numbers Racket
Editorial of The New York Sun | November 8, 2021
The Congressional Budget Office is supposed to report out by Friday on the more than 2,000 pages of President Biden’s plan known as “Build Back Better.” That progressive wish list ………………….
Parents Gird for Next School Battles — Coming This Spring
By BETSY McCAUGHEY, Special to the Sun | November 9, 2021
Parents who never imagined running for office battled to win seats on local school boards last week. They won some but lost many. Their fiercest opponents were the teachers unions. ……………………