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ADS #21 – Vortrag William Toel – 30.11.21 – Hessen



Moderna Cashes in On Omicron

Moderna, the company that produced its first vaccination under Operation Warp Speed, said it is close to producing a new vaccine for the omicron variant. The news comes just days after the omicron variant was first reported publicly and before the scientific community had a chance to study the variant that has over 32 strains. As a result, Moderna’s stock jumped 14% ……………….



The Lack of Independent Thought

I find it really disturbing that people you thought were capable of independent thought turn out to be like a drone just maneuvering through life without a clue. Geraldo Rivera actually ……………….



Richter Harbarth & Kanzlerin Merkel – Eine gefährliche Freundschaft für unsere Demokratie?

Artikel von: Lydia ROSENFELDER und Hans-Jörg VEHLEWALD veröffentlicht am 01.12.2021 –

Ausgangssperren? „Mit dem Grundgesetz vereinbar“! Schulschließungen? „Angemessen“!

Dieses Karlsruher Urteil macht viele Bürger wütend und lässt Verfassungsexperten ratlos zurück.




WHO Meets To Craft Global Pandemic Treaty With Teeth To Punish

Posted By: Simone McCarthy via SCMP November 30, 2021

The World Health Organization already has broad influence over nations through bi-lateral agreements and memorandums, but it now seeks to consolidate its power by creating a global Treaty that would resemble the Paris Accord on Climate Change. Offenders would be queued up for punishment.




Will the Supreme Court Send Bill Cosby Back to Prison?

Editorial of The New York Sun | November 30, 2021

Will the United States Supreme Court act to reinstate what advocates call “the first significant sexual assault conviction of the #MeToo era” and send Bill Cosby back to prison? That’s the question after a Pennsylvania prosecutor petitioned the Nine to reverse the decision of ……………..



Zum Versagen des neuartigen „Impfstoffes“ – Teil 3

Fr, 26. November 2021 Sammlung von „Impfdurchbrüchen“

Die sogenannten „Impfdurchbrüche“ häufen sich. Immer mehr, die auf die Schutzwirkung des Impfstoffs vertraut haben, infizieren sich. TE sammelt bekannt gewordene Fälle von ……………….



„Die Unterlassungssünden sind schwindelerregend“

Neuinfektionen und Krankenhauseinweisungen, die Validität von Tests, das Alter der Intensivpatienten, der Anteil von Geimpften und Ungeimpften am Infektionsgeschehen – zu




Judge Blocks Biden Administration’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers

The ruling applies to 10 states By Zachary Stieber November 29, 2021

A federal judge on Nov. 29 halted the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers, although the ruling only applies to 10 states.




Die allgemeine Impfpflicht stellt die Frage, ob wir noch Bürger sind

Von Max Mannhart Di, 30. November 2021 Freiheit gilt für alle – oder für keinen

Die Ampel und viele CDU-Ministerpräsidenten sind sich einig, dass die Corona-Impfpflicht kommen soll. Es ist eine Entgrenzung und ein Angriff auf die freiheitliche Ordnung. Bei dieser Frage darf man sich nicht wegducken.




Wie grüne Umweltgesetze Campingplatz-Slums schaffen

Von Peter L. Pedersen.

Jetzt passiert genau das, was zu erwarten war: Die Ampel-Koalition hat beschlossen, dass ……………………..



Bundesverfassungsgericht nickt Bundeslockdown ab – Verfassungsrechtler Vosgerau kommentiert

Di, 30. November 2021 Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat mehrere Beschwerden gegen die Bundesnotbremse abgelehnt. Verfassungsrechtler Ulrich Vosgerau kommentiert den Beschluss: „Wir steuern auf chinesische Verhältnisse zu.“ Der erste Senat des BVerfG entwickle sich zum „Totengräber des freiheitlichen Verfassungsstaates“.




Weidenfeld: CSU muss mit Söder um Vormacht in Bayern fürchten

Di, 30. November 2021

Die Bundestagswahl brachte der Union ein desaströses Ergebnis. Die Obstruktionspolitik des im Rennen um die Unions-Kandidatur unterlegenen CSU-Vorsitzenden Markus Söder hatte daran einen großen Anteil. – Von Politikwissenschaftler Werner Weidenfeld




We’re All Talking about Inflation, but Deflation May Also Be on the Way

11/30/2021 Frank Shostak

Most recent data continue to show a visible acceleration in „price inflation,“ with the yearly growth rate of the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) rising to 6.2 percent in October from 5.4 percent in September and 1.2 percent in October of last year—its highest level since ……………………



Vaccination Causes Covid Variants

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 1, 2021

The Unvaccinated Are Not Fueling COVID Variants

‘Super mutant’ Covid strain triggers emergency response

These “mutant strains” or variants are produced in response to the Covid vaccine. In other …………………..


How many people have been murdered with the Covid-19 Vaccines?

By The Exposé on November 28, 2021 • ( 22 Comments )

No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they will kill.

By Dr Vernon Coleman




The Make Believe Pandemic & The OMICRON Variant

By Bill Sardi December 1, 2021

For no good reason, the world is cringing at the news of the OMICRON mutation of the Covid-19 coronavirus even though data on its infectiveness and mortality are as yet unknown.

The Director of the National Institute For Infectious Diseases says the dreaded OMICRON ……………….



Introduction to Natural Law

11/27/2021 Murray N. Rothbard

  1. Natural Law and Reason

Among intellectuals who consider themselves „scientific,“ the phrase „the nature of man“ is apt to have the effect of a red flag on a bull. „Man has no nature!“ is the modern rallying cry and typical of the sentiment of political philosophers today was the assertion of a ……………………………



Austrian Axioms 101

11/27/2021 Darren Brady Nelson

This article is unashamedly in Friedrich von Hayek’s category of “second-hand dealers of ideas.” In fact, it is lower than that being third-hand. More specifically, I, as the third-hand …………………..



Courts block two Biden administration COVID vaccine mandates

By Tom Hals Nov 30 (Reuters) – The Biden administration was blocked on Tuesday from enforcing two mandates requiring millions of American workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19, a key part of its strategy for controlling the spread of the coronavirus.




Was, wenn mich Corona erwischt? Ein ärztlicher Ratgeber

Meistens verläuft eine Corona-Infektion glimpflich. Aber was tun nach einem positiven Test? Worauf achten, was einnehmen, welche Alarmzeichen erkennen? Was Achgut.com-Autor Dr. ……………….



Sinkende Preise gegenüber Oktober – Das Wunder von Wiesbaden

Von Helmut Becker Mo, 29. November 2021 Inflationsrate des Statistischen Bundesamtes

Die „vorläufige“ Inflationsrate für November von 5,2 Prozent zum Vorjahresmonat erscheint zwar zunächst hoch, aber bei der Bundesbank hatte man viel mehr erwartet. Angeblich sind ………………



Synthetic Life: Living, Reproducing Xenobots 3.0 Designed By AI

Posted By: Jonathan Chadwick via DailyMail November 30, 2021

Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is a demonstrated need to do so. Synthetic life designed by AI is a holy grail of both Technocracy and Transhumanism, taking humanity closer to the Great Reset. It is not known what will happen when synthetic cells ……………………



Is Big Pharma Punishing South Africa?

South Africa denied Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson from delivering additional vaccines. A day later, on November 25, the omicron variant was detected in the country. Before the new …………………..



Ghislaine Maxwell portrayed both as scapegoat, predator as trial gets under way

By Luc Cohen and Karen Freifeld

NEW YORK, Nov 29 (Reuters) – Ghislaine Maxwell’s criminal trial got under way on Monday, with a prosecutor saying the British socialite lured underage girls for the late financier Jeffrey Epstein to sexually ……………….



«Die Spitäler sind nicht wegen der Ungeimpften voll – die Politik will bloss von ihrem eigenen Versagen ablenken»

Ist sie eine der Letzten, die aussprechen, was viele denken? Oder erzählt sie bloss Räuberpistolen? Klar ist: Sahra Wagenknecht polarisiert wie nur wenige andere. Ein




How fear fuels the vaccine wars

Paul Kingsnorth is a novelist and essayist. Covid has been a revelation and an accelerant. November 30, 2021

Perhaps it’s my age, or perhaps it’s just blind prejudice, but when I wake to the news that the Austrian government has interned an entire third of its national population as a danger to ……………….



Germany’s Coalition Agreement: A „Lowest Common Denominator“ Deal

by Soeren Kern November 30, 2021 It remains to be seen how long the new government — to be formed by a fractious three-way coalition consisting of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD), the environmentalist Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) — will last.




Hard Data Shows the Covid Vaccines Don’t Work

By Vasko Kohlmayer November 30, 2021

The last several months have seen a heated debate about the effectiveness of the vaccines that are being currently administered against Covid-19.

The question on many people’s minds is: Do these pharmaceuticals work?




How fear fuels the vaccine wars

Paul Kingsnorth is a novelist and essayist. Covid has been a revelation and an accelerant.

November 30, 2021

Perhaps it’s my age, or perhaps it’s just blind prejudice, but when I wake to the news that the Austrian government has interned an entire third of its national population as a danger to ………………….



Last Gasp of the Plumed Knight?

Editorial of The New York Sun | November 30, 2021

Just when it seemed the ghost of James G. Blaine had been banished, his spirit has returned to torment religious freedom advocates. They will be arguing next week before the Supreme …………………



Reduce Expectations of Government

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute November 30, 2021

Inflation was an unwelcome guest at this year’s Thanksgiving gatherings. According to the Farm Bureau, a traditional Thanksgiving meal cost 14 percent more in 2021 than the same meal cost in 2020. Many families went without certain Thanksgiving favorites — or limited ……………….



Corporate Giants Going All-In On Metaverse

Posted By: Alexandra Bruell via WSJ November 29, 2021

From Verizon to Nike, corporate giants are embracing the Metaverse as a place to hock their ………………….



‘Mass Formation’: The Applied Science Of Social Engineering

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola November 29, 2021

In 1938, Technocracy defined itself as “The Science of Social Engineering”. This professor of clinical psychology in Belgium has revealed the four key elements of “mass formation” that ……………..



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