Angriff auf die deutsche Bankkarte- Visa, Mastercard und Paypal: Zahlungssysteme sind Geopolitik
Im elektronischen Zahlungsverkehr droht Europa den Anschluss zu verlieren, warnt Bankenprofessor Jürgen Moormann. Große Kreditkartenfirmen und Onlinebezahldienste aus
Wuchernde Scheinkrisen, zähe Realkrisen und eine falsch geschaltete Ampel
Vergesst die großen Weltrettungen, denn sie haben sich längst in unendlich wuchernde Baustellen verwandelt, in denen mehr abgerissen als aufgebaut wird. Die wirklichen Herausforderungen Deutschlands liegen woanders.
Universität Oxford: Deutschland hat das zweitstrengste Corona-Regime der Welt
Von Max Mannhart Di, 7. Dezember 2021
Trotz Impfquoten von an die 90 Prozent steigen die Inzidenzen in anderen Ländern Europas. Im Vereinigten Königreich sind über 80 Prozent der Corona-Toten geimpft. Dennoch bringt ………………..
Die guten Frauen und Männer des Olaf Scholz
Von Marco Gallina Mo, 6. Dezember 2021
Olaf Scholz hat die zukünftigen Bundesminister der SPD vorgestellt. Die SPD ist damit die letzte Regierungspartei, die ihr Team präsentiert. Es ist eine Entourage aus neuen, bekannten und allzu bekannten Gesichtern. Es gibt aber auch Überraschungen.
Japanisches Gesundheitsministerium warnt vor sehr seltenen Impf-Nebenwirkungen
Mo, 6. Dezember 2021 Moderna und Biontech
Sehr selten kommt es bei jungen männlichen Geimpften mit Moderna und Biontech-Impfstoffen zu Entzündungen des Herzmuskels und der Herzaußenhaut.
Wie gesund kann Angst noch sein?
Die Angst nagt selbst an den stabilsten Zeitgenossen, und ich sehe sie auf beiden Seiten dieses gespritzten Krieges zerbrechen. Die Politik hat aus uns zwei Fronten gemacht, und wir haben es zugelassen. Von Nicole Schneider.
Karl und die „starken Frauen”
Die SPD gab nun heute bekannt: Der Genosse Lauterbach, Deutschlands bekannteste Panik-Sirene, wird Bundesgesundheitsminister, der Rest wurde bestens quotiert. Diese Kabinettsliste hätte allenfalls als Satire etwas getaugt.
Bericht zur Coronalage: 7.800 Euro Kopfprämie für wundersame Corona-Vermehrung
Deutschen Krankenhäusern wird eine Prämie von 7.800 Euro und mehr für jeden regulären Patienten bezahlt, den man durch einen positiven Test statistisch in einen stationären Corona-Fall umdeuten kann.
Poland’s Beef with the EU Shows the Dangers of Political Centralization
12/04/2021 José Niño
Across the pond, Poland and the European Union find themselves deadlocked over a question about judicial primacy. In early October, Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal sparked controversy when it ruled that EU law does not supersede national legislation.
Emissionshandel einfach erklärt (explainity® Erklärvideo)
When Fiat Currency Stops Being Money
12/04/2021 Daniel Lacalle
Most emerging and developed market currencies have devalued significantly relative to the United States dollar in 2021 despite the Federal Reserve’s aggressive monetary policy. Furthermore, emerging economies that have benefitted from rising commodity prices have ………………….
The Technocrat Mind: Pfizer’s Unconscionable Crimes, Past And Present
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola December 6, 2021
The Atlantic Council conferred it highest honor, the Distinguished Business Leadership Award, to Pfizer Chairman Albert Bourla. The Council is a top-tier global elite clique whose membership has been tightly intertwined with the Trilateral Commission since 1973, leading …………………
Karl Lauterbach wird Gesundheitsminister: Konsequent ist nur seine Selbstdarstellung
Von Max Mannhart Mo, 6. Dezember 2021
Karl Lauterbachs Popularität basiert darauf, dass selbst Konservative manchmal sagen: Wenigstens ist er konsequent. Doch Lauterbach lag in der Pandemie ziemlich oft daneben – er ist nur ein Meister darin, sich rückwirkend reinzuwaschen. Ein sehr deutsches Phänomen.
Great Barrington Declaration Now Exceeds 870,000 Signatures
Posted By: Patrick Wood December 6, 2021
On October 4, 2020, three highly-respected medical professionals wrote The Great Barrington Declaration to protest damaging COVID-19 policies, including physical and mental health ………………….
It’s Looking A Lot Like Frozen Winterland
The weather is following what our computer has been forecasting using historical data and correlating history to ascertain the cyclical nature of weather. The ice has now grown larger than the global warming crowd has ever predicted. This threatens Europe with a very cold …………………
Martin Armstrong Interview: COVID, Civil War, and Major Capital Shifts (Part 2)
Washington D.C. on the 1918 Spanish Influenza
The document above was issued by Washington D.C. on September 26, 1918, in response to the Spanish flu. This was before the Build Back Better agenda; Big Pharma was not an all-………………….
Evergrande debt deadline passes with no sign of payment -sources
By Clare Jim and Scott Murdoch, Andrew Galbraith
HONG KONG/SHANGHAI, Dec 7 (Reuters) – Some offshore bondholders of China Evergrande Group ………………….
Mayor Bill de Blasio Issues Private Business Vaccine Mandate
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has implemented the first statewide vaccine mandate for private employees. Referring to the move as a “pre-emptive strike,” the new mandate will apply to around 184,000 businesses and will take full effect on December 27 and partial effect …………………
God, Abortion, and the Court
Editorial of The New York Sun | December 6, 2021
The more we reflect on the Supreme Court’s hearing in respect of Mississippi’s abortion law, the more we are struck that the news is not so much in Associate Justice Sotomayor’s use of ………………….
Collapse of Northern Republicans Is Marked by Refusal of Charlie Baker To Seek Third Term as Bay State Governor
By IRA STOLL, Special to the Sun | December 6, 2021
Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts and his lieutenant governor, Karyn Polito, announced this month that they would not seek re-election in 2022. It’s another nail in the …………………
Reflections on the Pure Theory of Money of Mr. J.M. Keynes
12/03/2021Friedrich A. Hayek, Introduction by Joseph T. Salerno
Friedrich A. Hayek was only thirty-two years old when he published this two-part article in Economica, at the time, the world’s leading English-language economics journal. The article is a review essay of John Maynard Keynes’s two-volume book, A Treatise on Money, ………………….
COVID-19 Outbreak Reported on US Cruise Ship Despite Fully Vaccinated Passengers
By Jack Phillips December 5, 2021
At least 10 cases of COVID-19 have been reported on a Norwegian Cruise Line ship disembarking in New Orleans, officials said.
Biden’s ‘Democracy Summit’ is a Joke
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute December 7, 2021
On December 9-10 President Biden will preside over an online “Summit for Democracy,” which claims it will “bring together leaders from government, civil society, and the private …………………
America’s Dr. Mengele
By Thomas DiLorenzo December 7, 2021
In his must-read new book, The Real Anthony Fauci, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. describes how journalist Liam Scheff chronicled Fauci’s “secretive experiments on hundreds of HIV-…………………
Russia’s Greatest Weapon is not a Weapon
By Dmitry Orlov ClubOrlov December 7, 2021
An ultimately very healthy but in the meantime very unpleasant realization is gradually dawning in West—an insight that is simply shocking, that fundamentally alters their picture …………………….
Breaking NLP’s Spell
By David Gosselin
Regardless of how many climate change doomsday stories are debunked, from showing billions of people misleading pictures of a skeletal polar bear hopelessly lurching through ………………….
Putin to Biden: Finlandize Ukraine, or We Will
By Patrick J. Buchanan December 7, 2021
Either the U.S. and NATO provide us with “legal guarantees” that Ukraine will never join NATO or become a base for weapons that can threaten Russia — or we will go in and …………………..
The hypocrisy of America’s terror debate
Simon Cottee is a senior lecturer in criminology at the University of Kent. Experts are blinded by the threat of the far-Right. December 6, 2021
Angela Merkel was no saint
Maurice Frank co-founded the English magazine Exberliner and now co-writes the newsletter 20 Percent Berlin. Devoid of principles, she was the opposite of a visionary.
December 6, 2021
After a send-off last week that featured military honours and a song by East German punk ……………..
A (Bad) Tale of Two Inflations
By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner December 6, 2021
Our paint by the numbers central bankers have given the notion of being literalistic a bad name. For years they pumped money like mad all the while insisting that the bogus ……………………
Wie Fiat-Geld zur Verteuerung von Rindfleisch beitrug
- Dezember 2021 – In meinem Artikel zum Goldstandard, der im Mai[1] im Journal of Libertarian Studies veröffentlicht wurde, erwähnte ich die veränderten Konsumgewohnheiten …………………
Children are the Faultline in the Covid Vaccine Narrative that Exposes the Fraud
By Vasko Kohlmayer December 6, 2021
When a faultline breaks open on earth’s surface it reveals the presence of an underlying structural discontinuity that was previously unsuspected by those casually passing by. Those ……………….
Britain betrays Hong Kong activists
Benedict Rogers is a human rights activist and writer. As East Asia Team Leader at Christian Solidarity Worldwide, he specialises in Burma, Indonesia, China and North Korea. Democracy protestors languish in our asylum system. December 6, 2021
What Russia Wants in Ukraine
by Soeren Kern December 6, 2021 In July, Putin published a 5,000-word article — „On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians“ — in which he wrote that he was convinced that the „true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia.“