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Wahrhaftigkeit und Politik wohnen selten unter einem Dach.

— Stefan Zweig

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Planned Chaos

12/04/2021 Ludwig von Mises

The characteristic mark of this age of dictators, wars, and revolutions is its anti-capitalistic bias. Most governments and political parties are eager to restrict the sphere of private initiative and free enterprise. It is an almost unchallenged dogma that capitalism is done for and that the coming of all-around regimentation of economic activities is both inescapable and ……………………..



Today’s Tech Giants Aren’t Really Monopolists

12/06/2021 Pascal Salin

Competition is probably considered by everyone as an indispensable requirement for the proper economic functioning of a society. This is indeed justified because competition ………………….



Is COVID Following the Economics of the Black Plague?

While just about every historical piece on the Black Plague you will read tells the story from the plague perspective. However, I look at history differently. I always correlate everything …………………



Why are threats of violence okay for the left?

David Suzuki has the audacity to threaten the livelihoods of tens of thousands of Canadians and the infrastructure that provides energy security for our country. November 25, 2021

Climate hypocrite and perpetual mass emitter David Suzuki is up to his old tricks. Emerging …………………



A History of Cronyism in America

By David Gordon Mises.org December 8, 2021

Cronyism: Liberty versus Power in Early America, 1607–1849

by Patrick Newman Mises Institute, 2021

Patrick Newman dedicates Cronyism to Murray Rothbard, and it is a fitting choice, as this ………………….



China: the ‘Yellow Peril’. Really?

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org December 8, 2021

President Biden is replaying the “yellow peril”: China would steal our patents, foster corruption and destroy the environment before imposing its totalitarian regime by force. ………………….



The World Gone Mad: The Covid Vaccine Derangement Syndrome

By Vasko Kohlmayer December 8, 2021

Last Friday the government of the United Kingdom began administering a fourth Covid shot to its citizens. That makes it four Covid injections in barely 11 months.




Sanctions and Starvation in Afghanistan

When the US left Afghanistan at the end of August, they implemented harsher sanctions on the Taliban. Western aid to the nation vanished, and Afghanistan became isolated from the world economy. It was never America’s job to uphold Afghanistan, but the impact of abruptly leaving after two decades of occupation has caused insurmountable trouble to the people our troops fought to protect. Now, over half the country is likely to experience food insecurity and ………….



Der Engpass, der unweigerlich kommt

Diesseits der großen „Weltkatastrophen“ braut sich über Deutschland eine ganz andere Krise zusammen. Wirtschaft und Staat verlieren elementare Fähigkeiten, während die „gehobenen Produkte“ und die „soft power“, auf die man sich spezialisiert hat, in der heutigen Welt immer …………………..



Psychiater Raphael Bonelli: „Corona hat eine kollektive Zwangsneurose ausgelöst“

Mi, 8. Dezember 2021

Viele Menschen fühlen sich in die Ecke gedrängt und können ihre Angst nicht mehr reflektieren. Im Ergebnis werden sie aggressiv, denn vor Corona können sie nicht fliehen. …………………



Der nächste Brückengau in Deutschlands Autobahnnetz: Die Sauerlandlinie ist unterbrochen

Von Holger Douglas Di, 7. Dezember 2021

Nach der Salzbachtalbrücke in Hessen musste nun die Autobahn-Talbrücke Rahmede für den Verkehr gesperrt werden: Damit ist die sogenannte Sauerlandlinie als wichtige Nord-Süd-……………………



Der Willensbrecherlockdown: Die totale Gemeinschaft kennt kein Pardon mehr

Sa, 4. Dezember 2021

Politik und Medien ziehen in den Kampf gegen Ungeimpfte – stündlich wird nicht nur die Rhetorik brachialer. Man steht fassungslos davor. Was ist aus dieser Gesellschaft geworden? Von Jonas Aston.




Italy’s Super Green Pass

Italy is now among the growing list of countries that refuses to allow unvaccinated individuals to participate in society. Italians must provide a Super Green Pass that shows proof of vaccination or recovery from COVID within the past six months. Those without the Super ………………..



Taiwan – Die kommende Prüfung des Westens

Der chinesische Partei- und Staatschef Xi hat in den zurückliegenden Wochen mehrfach öffentlich betont, dass China die „abtrünnige Provinz Taiwan“ notfalls auch mit Waffengewalt der Volksrepublik angliedern werde. Was heißt das für den Westen?




Businesses Relocating to Texas Every Five Days

Companies are rapidly fleeing to Texas. Governor Greg Abbott has stated that Texas will soon become “the home of semiconductor manufacturing.” He would like to discontinue outsourcing the manufacturing of essential supplies and incentivize businesses to relocate. ……………………



Three Strikes! Judge Nukes Biden’s Federal Contractor Mandate

By Daniel McAdams Ron Paul Institute December 8, 2021

Today may well mark the day the Biden Administration’s Covid tyranny suffers a fatal blow. U.S. District Judge R. Stan Baker issued a nationwide block on Biden’s mandate that all ………………..



Bitcoin Isn’t Any More Dangerous than the Euro

12/06/2021 Gunther Schnabl

Major representatives of the European Central Bank—including ECB president Christine Lagarde—continue to warn against bitcoin. In a recent article, addressed to the inflation-……………………



Kennedy On Fauci: ‘Apocalyptical Forces Of Ignorance And Greed And Totalitarianism’

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola December 7, 2021

This is the face of Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship. Social engineering and herd management principals are elevated to a status of ‘prime directive’ and then quietly executed behind the curtain. Now, that curtain is being ripped apart, exposing total disregard for human …………………




PCR Tests Are Used To Cause Disease Panic

Posted By: Ian McNulty via Brownstone Institute December 7, 2021

The use of PCR tests to determine viral infection will go down in history as one of the greatest misuses of medical technology ever. Even though it can detect viral presence, PCR is ………………



Pearl Harbor: The Echoes of Infamy

Editorial of The New York Sun | December 7, 2021

President Biden today warned Russian strongman President Putin against invading Ukraine, ……………….



How American Technology Aids China’s Global Ambitions

by Judith Bergman December 7, 2021 US technology has enabled China to build and successfully test an advanced nuclear-able hypersonic missile that could… evade US missile-defense systems, and succeed in striking the US mainland.




Covid – Norman Fenton interviewed by Majid Nawaz, LBC Radio, 4 Dec 2021



As Communist China Waxes, America Comes Down With a Case of Self-Hate

By CONRAD BLACK, Special to the Sun | December 7, 2021

A vacuum was created 30 years ago by the peaceful collapse of both the Imperial Russian state constructed over centuries from Peter the Great to Stalin, and the Bolshevik dictatorship ……………….



South Africa’s looming vaccine revolt

Brian Pottinger is an author and former Editor and Publisher of the South African Sunday Times. He lives on the KwaZulu North Coast. Lockdown division could destroy the fragile nation. December 7, 2021

South Africans will find out this week whether President Cyril Ramaphosa will consign 60% ………………



Das „Neue Medien Portal“ als Gegengewicht zur Panikmache im Mainstream

Die Corona-Krise hat vielen Menschen aufgezeigt, dass die Informationslage im Mainstream äußerst einseitig ist. Alternative Informationskanäle sind notwendiger geworden denn je. Der ……………..



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