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Ein marxistisches System erkennt man daran, dass es die Kriminellen verschont und den politischen Gegner kriminalisiert.

— Alexander Solschenizyn

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Corona-Maßnahmen und Impfzwang

Prof. Dr. Hanns-Christian Salger

Nach den Kriterien von Recht und Freiheit mit Vernunft und Anstand gilt meines Erachtens Folgendes:





Caesar Is Not God. God Is Not Caesar

12/24/2021 Ryan McMaken

In about the year 9 BC, a group of Greco-Romans in Asia Minor issued a proclamation—now known from the Priene Calendar Inscription—commemorating the birth of the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus. The text of the inscription declared the coming of the ……………………….



A Strategy to Promote Sound Money: Decentralize the State

12/25/2021 Matt Ray

For more than a century, an inflationary monetary policy has plagued the United States. Most recently, price inflation has become the most obvious consequence of the Federal Reserve’s …………………..



CDC Admits COVID Tests are Invalid

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is finally withdrawing the PCR test for COVID for it is seriously flawed and is incapable of distinguishing between the COVID and influenza …………………..



How Defund the Police backfired

Michael Shellenberger is author of the best-selling book Apocalypse Never (HarperCollins 2020) and San Fransicko (HarperCollins 2021). After a spike in crime, progressive cities are reversing cuts. December 28, 2021

Over the last two decades, progressives have established a new consensus on crime. ………………………



Is the Crack-up Boom Here?

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute December 28, 2021

Bloomberg News recently solicited advice from Argentinians who lived through that country’s high inflation on how Americans should cope with rising inflation. The Argentinians suggested Americans spend their paychecks as fast as possible to avoid future ……………………..



The Humanity of Trade

By Frank Chodorov Mises.org December 28, 2021

Wherever two boys swap tops for marbles, that is the marketplace. The simple barter, in terms of human happiness, is no different from a trade transaction involving banking operations, insurance, ships, railroads, wholesale and retail establishments; for in any case the effect and purpose of trade is to make up a lack of satisfactions. The boy with a pocketful of marbles is …………………



“A Woman Is A Woman, Man Is A Man”: Putin Vows To Protect Russia From West’s Gender Obscurantism

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge December 28, 2021

During his marathon annual year-end press conference Q&A, which this year lasted about four hours, Russian President Vladimir Putin once again vowed to defend Russian society ………………….



2021 Year in Review: Madness, Mayhem and Tyranny

By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute December 28, 2021

“Tyranny does not flourish because perpetuators are helpless and ignorant of their actions. It flourishes because they actively identify with those who promote vicious acts as virtuous.”—………………….



Covid vaccines “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history,” says Dr. Peter McCullough

Saturday, December 25, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) At a recent online symposium on covid science that was organized by Doctors for COVID Ethics, the most detailed evidence yet against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) ……………………



Sleepwalking Into the Abyss in 2022

December 26, 2021

What would be truly optimistic would be to surrender our dependence on asset bubbles and malinvested debt to prop up an unstable delusion of effortless „wealth.“
The most sacred liturgy of American culture is to always be positive and optimistic. The greatest taboo is breaking this sacred duty to say something upbeat and optimistic; it is ………………..



Government Surveillance with COVID Microchips

A microchip implanted under the skin that relays your private information to the government seems like a dystopian nightmare. The South China Morning Post announced that a company …………………….



World Bank: 97 Million People Fell into COVID-Induced Poverty in 2020

The World Bank found that 97 million people worldwide fell into poverty as a direct impact of the 2020 pandemic, and many live on only $2 per day. The World Bank defines COVID-induced poverty as “poverty calculated as the difference in poverty in a world with and ………………..



Frau Roth besucht Potemkinsche Dörfer

So lange sie noch Abgeordnete im Bundestag war, nutzte Claudia Roth die Gelegenheit, ihren Horizont zu vertiefen und zu erweitern. Anfang 2019 flog sie einmal um die Welt, um sich einen Eindruck vom Klimawandel in Bangladesch, auf Nauru, Kiribati, den Salomonen und den Fidschi-Inseln zu verschaffen. Soweit bekannt, blieb die Reise ohne Folgen. Weder hat ………………………



Biete Wahrheitsbollwerk, brauche sehr dringend Steuermillionen

Von Alexander Wendt Di, 28. Dezember 2021

Ein Verbands-Funktionär und ein Faktenchecker richten Hilfsappelle an die Bundesregierung. Weil immer weniger Leser für redaktionelle Penetranz zahlen wollen, sollen sie eben gezwungen werden: für den Zusammenhalt.




Ideale sind keine Grundrechte

Eine Ermahnung zum Neuen Jahr, nicht so viele abstrakte Ideale vor sich her zu tragen und womöglich auch noch als Grundrechte „des Menschen auf unserem Planeten“ durchsetzen zu wollen.



In Schweinfurt jetzt Schnellurteile und einst in Hamburg sanfte Justiz

Von Manfred Schwarz Di, 28. Dezember 2021

Keine 24 Stunden dauerten Verurteilungen durch ein Schnellgericht in Schweinfurt. Nach den schweren Ausschreitungen beim G20-Gipfeltreffen in Hamburg im Sommer 2017 dagegen wurden bis 2020 einzelne Gerichtsurteile gefällt. Auffällig sind Dauer der Ermittlung und …………………..



Wie VW sich still von der reinen Elektrostrategie verabschiedet

Von Helmut Becker Mo, 27. Dezember 2021

Wenn es um heikle Themen geht, beherrscht Volkswagen die Kunst der Tarnung vor öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit. Wie zum Beispiel bei der Abkehr von der bisherigen ……………………….



The Invisible President

Where is the American president? No one has done more to stay out of the public eye than Joe Biden. Biden quickly passed 76 executive orders during his presidency, yet only speaks to the public on rare occasion. The Federalist noted that Joe Biden has appeared for a mere 18 …………………..



Now Is the Time To Dig Down

By Allan Stevo December 28, 2021

I want to take a moment to thank you the readers at LRC, the writers at LRC, as well as Lew Rockwell, and all who contribute to the running of this site for being such a wonderful part of …………………..



The Real Reason Politicians Want Legal Cannabis Is Tax Money

12/27/2021 Georg Grassmueck

The latest two states to legalize recreational cannabis are New York and New Jersey. However, if one believes governors and legislators in those states have finally adopted a more libertarian view of the topic, one will be severely disappointed. Legalization of recreational ……………………….



Von Russlandverstehern, kalten Kriegern und Realpolitik

Die Ost-Erweiterung des westlichen Verteidigungsbündnisses traf nie auf russische Gegenliebe. Dennoch wurde sie zu Beginn von gewissen Rücksichtnahmen flankiert. Damit ist Schluss, seit Außenpolitik „wertebasiert“ sein soll, wie es auch die neue Bundesregierung ………………….



Zahlen, bitte!

Nach wie vor gibt es keine belastbaren Zahlen zum Impfstatus derjenigen, die wegen Covid-19 auf den Intensivstationen liegen. Mehr noch: Viele der angeblichen Covid-Patienten in deutschen Krankenhäusern wurde aus ganz anderen Gründen eingewiesen. Dennoch wird mit ………………….



Sweden, Gang Violence and a New Prime Minister

by Judith Bergman December 27, 2021 Sweden is facing much more than a „serious problem“.

Sweden has the highest number of fatal shootings per million inhabitants in Europe according …………………..



Ernst Jünger: our prophet of anarchy

Aris Roussinos is a former war reporter and a contributing editor at UnHerd. The dissident thinker predicted our disordered times. December 27, 2021




Towards a World of Sovereign Republics: Why the Evils of Party Politics Must be Overcome

Matthew Ehret 27 12 21

Based upon the disgusting remarks of Canada’s Prime Minister who asserted on — his belief that the rights of minority groups can and even must be overridden by the will of a majority ……………………..



An die deutsche Mittelschicht denkt niemand

11.02.2010 Von Guido Westerwelle

Die Hartz-IV-Diskussion trägt sozialistische Züge. Gerufen wird nach dem Staat, die Rechnung begleicht der Steuerzahler. Es scheint in Deutschland nur noch Bezieher von Steuergeld zu geben, aber niemanden, der das alles erarbeitet. Empfänger sind in aller Munde, doch die, die alles bezahlen, finden kaum ………………………



Sowing Winds and Reaping Whirlwinds

The Left is being consumed by its own hatreds and hubris. By Victor Davis Hanson

December 26, 2021

„For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.“ Hosea 8:7




Mixing Vaccines



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