Vladimir Putin zum Thema Gendern

Wer alles glaubt, was er liest, sollte besser aufhören zu lesen.

— Konfuzius

Vladimir Putin zum Thema Gendern

“I am a proponent of the traditional approach that a woman is a woman and a man is a man …. A mother is a mother, a father is a father. And I hope that our society has the internal moral protection dictated by the traditional religious denominations of the Russian Federation…. And we learned to treat each other with respect. And what does it mean? That also means treating the foundations of our traditional spiritual culture with respect. All the peoples of the Russian Federation, I would like to stress, all of them have a certain internal moral protection against this obscurantism that you’ve just mentioned…. If somebody thinks that a woman and a man are the same thing, they’re welcome to [their opinion], but a certain common sense should exist.”

Vladimir Putin (Russischer Präsident zum Thema ‘Gendern’, 2021)


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