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Freiheit kann nicht ohne Moral errichtet werden, und Moral nicht ohne Glauben.

— Alexis de Tocqueville

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Covid-19 – Impfskeptiker oder Impfbefürworter?

Ein Aufruf zur dringend notwendigen Versöhnung….

Ich habe mir Gedanken gemacht, ob ich mich gegen das Coronavirus impfen lassen möchte. Als erstes hab ich mir natürlich angesehen, wie tödlich das neue Virus ist. Betrachtet man nur

Dr. Alexander Hertsch – Atlas Initiative für Recht und Freiheit e.V. www.atlas-initiative.de



Why Are Young Athletes Dying?

There is a disturbing YouTube montage mentioning a small fraction of otherwise healthy young athletes who suddenly died last year. This is not a normal occurrence. There is no …………………



As the Supreme Court Prepares To Weigh Covid Rules, the Logic of Federal Mandates Starts to Fade

By JEFFREY MIRON and PEDRO BRAGA SOARES, Special to the Sun | January 4, 2022

The Supreme Court will hear on Friday challenges to President Biden’s vaccine mandates, which require employees of private businesses with more than 100 employees, health care ……………………



All New Cars Sold in EU to Be Fitted With Data Recording ‘Black Box’

Will be accessible by law enforcement. 3 January, 2022  Paul Joseph Watson

Starting this summer, all new cars sold in the EU will by law contain a ‘black box’ accessible ……………….



Malone: Failed Gov’t Policies Plus Failed mRNA Shots Spell Disaster

Posted By: Dr. Robert Malone January 4, 2022

Dr. Robert Malone, who participated in the original development of mRNA technology, is absolutely right to conclude that “there must be accountability” for what is increasingly seen …………………….



So, You Don’t Know Whom To Believe

By Bill Sardi January 5, 2022





Russia Wants to Force the US to Respect the UN Charter

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org January 5, 2022

Russia and China have just written to the United States asking it to respect the United Nations Charter and the word it has given. This approach, devoid of any aggressiveness, calls into question not only the functioning of the UN, NATO and the European Union, but almost all ………………….



Covid: Everybody Will Be Infected; No Exceptions; Stop Pretending Otherwise

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog January 5, 2022

I’ve spent the past two years proving SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. It’s a total fiction.

Nevertheless, since most people believe in the virus with every fiber of their being, I enter their world and point out glaring inconsistencies and preposterous strategies for “containing the spread.”




Inflation or Recession? The Fed Faces a Choice

01/03/2022 Siddharth Gundapaneni

On December 15, the Federal Reserve announced numerous quantitative tightening measures that have the intended goal of combating the rising inflation that has been bogging down the American economy. As of November 2021, the rate of inflation has reached 6.8 percent, the …………………..



Will Artificial Intelligence Create a Socialist Paradise?

01/04/2022 Doug French

Relating a quip by Soviet economist Nikolai Fedorenko, Yuri Maltsev illustrated the problem with socialism in his foreword to Ludwig von Mises’s




The First Economics Lesson

01/01/2022 Henry Hazlitt

Economics is haunted by more fallacies than any other study known to man. This is no accident. The inherent difficulties of the subject would be great enough in any case, but they are multiplied a thousandfold by a factor that is insignificant in, say, physics, mathematics, or …………………



„Kurz nach Impfungen ins Krankenhaus und notoperiert“ – Maaßen reagiert auf Parteiausschluss-Forderung

Mi, 5. Januar 2022 „Angriff auf innerparteiliche Demokratie“

Nachdem Hans-Georg Maaßen ein impfkritisches Video von Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi teilte, wurde ein Parteiausschlussverfahren gegen ihn gefordert. TE liegt nun eine Stellungnahme …………………



Eindeutige Mehrheit gegen KKW-Abschaltung – Grüne drohen mit Klage

Von Tomas Spahn Di, 4. Januar 2022 Wenn Umfragen Unerwünschtes ergeben

In Sachen KKW hört offenbar auch bei den Grünen dieser Spaß der bedingungslosen EU-Treue auf. So hat jeder seine roten – wahlweise grünen Linien, an denen die EU-Kommission ………………….



Nicht sehen, was man nicht sehen soll

Der Impfstatus Neuinfizierter wird in Deutschland immer seltener identifiziert. So kann die Wirkung der im Eilverfahren zugelassenen Vakzine in der praktischen Anwendung nicht beobachtet werden. Das ist nicht nur verantwortungslos, es ist vermutlich auch ……………………



Gender für Dummies

Den weiblichen Männern und den männlichen Frauen gehört ja jetzt schon die Welt. Wäre es da nicht im Sinne des Zeitgeists der „Diversity“, den Menschen, die in den traditionellen ……………………..



Der Testamentsvollstrecker

Als der frisch zum Bundeskanzler gewählte Olaf Scholz im öffentlich-rechtlichen Medienschein unter dem Titel „Farbe bekennen“ den wohlvorbereiteten Fragen der Leiterin des ARD-Hauptstadtstudios, Tina Hassel, antwortete, wurde nach Meinung aller eines ………………..



Iran’s „Nuclear Blackmail“: Iran Has No Interest in Negotiating a New Nuclear Deal

by Con Coughlin January 5, 2022 „If the Iranians think the world does not seriously intend to stop them, they will race towards the bomb. We must make it clear that the world will not ……………………



Not Safe, Not Effective – 376 Ways That Face Masks Are Known To Harm The Wearer

By Allan Stevo January 5, 2022

On April 3, 2020, political appointees at the CDC announced that face masks are neutral to the wearer and beneficial for those around the wearer. For the good of others they must be worn, we were told. All people needed to wear a mask we were told, just long enough to …………………



Nuclear War Over Ukraine?

By Eric S. Margolis January 5, 2022

How many American soldiers will die in the battle for Luhansk? Or Kerch? Not 1 in 1,000 Americans could find these drab Ukrainian (formerly Russian) industrial cities on a map.

How many Americans are aware that a unit of the Florida National Guard is stationed in western Ukraine, of all places?  It’s just a training mission, says the Pentagon.  Right. ……………………



Woman Arrested After Allegedly Injecting Teen With Vaccine on New Year’s Eve

By Jack Phillips January 3, 2022

A 54-year-old woman from Long Island, New York, was arrested over the weekend for allegedly injecting what is believed to be a COVID-19 vaccine to a teenager in her home.




Attainting Trump

Editorial of The New York Sun | January 4, 2022

By suggesting criminal charges could be in the cards for President Trump, the House committee investigating the events of January 6 isn’t just weakening their case before the Supreme Court. They’re also skating close to the constitutional prohibition on bills of …………………



Hong Kong Banishes All Independent News Outlets

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has completely surrendered to Beijing after condoning the shutdown of Hong Kong’s last independent news outlet. Hong Kong police raided the Citizen News building on Sunday, seized all records, and arrested several board members and editors ……………..



Is Germany Seeking a Separate Peace in the East?

By ALEKSANDRA GADZALA-TIRZIU, Special to the Sun | January 4, 2022

A rebuke Saturday by Germany of draft plans by the European Commission to include nuclear energy in its taxonomy of green investments is more than a squabble over energy politics. It could signal displeasure with EU members pursuing policies independent of Berlin …………………..



Mit Volldampf in die Inflation: Erdogan sieht der katastrophalen Lira-Entwertung tatenlos zu

Der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan unternimmt nichts, obwohl sich die Währung seines Landes so rapide entwertet wie seit 19 Jahren nicht mehr. Christoph Sackmann, 3.1.2022

Die Teuerungsrate in der Türkei war vorher schon grausig, jetzt ist sie eine Katastrophe. Um ………………….



Three ways Macron could lose France

John Lichfield was Paris correspondent of The Independent for 20 years. Half-English and half-Belgian, he was born in Stoke-on-Trent and lives in Normandy. Victory in the April election is far from guaranteed. January 4, 2022




Is this the end of progressive America?

Joel Kotkin is the Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University and executive director of the Urban Reform Institute. His new book, The Coming of Neo-Feudalism, is now out from Encounter. Multiple fronts of resistance are taking shape. January 4, 2022





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