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If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.

— James Madison

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Glenn Greenwald über den Sturm auf das Kapitol vor einem Jahr- „Die Frage ist, ob das FBI dazu angestiftet hat“

Am 6. Januar 2021 stürmte eine aufgebrachte Menge von Trump-Anhängern das Kapitol in Washington. Inzwischen standen viele von ihnen vor Gericht und wurden zu teilweise hohen




Deutschlands Sonderweg: Lauterbach will schnelle Impfpflicht und Kontaktbeschränkungen

Von Max Roland Mi, 5. Januar 2022 Eine Chance wird vertan

Omikron bringt wenige schwere Verläufe – andere europäische Staaten sehen den Anfang vom Ende der Pandemie. Großbritannien, Dänemark, Spanien und andere Länder machen sich …………………..



What Happened On January 6, 2021?

After a year and hundreds of arrests, we still do not know what happened on January 6, 2021. Over 16 news agencies are urging the US government to release footage from that day to no avail. Were the protestors allowed into the building? The government keeps secrets when it ……………………



January 6th, 2022 & Civil Unrest

Your target for this week concerning Russia might be hitting Kazakhstan. The protesters began shooting the military and they set the President’s home on fire. Could this be the January 6th target?  EH




The Terrifying Lessons of COVID-19

By Andrew P. Napolitano January 6, 2022

During the past 18 months, the relationship of the American people to the government has changed radically, as the Constitution’s failure to restrain the federal and state governments ……………………..



Why Did the World Choose a Gold Standard Instead of a Silver Standard?

01/05/2022 Ryan McMaken

Among those who support the end of government fiat money, it’s not uncommon to hear and see claims that gold is “the best money” or “natural money” or the only substance that’s really ………………..



Humanity as it Exists Today Is Facing Extinction: An Inevitable Threat

By Gary D. Barnett January 6, 2022

“The tyrant, who in order to hold his power, suppresses every superiority, does away with good men, forbids education and light, controls every movement of the citizens and, keeping them under a perpetual servitude, wants them to grow accustomed to baseness and cowardice, ………………….



Dr. Robert Malone erklärt die „Massenbildungspsychose“



Technocrats Busted: ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Used To Control Population

Posted By: Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News January 5, 2022

Technocrats are apoplectic as their main tool of social engineering has been discovered and ………………….



Anarchist’s Progress

01/03/2022Albert Jay Nock

The Majesty of the Law

When I was seven years old, playing in front of our house on the outskirts of Brooklyn one morning, a policeman stopped and chatted with me for a few moments. He was a kindly man, …………………



Federal Court Grants Navy SEALS Preliminary Injunction in Lawsuit Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

By Mimi Nguyen Ly January 3, 2022

A federal court has granted a preliminary injunction to a group of 35 Navy Special Warfare …………………..



Now People Are Dying from the Vaccine

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 6, 2022

OneAmerica is a large life insurance company in Indianapolis. The chief executive officer, Scott Davison just announced that judging by policy claims Americans of working age are ……………………



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tackles the Covid Coup

By Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD January 6, 2022

RFK Jr. is following in the footsteps of his father and uncle, JFK, in his new book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, published on November 16, 2021. Within two weeks the book had become sold out …………………….



Lehren aus 9/11: Der Westen und der Islamismus

Zwei Jahrzehnte nach 9/11 analysieren 20 Autoren den Umgang des Westens mit dem Islamismus. Sie warnen vor allem davor, dem vermeintlich konzilianteren politischen Islam auf den Leim zu gehen.




Wie würden Nazis heute reden?

Mit der Sprache fängt es an. Sie ist ein Frühwarnsystem, das leicht nachvollziehbar herannahende Fehlentwicklungen in einer Sprachgemeinschaft anzeigt. Hier, ganz besonders hier, ist die Parole „Wehret den Anfängen“ angebracht.




Die Freiheit stirbt meterweise

Von Alexander Wendt Do, 6. Januar 2022

Ein FDP-Politiker, der eine Art Geheimpolizei fordert? Das ist keine Überraschung mehr. Noch nie war der illiberale Block so breit und selbstzufrieden wie heute. Der Grundkonsens der alten Bundesrepublik darüber, was Bürgerrechte bedeuten, löst sich auf.




München: Mit Schlagstöcken und Pfefferspray – Polizei kesselt Tausende Demonstranten ein

Do, 6. Januar 2022 Friedlichen Corona-Protest aufgelöst

Erneut versammelten sich in der Münchner Innenstadt Tausende Menschen, um gegen die Corona-Politik zu demonstrieren. Der Polizeieinsatz gegen sie endete in Gewalt.




Wie Scholz zum neuen Willy werden könnte

Von Ferdinand Knauss Mi, 5. Januar 2022

Emmanuel Macrons Entgleisung in der Impf-Frage sollte Olaf Scholz eine Mahnung sein. Der Kanzler hätte es in der Hand, mit wenigen Worten die Verhärtung zu lösen und dem inneren ……………………….



Stigmatizing The Unvaccinated: Human Today, Not Human Tomorrow

Posted By: Patrick Wood January 5, 2022

Governments are intensifying their vitriol against the unvaccinated. Trudeau (Canada) says they shouldn’t be tolerated. Macron (France) says he’s “really going to piss them off”. Germany says they are “not human.” Biden (US) says they are the pandemic. If not reversed ……………………



FBI’s Backdoored Anom Phones Secretly Harvested GPS Data Around the World

Documents reviewed by Motherboard, including thousands of pages of Anom messages, show that the FBI’s backdoored Anom phones collected more data than the content of messages.

by Joseph Cox January 4, 2022,




Fake COVID-19 Test Centers Appear in Philadelphia

Disturbingly, a number of fraudulent COVID-19 testing pop-up centers are appearing in major cities throughout the US. The Philadelphia Department of Public Health issued a warning: “Last week, the Health Department was notified of small pop-up tents that were …………………..



Die Bild-Zeitung geisselt Ringier-Chef Marc Walder, obwohl die Konzerne eng miteinander verflochten sind. Was ist geschehen?

Marc Walder bewegt die Schweiz: Ein Video zeigt, wie der CEO der Ringier-Verlagsgruppe seine Journalisten auf Regierungskurs trimmt.

Die entscheidende Frage: Wie sollen sich Journalisten in einer Krise verhalten? Das Thema beschäftigt nun auch Deutschland.




Unser Geld in Gefahr!? – Uns drohen große Verwerfungen im Finanzsystem



Is the pandemic over?

Tom Chivers is UnHerd’s Science Editor. His second book, How to Read Numbers, is out now. Covid, cancer and football — my predictions for 2022. January 5, 2022

At the start of each new year, newspapers convince their pundits to put their reputations on the line and make predictions for the year ahead. And on the whole, those predictions are ………………….



How the EU destroyed Italian democracy

Thomas Fazi is a writer, journalist and translator. His latest book ‚Reclaiming the State‘ is published by Pluto Press. Rome’s president has been turned into an emperor.

Paolo Cornetti is a policy adviser. He is head of communications for the Italian magazine ……………………



While Locking Down States, the Politicians Flee to Florida for Holidays

There are numerous Democrats who have imposed un-American restrictions over COVID upon the people they represent, but then fly to Florida to Party and spend the holidays and






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