Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

To totalitarians truth is as the cross is to the devil.

— Thomas DiLorenzo

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Elementary, My Dear Watson!

Ottawa’s panicked mayor needs to place the blame squarely where it belongs—on the federal government, By Karen Selick February 9, 2022

Why has Jim Watson, the mayor of Ottawa, behaved so irrationally regarding the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy?




Abp. Viganò endorses Canadian truck drivers, calls for prayers to defeat ‘infernal’ Great Reset

‘Your protest, dear Canadian truck driver friends, joins a worldwide chorus that wants to oppose the establishment of the New World Order on the rubble of nation states.’




Washington and London Try to Preserve Their Domination Over Europe

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org February 9, 2022

Today, the best kept secrets are quickly revealed. They do not spread for all that. However, this week, confidential letters from the United States and NATO to Russia have leaked and ……………



America’s Real Adversaries Are Its European and Other Allies

The U.S. aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia

By Michael Hudson The Unz Review February 9, 2022

The Iron Curtain of the 1940s and ‘50s was ostensibly designed to isolate Russia from ……………………



Greenpeace to Take Over Environment & Secretary of State for Germany

Jennifer Morgan of Greenpeace has been behind Greta Thunberg, and I believe was caught even writing her speeches. She is friends with Al Gore who succeeded in inserting Greta into …………………….




Shrinkflation is here to stay now that inflation has reached a 39-year high. It will take the Fed time to tame the monster it unleashed by artificially lowering rates, although governments could take immediate action to help the current supply chain crisis. Shrinkflation, by the way, …………………….



Ottawa Tow Companies Unwilling to Remove Freedom Convoy

The truckers are still going strong in Canada and fighting for ALL of us. Trudeau’s Administration has no empathy and does not understand why anyone would want to interfere with the tyrannical plans of Schwab’s groomed young leader.




Gresham & Fiat Currency – Theories Long Since Replaced

Mr. Armstrong, Out of my utmost respect, you do stand-alone where all these analysts are calling for the collapse of debt and equity because of fiat currency. They may claim to have ……………………



The Truckers have Struck a Blow Deep into the Politics of Canada

Joel Lightbound, a member of Trudeau’s Liberty Party, has come out and rebuked Justin Trudeau and has actually shown himself as a far better leader than Trudeau who was groomed ……………….



Vitamin D könnte laut Forschern ein Teil des „komplexen Puzzles“ von Corona sein — Studie zeigt Zusammenhang zwischen einem Mangel und schweren Verläufen

Catherine Schuster-Bruce 08 Feb 2022

Niedrige Vitamin-D-Spiegel vor der Ansteckung mit COVID-19 sind laut einer neuen Studie ……………………..



Today’s Fiat Dollar Standard Is Founded in Lies

02/05/2022 Manuel Tacanho

We live in the age of rampant (monetary and price) inflation, more frequent economic crises, chronic deficit spending, unpayable debt, and massive financial bubbles. That’s not accidental. ………………….



mRNA Jab Deaths And Injuries Are Soaring In Europe

Posted By: Brian Shilhavy via Health Impact News February 8, 2022

Data scoffers, nit-pickers and trolls will come out in droves over these numbers to question credibility and gaslight people into thinking what they are seeing is false. The word ……………………….



‘Black Mirror-Like’ Robo-Dogs Patrol US Border, Searching For Illegals

Posted By: ZeroHedge February 8, 2022

Don’t rejoice that robo-dogs are going to solve the border crisis, because they will not. Technocrats within the government are merely using the border crisis as an opportunity to test ……………….



Parents File Lawsuit After 12-Year-Old Girl Attempts Suicide Twice at School After Secret Meetings

A counselor endorsed the belief that the child ‚could be a boy‘

By Patricia Tolson February 5, 2022

After a 12-year-old girl attempted suicide on school property twice after months of secret meetings with a school counselor, her parents have filed a lawsuit.




Vaccines Contributing to the Collapse in Confidence of Government

I have three friends, that had a heart attack after the second shot and were in hospital…but recovered.

I have two colleagues from my old company (Pharma) that died of a heart attack. Docs said it …………………..



Grüne Personalpolitik nach Gutsherrenart

Von Josef Kraus Mi, 9. Februar 2022 Staatshaushalt als Selbstbedienungsladen

Die US-Amerikanerin und Greenpeace-Chefin Jennifer Morgan soll deutsche Staatssekretärin werden. Artikel 33 Grundgesetz wird ausgehebelt und Staatsangehörigkeit zur Ramschware.

Kaum sind sie an den Futtertrögen, schon bedienen sie sich selbst und so manche …………………



Sicherheits-Thinktank: Pläne von Nancy Faeser heizen illegale Migration an

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Di, 8. Februar 2022 „Koalition der Willigen“

Der gemeinsame Thinktank der deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden nimmt zu den migrationspolitischen Vorschlägen der Innenministerin Stellung. Fazit: Die zusätzliche …………………….



Nach Bayern nun auch Sachsen: Keine Umsetzung der Pfleger-Impfpflicht

Di, 8. Februar 2022 Gesetz vor dem Aus

Auch Sachsen will die Pfleger-Impfpflicht mit Blick auf die Versorgungslage zunächst nicht umsetzen. Lauterbachs Plan steht damit vor dem Aus. Zu viele Pfleger sind weiterhin ……………………..



Dossier Wirtschaft 2022: So hart wird es wirklich

In den Mainstream-Medien werden die wirtschaftlichen Schäden seit Beginn der Pandemie kaum thematisiert. Ein kritischer Blick auf die Lage im Mittelstand zeigt deutlich, dass eine wirtschaftliche Erholung noch in weiter Ferne liegt. Die galoppierende Inflation lässt erahnen, …………………



Relotius auf ein Neues

Hochstapler, Betrüger und chronische Lügner haben es schwer, wenn sie versuchen, nach ihrer Enttarnung irgendwann wieder – vielleicht auch erstmals – auf den Pfad der Tugend einzuschwenken. Dann türmen sich vor den Rehabilitanden meist dornige und nicht selten schier unüberwindbare Barrieren auf. Es gilt die alte Weisheit: Wer einmal lügt, dem glaubt ……………..



Technocrats Demand Meat Tax to Fight Climate Change

Posted By: Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News February 8, 2022

The vast majority of rank-and-file citizens disbelieve the global war on red meat, and yet the environmental extremists will not let go of their demands to destroy the industry and drive …………………….



The White House Now Says It Never Really Wanted Lockdowns

02/08/2022 Ryan McMaken

Last Friday, a reporter asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki to respond to the Johns Hopkins covid study showing lockdowns provided no real benefit in terms of disease prevention.




What the Next American Civil War May Look Like

02/08/2022 David Gordon

In this important book, Stephen Marche has disquieting news for us. America may be headed toward a civil war. We are no longer a united country, and the political split between …………………..



Mises, Pirsig, and Peterson: A Conversation

By Ira Katz February 8, 2022

These days podcasts are driving me crazy. Why? Because there are way too many that I want to watch than is physically possible (even at 2X speed). So like passing on an infection, I will pass on to you LRC readers podcast content worthwhile to investigate.




Das Projekt – Die verlorenen Worte

Im aktuellen Zeitgeschehen scheint uns die Wichtigkeit einer präzisen Sprache nicht immer präsent zu sein. Die Verwässerung durch Anglizismen wird uns als Fortschritt verkauft, das Aufoktroyieren des Genderns macht…

„Die Sprache ist gleichsam die äußere Erscheinung der Völker; ihre Sprache ist ihr Geist und ihr Geist ihre Sprache, man kann sie beide nie identisch genug denken.“
Wilhelm von Humboldt




Whistleblower Sebastian Friebel: Es ist alles geplant. Hier der Masterplan. So wollen unser Geld



Palestinians: The Human Rights Violations No One Talks About

by Khaled Abu Toameh February 8, 2022 In August alone, the PA security forces committed 287 violations against Palestinians, including arbitrary arrests of a physicist, activists, lawyers and others. Ten detainees went on hunger strike in PA prison and the health condition of two ……………………



„Frau Faeser sollte auf jeden Fall zurücktreten“

Die politische Linke und Teile der FDP bemühen sich, einen Gastbeitrag der Bundesinnenministerin in einem Antifa-Magazin kleinzureden. Für Klaus Schroeder von der FU Berlin ist derlei keine Lappalie. Im Gespräch fordert er den Rücktritt der Ministerin und




Homeschooling Can Save Children from Critical Race Theory and Masks

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute February 8, 2022

The introduction of politicized education ideas like “critical race theory” into the curriculum of government schools is a major reason for American public school systems’ decline. In many schools, political agendas have been crowding out what many parents understand as the ……………………



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