Paul-Ehrlich-Institut: 1028 Todesfälle nach Corona-Impfung in Deutschland
In 10.578 Verdachtsfällen traten nach einer Impfung schwerwiegende, unerwünschte Reaktionen auf. 1028 Menschen starben. Die genaue Todesursache ist unklar.
Der Aufstieg des Neo-Sozialismus. Und was man dagegen tun kann
- Februar 2022 – Thorsten Polleit
In diesem Vortrag argumentiere ich, dass sich vor unseren Augen – von vielen Menschen vielleicht noch unbemerkt – eine rasante Abkehr vom System der freien Märkte ……………………….
The January 6 Pipe Bombs Look Like Another FBI Hoax
No one still trying to convince the public that two pipe bombs were planted near the Capitol in advance of January 6 can be believed. By Julie Kelly February 14, 2022
In the 15-minute time span before the joint session of Congress convened at 1:00 p.m. on ……………………
The Covid regime has fooled us all
Jacob Siegel is Senior Writer at Tablet Magazine. Did mass formation psychosis make us easy to deceive? February 15, 2022
In the late stages of the American Covid regime, “The Science” has become dramatically less ……………….
What Biden gets wrong about race
Glenn Loury is an economist, academic and author. He fans the flames of America’s racial torment. February 15, 2022
Glenn Loury is an economist, author, academic, and one of the most perceptive critics of the ………………….
How Europe’s hypocrisy enables Putin
Dr Remi Adekoya is a Polish-Nigerian writer and political scientist. His book Biracial Britain: A Different Way of Looking at Race, is available now. We are woefully unprepared for an era of conflict. February 15, 2022
Biden Administration Kills Israel-to-Europe Gas Pipeline
by Soeren Kern February 15, 2022 Biden’s decision — reportedly coordinated with Turkey but reached without consulting Israel, Greece or Cyprus, the main countries involved in the project — undercuts three of the strongest American allies in the Mediterranean region.
Poll shows how many Americans want US to fight Russia
Only one in eight respondents support deploying US combat units to Ukraine if Russia invades
Americans may know little about Ukraine and even less about its leadership, but one thing is certain: they strongly oppose sending US soldiers to fight Russians in defense of Kiev’s ……………………..
Wer übernahm hier eigentlich wen? Westmedien komplett von Stasi unterwandert
- Februar 2022
Der unheimliche Einfluss des linksverklärten Haltungsjournalismus ist nicht bloß eine Lifestyle-Erscheinung. Die historischen Wurzeln reichen tief – manche bis in die Ost-Berliner Zentrale der Stasi. Von dort verzweigte sich ihr Geflecht tief in den Westen der deutschen …………………..
Ukraine Crisis: A Nightmare Caused by US Interventionism
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute February 15, 2022
Over the weekend we heard that the US is evacuating its embassy in Kiev for fear of a Russian invasion. We also heard that Russia is evacuating its embassy in Kiev for fear of a ……………………..
The End Of Empire
Posted on February 14, 2022
Note: The Monday Taki post is up. The subject of it and today’s post is the rather bizarre crisis in Europe. Of course, Sunday Thoughts is up behind the green door for those needing audio stimulation. Much of it is about the situation in Europe.
Don’t Dismiss the Possibility of Gold Confiscation
By Jeff Thomas International Man February 15, 2022
If you hold precious metals in your portfolio, there is a good chance you fear hyperinflation and the crash of fiat currencies.
NYC falls into Pandemonium
New York City is no longer a place to admire. A friend went to see a play and was constantly harassed to pull their mask up after every drink. He wrote that he has decided to move and …………………..
The West is Crumbling & Putin Knows it
It appears that Russia has shifted its focus claiming it may need to protect Russian citizens in Eastern Ukraine. You seem to have more insight than what I read elsewhere. Biden is now scrambling with Borris here in London on a way to appease Russia. Do you think this will ……………………
Red Storm Clouds Are Approaching America
by Lawrence Kadish February 14, 2022 While the storm clouds gather far across the sea
Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free
Let us all be grateful that we are far from there
Liebe Kollegen, was muss denn noch passieren?
Wir haben es bei den schweren Impfschäden nicht mit einem Anfangsverdacht zu tun, sondern mit einem Drama, das sich sichtbar entfaltet. Ich möchte endlich mal wieder stolz auf Euch sein, liebe Journalisten. Tut dem Land (und Euch) den Gefallen, fangt an zu …………………..
Wie die dpa Fake News über Viktor Orbán erfindet – und (fast) alle abschreiben
Von Krisztina Koenen Di, 15. Februar 2022 Ungarn in der EU
Viktor Orbán will Ungarn aus der EU herauslösen – diese Meldung verbreitete die Deutsche ………………….
Montagsspaziergänge: In manchen Kleinstädten jeder Zehnte auf der Straße
Di, 15. Februar 2022 Proteste gegen Impfzwang
Die Proteste gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen halten sich weiterhin: Hunderttausend waren im ganzen Land wieder auf den Straßen. Besonders in Ostsachsen und Thüringen spitzt sich die ………………………
Gefährliche Realitätsferne
Von Aleksandra Rybińska.
Das deutsche Denken über Russland ist ohnehin schon von einem soliden Pazifismus, einem noch solideren Antiamerikanismus und naiven Verbrüderungsträumen dominiert. Und jetzt ………………….
Medien und Big-Pharma in einer Hand
Joe Rogan, bekanntester Podcaster der USA, wurde von seinem Arbeitgeber Spotify gemaßregelt, nachdem er Corona-Impfskeptiker sprechen ließ. Doch wem gehört eigentlich die Streaming-Plattform? Die Verquickung von Big-Pharma und Medien greift immer weiter …………………..
Transhuman: Is Humanity 2.0 The New ‘Master Race’?
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola February 14, 2022
Over the next two years, I predict that the intersection of historical and modern research on Transhumanism will reveal a plethora of comparisons between modern Transhumanism and Hitler’s Aryan “master race”. What Hitler could not achieve with selective breeding, ……………………..
Schwab’s Admiration for Lenin
I can verify that this photo going around of Schwab with a statue of Lenin on his bookshelf is genuine. He really does have that in his office.
This is based upon first-hand knowledge, not speculation of rumor.
The US War Machine Is Just A Rich Man’s Mafia: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Mix
By Caitlin Johnstone February 15, 2022
If you “vote out fascism” and then the president you voted for turns out to have the same effective policies as the previous administration, it’s time to start asking who the fascists ……………………..
Why They’re So Afraid of the Truckers
When real labor awakens to the true parasitic nature of the Left, the whole system comes crashing down.
By Adam Mill February 14, 2022
“Nonetheless we will still need to react—and by that I mean react concretely—to the stunts of hooligan elements now active in Poland, whom the government has not taken any measures to ……………….
Nothing can save the BBC
Dominic Sandbrook is an author, historian and UnHerd columnist. His latest book is: Who Dares Wins: Britain, 1979-1982. The product of the 20th century is struggling in the 21st.
February 14, 2022
It’s Valentine’s Day, 1922, and we’re in a rain-soaked field in the village of Writtle, deepest ……………..
Russia Driving Sweden and Finland into the Arms of NATO
by Judith Bergman February 14, 2022 In response to the mounting tension with Russia, Sweden has been boosting its military preparedness and has sent soldiers and heavy military equipment to its largest island, Gotland, strategically located in the Baltic Sea, just 330 ………………….
The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It’s About Germany
By Mike Whitney The Unz Review February 14, 2022
“The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, ………………..
Red Storm Clouds Are Approaching America
by Lawrence Kadish February 14, 2022
While the storm clouds gather far across the sea
Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free
The War Party Wants a New Cold War, and the Money that Comes with It
By Ryan McMaken February 14, 2022
In perhaps the most predictable column of the year, the Wall Street Journal this week featured a column by Walter Russell Mead declaring it’s “Time to Increase Defense Spending.”